Beginners Course Learn Bash Shell Scripting For Automation Language: English | Size:5.13 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
1 Introduction.mp4 (32.14 MB) MP4 2 Pre-Requisites to the course.mp4 (3.33 MB) MP4 3 Who can Enroll this course.mp4 (884.92 KB) MP4 4 Required Documents for this course.mp4 (6.46 MB) MP4 1 List of Command Chaining Operators.mp4 (2.38 MB) MP4 2 Command Chaining Operator - pipe.mp4 (33.32 MB) MP4 3 Command Chaining Operator - semicolon.mp4 (10.4 MB) MP4 4 Command Chaining Operators - Logical AND and OR.mp4 (40.53 MB) MP4 5 How to find the location or path of any command or installed package.mp4 (3.78 MB) MP4 6 Shell Script to get the location of any package.mp4 (35.64 MB) MP4 7 Executing the block of code.mp4 (39.96 MB) MP4 8 Simple practice.mp4 (85.13 MB) MP4 1 How to use test command to validate a condition.mp4 (32.52 MB) MP4 2 exit command and its usage.mp4 (30.67 MB) MP4 3 Introduction to If and If-else Statements.mp4 (13.08 MB) MP4 4 Debugging a Bash Shell Script.mp4 (69.82 MB) MP4 1 Write a Shell Script to read a given file content.mp4 (95.51 MB) MP4 2 Write a Shell Script to install packages using yum.mp4 (101.81 MB) MP4 1 if elif elif elif statement.mp4 (60.13 MB) MP4 2 case statement.mp4 (30.42 MB) MP4 3 Write a Shell Script to find the version for a given tool.mp4 (64.58 MB) MP4 4 Shell Script to send All DevOps tools info to mail.mp4 (105.65 MB) MP4 1 Scheduling jobs with at command.mp4 (90.18 MB) MP4 2 Scheduling jobs with crontab.mp4 (45.3 MB) MP4 1 Comments & Logging.mp4 (91.09 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to Functions.mp4 (145.45 MB) MP4 2 Defining a Function and Calling it with out without arguments.mp4 (78.8 MB) MP4 3 How to pass strings or text as an argument.mp4 (25.33 MB) MP4 4 Shell Script to Install Packages with Functions.mp4 (57.13 MB) MP4 5 Scope of Variables.mp4 (29.36 MB) MP4 6 How to reuse Function in Different Shell Scripts.mp4 (30.78 MB) MP4 1 Heredoc & Herestr.mp4 (45.45 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to Bash Loops With an Example.mp4 (81.07 MB) MP4 10 Select Loop and Its usage with example.mp4 (35.81 MB) MP4 11 Practice for you.mp4 (7.21 MB) MP4 12 While Loop With getopts command to read arguments.mp4 (140.09 MB) MP4 2 For Loop Syntax and Its usage.mp4 (80.46 MB) MP4 3 Working with Arrays using for loop.mp4 (47.5 MB) MP4 4 Simple Practice with for loops.mp4 (159.31 MB) MP4 5 Send An Automatic Mail Alert when secret file is deleted.mp4 (95.06 MB) MP4 6 break and continue statements.mp4 (53.09 MB) MP4 7 while loop Part-1.mp4 (50.7 MB) MP4 8 while loop Part-2.mp4 (68.63 MB) MP4 9 Until Loop with example.mp4 (25.42 MB) MP4 1 How to validate the REST API execution with curl command.mp4 (78.18 MB) MP4 1 Environment Setup To Practice with Bash Shell Scripting.mp4 (3.88 MB) MP4 10 Install tools like docker, ansible, java, nginx and httpd with a Bash Script.mp4 (11.91 MB) MP4 2 Installing Any Linux Distribution And CentOS on Windows With WSL.mp4 (51.52 MB) MP4 3 Enabling systemctl on WSL CentOS.mp4 (9.08 MB) MP4 4 Configuring Gmail Setup on CentOS.mp4 (57.69 MB) MP4 5 Accessing Windows Files From WSL Centos or WSL CentOS Files From Windows.mp4 (8.66 MB) MP4 6 Basic Steps to write and execute a Bash Shell script.mp4 (19.11 MB) MP4 7 Different Ways to Execute a Shell Script.mp4 (11.51 MB) MP4 8 How to Use CentOS Terminal on Visual Studio Code Editor.mp4 (32.31 MB) MP4 9 chmod command wont work by default on WSL Linux.mp4 (2.26 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to work with Remote Servers.mp4 (34.89 MB) MP4 2 Shell Script to execute