Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Hero in Python 2023 Language: English | Size:3.9 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
1 Online IDE for running Python programs.mp4 (74.91 MB) MP4 10 Computing area of triangle using Heron's Formula.mp4 (65.26 MB) MP4 2 Hello World program and Indentation.mp4 (19.08 MB) MP4 3 Arithmetic Operators in Python.mp4 (71.78 MB) MP4 4 Computing average of two given numbers.mp4 (43.77 MB) MP4 5 Computing area and Circumference of circle.mp4 (71.24 MB) MP4 6 Shortcut operators.mp4 (85.19 MB) MP4 7 Relational Operators.mp4 (44.19 MB) MP4 8 logical operators.mp4 (80.6 MB) MP4 9 Bit-wise Operators.mp4 (112.89 MB) MP4 1 Regular Expressions.mp4 (119.03 MB) MP4 2 Regex Start with 'a' and End with 'b'.mp4 (25.88 MB) MP4 3 Regex 'a' followed by 3 b's.mp4 (32.26 MB) MP4 4 Regex Match a string with uppercase, Lower case Letters, digits and underscore.mp4 (51.7 MB) MP4 5 Regex Word Containing 'Z'.mp4 (39.09 MB) MP4 1 Simple Calculator.mp4 (36.09 MB) MP4 2 Dice Rolling Game.mp4 (35.5 MB) MP4 3 Number Guessing Game in Python.mp4 (60.61 MB) MP4 1 If Statement in Python.mp4 (23.79 MB) MP4 2 Examples of If Statement.mp4 (82.67 MB) MP4 3 If Else statement in Python.mp4 (9.98 MB) MP4 4 Examples programs in If-Else statement.mp4 (113.01 MB) MP4 5 Nested If Statement in Python.mp4 (18.17 MB) MP4 6 Example of Nested If statement.mp4 (24.64 MB) MP4 7 Elif Statement.mp4 (18.65 MB) MP4 8 Example for Elif Statement.mp4 (15.24 MB) MP4 1 While Loop in Python.mp4 (32.57 MB) MP4 10 Display Multiplication Table.mp4 (18.05 MB) MP4 2 Sum of N Numbers Using While Loop.mp4 (11.37 MB) MP4 3 Count digits in a given number.mp4 (15.42 MB) MP4 4 For Loop in Python.mp4 (37.47 MB) MP4 5 Display numbers from 1 to 10 Using for loop.mp4 (12.15 MB) MP4 6 Factorial Using For loop.mp4 (28.87 MB) MP4 7 Break & Continue Statement.mp4 (12.25 MB) MP4 8 Displaying Cube of a number up to a given number.mp4 (21.12 MB) MP4 9 Sum of Digits in a Given number Using While Loop.mp4 (16.7 MB) MP4 1 Functions - Basics.mp4 (34.87 MB) MP4 10 Example of recursion using McCarthy's 91 function.mp4 (21 MB) MP4 11 Nested Functions in Python.mp4 (44.19 MB) MP4 12 Examples of nested Functions.mp4 (39.67 MB) MP4 13 Lambda Functions in Python.mp4 (23.74 MB) MP4 14 Examples of Lambda Functions.mp4 (81.84 MB) MP4 15 Default arguments in Python.mp4 (20.92 MB) MP4 16 Keyword and Variable Length arguments in Python.mp4 (90.25 MB) MP4 17 Global Variables in Python.mp4 (74.06 MB) MP4 2 Function Calling examples.mp4 (37.81 MB) MP4 3 Using loops & functions together.mp4 (61.1 MB) MP4 4 Function to compute Sum of two given numbers.mp4 (32.63 MB) MP4 5 Function to compute maximum among two given numbers.mp4 (32.09 MB) MP4 6 Function to find factorial of a given number.mp4 (28.82 MB) MP4 7 Function to test a given number in the Specified range or not.mp4 (18.37 MB) MP4 8 Example for Using List inside a Function.mp4 (41.45 MB) MP4 9 Recursion.mp4 (28.14 MB) MP4 1 Module - Basics.mp4 (65.05 MB) MP4 2 Working with Math Module.mp4 (17.83 MB) MP4 3 Creating own module in Python.mp4 (74.59 MB) MP4 4 Example application OTP Basics.mp4 (37.02 MB) MP4 5 Using modules in OTP Generation application.mp4 (25.84 MB) MP4 6 Finding mean median and mode using module.mp4 (22.64 MB) MP4 1 Lists.mp4 (44.97 MB) MP4 2 Creating and accessing lists in python.mp4 (41.73 MB) MP4 3 Some built-in functions to work with Lists.mp4 (86.54 MB) MP4 4 Example programs to illustrate Lists in Python.mp4 (127.87 MB) MP4 5 Tuples.mp4 (49.49 MB) MP4 6 Sets.mp4 (48.47 MB) MP4 7 Dictionaries.mp4 (75.37 MB) MP4 1 List Indexing & Slicing.mp4 (39.09 MB) MP4 10 insert() method in lists.mp4 (6.13 MB) MP4 11 pop() method in Lists.mp4 (12.75 MB) MP4 12 remove() method in Lists.mp4 (4.26 MB) MP4 13 reverse() method in Lists.mp4 (3.65 MB) MP4 14 sort() method in Lists.mp4 (6.82 MB) MP4 15 Finding Maximum & minimum element in a List.mp4 (26.72 MB) MP4 16 List Comprehension.mp4 (17.97 MB) MP4 2 Accessing Elements & Searching element in a List.mp4 (54.33 MB) MP4 3 Working with Operators on lists.mp4 (19.16 MB) MP4 4 List methods.mp4 (16.22 MB) MP4 5 Append() method in Lists.mp4 (25.87 MB) MP4 6 Clear() method in Lists.mp4 (7.51 MB) MP4 7 Count() method in Lists.mp4 (9.44 MB) MP4 8 Extend() method in Lists.mp4 (7.74 MB) MP4 9 index() method in Lists.mp4 (4.77 MB) MP4 1 Basics of Strings.mp4 (84.65 MB) MP4 2 Built in Functions in Strings.mp4 (77.63 MB) MP4 3 ID() Function in Strings.mp4 (87.25 MB) MP4 4 Formatting Strings in Python.mp4 (56.59 MB) MP4 5 Reversing a String in Python.mp4 (28.26 MB) MP4 6 Swapping Case in Strings.mp4 (12.95 MB) MP4 7 Removing brackets in Algebraic expressions.mp4 (37.73 MB) MP4 1 Read, Write & Append in Files.mp4 (150.37 MB) MP4 2 Renaming & Remove Operation in Files.mp4 (34.9 MB) MP4 3 Split Method.mp4 (52.14 MB) MP4 4 Frequency Count.mp4 (59.86 MB) MP4 5 Copying first 10 Bytes.mp4 (38.58 MB) MP4