Software for the design and analysis of gabion walls and gabion weirs in static ad seismic conditions. GDW has advanced graphics features, including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputs made.
Gabion walls and weirs: Safety checks are carried out for load combinations defined by the user following the directives imposed by new regulations.
Safety factors in case of Overturning; Sliding; Limit load; Global stability; Siphoning. For the wall are provided additional security checks, and in particular
Sliding safety verification at the interface between gabion; Crush safety verification at the interface between gabion.
HYDRAULIC DESIGN The program provides the factor of safety at siphoning through the gradient criterion.
OUTPUT GDW has advanced graphics features, including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputs made. The software offers highly detailed text and graphics in DXF and RTF/DOC formats.