a command on remote hosts using when they used ssh keys.mp4 (73.22 MB) MP4 3 How to Provide Password for ssh with sshpass There are three ways.mp4 (22.98 MB) MP4 4 Working with SCP to transfer a file from local server to remote server.mp4 (6.95 MB) MP4 5 How to provide password for ssh or scp using expect command.mp4 (13.64 MB) MP4 1 Monitor a service(s) on host for every minute if not running then send a Mail.mp4 (205.53 MB) MP4 2 Shell Script to monitor a micro-service with its health url.mp4 (26.98 MB) MP4 3 Monitor Application Log Directory Alert If Application is not generating logs.mp4 (104.8 MB) MP4 4 Install required git version on host.mp4 (296.91 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to Regular Expressions or Regex.mp4 (29.14 MB) MP4 2 Creation of Pattern or Extended Regular Expressions or ERE.mp4 (117.43 MB) MP4 3 Write a Shell Script to get latest git version from git-scm website.mp4 (100.56 MB) MP4 4 case statement with regex.mp4 (83.43 MB) MP4 1 concepts of printf command.mp4 (48.63 MB) MP4 1 Basic Understanding about shell script execution.mp4 (31.94 MB) MP4 2 Usage of Semicolon ; in Bash Shell Scripts.mp4 (9.37 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to variable what is a variable and define variables with differ.mp4 (46.64 MB) MP4 2 Default Value of a Variable and How to unset or clear or delete variable valu.mp4 (19.27 MB) MP4 3 Types of Variables.mp4 (19.34 MB) MP4 4 Rules To Define Variables.mp4 (45.66 MB) MP4 5 What is a Syntax in Bash Shell Scripting.mp4 (14.49 MB) MP4 1 Inputs & Outputs For Variables in Bash Shell Scripting.mp4 (5.26 MB) MP4 10 Command-Line Arguments to provide inputs for Variables of Bash Shell Script.mp4 (51.07 MB) MP4 11 Shift Command With Command-Line Arguments.mp4 (31.01 MB) MP4 2 echo command & Basic usage of echo command.mp4 (70.89 MB) MP4 3 Practice with Variables & echo Command.mp4 (43.56 MB) MP4 4 Link Windows Path to Non-Root User Home of WSL OS.mp4 (27.84 MB) MP4 5 echo command with options part-2.mp4 (45.47 MB) MP4 6 How to get the colorful output from bash shell scripts.mp4 (30.44 MB) MP4 7 Read Command.mp4 (105.99 MB) MP4 8 Source Command to read inputs for variables.mp4 (18.13 MB) MP4 9 export command to provide inputs for variables.mp4 (12.79 MB) MP4 1 Basic Operations on String.mp4 (69.17 MB) MP4 2 String Operations on Paths.mp4 (15.46 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to Arrays.mp4 (16.29 MB) MP4 2 Accessing Array Elements and operations on arrays.mp4 (58.8 MB) MP4 3 Why We Need Arrays.mp4 (28.66 MB) MP4 4 How to Provide Inputs for Arrays.mp4 (72.2 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to Bash Dictionaries.mp4 (31.7 MB) MP4 1 Exit Status of a Command.mp4 (9.24 MB) MP4 10 sed command with inserting an deletion of lines using line numbers and search.mp4 (44.37 MB) MP4 11 Best Example to use tr command with cut and then with kill -9.mp4 (39.32 MB) MP4 12 Arithmetic Operations for Integers & Floating Point Numbers.mp4 (72.43 MB) MP4 2 Redirection Operators and STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR.mp4 (68.15 MB) MP4 3 How to execute any Command With the help of a Variable.mp4 (16.69 MB) MP4 4 How to use cut command to get required columnsfields and characters.mp4 (29.89 MB) MP4 5 How to use awk command to get required filed column or Line.mp4 (73.89 MB) MP4 6 basics of grep command.mp4 (71.3 MB) MP4 7 How to use variables in grep command.mp4 (6.13 MB) MP4 8 Introduction to sed command and usage of variables.mp4 (29.03 MB) MP4 9 sed command with find and replace How to use different delimiters in sed.mp4 (37.61 MB) MP4