100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 Language: English | Size:14.87 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
001 What you're going to get from this course.mp4 (63.31 MB) MP4 002 START HERE.mp4 (36.01 MB) MP4 003 Wallpapers.zip (31.56 MB) ZIP 006 Printing to the Console in Python.mp4 (35.3 MB) MP4 008 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Printing.mp4 (43.35 MB) MP4 009 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence.mp4 (29.9 MB) MP4 010 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Practice.mp4 (48.55 MB) MP4 011 The Python Input Function.mp4 (17.83 MB) MP4 012 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Input Function.mp4 (35.79 MB) MP4 013 Python Variables.mp4 (12.49 MB) MP4 014 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Variables.mp4 (19.12 MB) MP4 015 Variable Naming.mp4 (7.77 MB) MP4 016 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator.mp4 (19.49 MB) MP4 017 Congratulations! Well done!.mp4 (9.79 MB) MP4 002 Python Primitive Data Types.mp4 (16.05 MB) MP4 004 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Types.mp4 (29.9 MB) MP4 005 Mathematical Operations in Python.mp4 (14.49 MB) MP4 007 Number Manipulation and F Strings in Python.mp4 (17.4 MB) MP4 008 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Life in Weeks.mp4 (43.61 MB) MP4 009 Day 2 Project Tip Calculator.mp4 (123.14 MB) MP4 010 You are already in the top 50%.mp4 (5.5 MB) MP4 001 Day 3 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (2.96 MB) MP4 002 Control Flow with if else and Conditional Operators.mp4 (38.6 MB) MP4 004 Nested if statements and elif statements.mp4 (18.58 MB) MP4 005 [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI 2 0.mp4 (48.38 MB) MP4 006 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Leap Year.mp4 (63.44 MB) MP4 007 Multiple If Statements in Succession.mp4 (52.7 MB) MP4 008 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pizza Order Practice.mp4 (28.05 MB) MP4 009 Logical Operators.mp4 (23.87 MB) MP4 010 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Love Calculator.mp4 (104.56 MB) MP4 011 Day 3 Project Treasure Island.mp4 (136.89 MB) MP4 012 Share and Show off your Project!.mp4 (8.22 MB) MP4 001 Day 4 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (1.97 MB) MP4 002 Random Module.mp4 (65.29 MB) MP4 003 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Heads or Tails.mp4 (5.1 MB) MP4 004 Understanding the Offset and Appending Items to Lists.mp4 (78.83 MB) MP4 006 IndexErrors and Working with Nested Lists.mp4 (29.01 MB) MP4 007 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Treasure Map.mp4 (78.87 MB) MP4 008 Day 4 Project Rock Paper Scissors.mp4 (111.03 MB) MP4 009 Programming is like going to the Gym.mp4 (17.86 MB) MP4 001 Day 5 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (26.02 MB) MP4 002 Using the for loop with Python Lists.mp4 (16.12 MB) MP4 003 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Average Height.mp4 (46.41 MB) MP4 004 [Interactive Coding Exercise] High Score.mp4 (34.14 MB) MP4 005 for loops and the range() function.mp4 (11.25 MB) MP4 006 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Adding Even Numbers.mp4 (14.02 MB) MP4 007 [Interactive Coding Exercise] The FizzBuzz Job Interview Question.mp4 (18.21 MB) MP4 008 Day 5 Project Create a Password Generator.mp4 (80.43 MB) MP4 009 Hard Work and Perseverance beats Raw Talent Every Time.mp4 (19.71 MB) MP4 001 Day 6 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (1.65 MB) MP4 002 Defining and Calling Python Functions.mp4 (41.09 MB) MP4 003 The Hurdles Loop Challenge.mp4 (44.03 MB) MP4 004 Indentation in Python.mp4 (46.61 MB) MP4 005 While Loops.mp4 (71.85 MB) MP4 006 Hurdles Challenge using While Loops.mp4 (50.09 MB) MP4 007 Jumping over Hurdles with Variable Heights.mp4 (29.51 MB) MP4 008 Final Project Escaping the Maze.mp4 (92.27 MB) MP4 008 Reeborg-World-Tests.zip (3.34 KB) ZIP 009 Why is this so Hard! Can I really do this.mp4 (24.27 MB) MP4 001 Day 7 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (2.39 MB) MP4 002 How to break a Complex Problem down into a Flow Chart.mp4 (14.43 MB) MP4 003 Challenge 1 - Picking a Random Words and Checking Answers.mp4 (6.71 MB) MP4 004 Challenge 1 Solution - How to Check the User's Answer.mp4 (48.47 MB) MP4 005 Challenge 2 - Replacing Blanks with Guesses.mp4 (11.47 MB) MP4 006 Challenge 2 Solution - How to Replace the Blanks.mp4 (80.48 MB) MP4 007 Challenge 3 - Checking if the Player has Won.mp4 (19.92 MB) MP4 008 Challenge 3 Solution - How to Check if the Player Won.mp4 (14.36 MB) MP4 009 Challenge 4 - Keeping Track of the Player's Lives.mp4 (7.54 MB) MP4 010 Challenge 4 Solution - How to Keep Track of the Player's Lives.mp4 (44.92 MB) MP4 011 Challenge 5 - Improving the User Experience.mp4 (24.42 MB) MP4 012 Challenge 5 Solution - How to Add ASCII Art and Improve the UI.mp4 (18.08 MB) MP4 013 The Benefits of Daily Practice.mp4 (13.81 MB) MP4 001 Day 8 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (8.55 MB) MP4 002 Functions with Inputs.mp4 (19.83 MB) MP4 003 Positional vs Keyword Arguments.mp4 (46.93 MB) MP4 004 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Paint Area Calculator.mp4 (53.33 MB) MP4 005 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Prime Number Checker.mp4 (49.02 MB) MP4 006 Caesar Cipher Part 1 - Encryption.mp4 (132.06 MB) MP4 007 Caesar Cipher Part 2 - Decryption.mp4 (54.03 MB) MP4 008 Caesar Cipher Part 3 - Reorganising our Code.mp4 (85.93 MB) MP4 010 How You Can Stay Motivated.mp4 (12.54 MB) MP4 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (3.55 MB) MP4 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive.mp4 (48.24 MB) MP4 003 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Grading Program.mp4 (33.34 MB) MP4 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries.mp4 (28.56 MB) MP4 005 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary in List.mp4 (43.06 MB) MP4 008 Motivation and the Accountability Trick.mp4 (11.79 MB) MP4 001 Day 10 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (3.89 MB) MP4 002 Functions with Outputs.mp4 (64.87 MB) MP4 003 Multiple return values.mp4 (8.5 MB) MP4 004 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Days in Month.mp4 (40.78 MB) MP4 005 Docstrings.mp4 (9.12 MB) MP4 006 Calculator Part 1 Combining Dictionaries and Functions.mp4 (24.46 MB) MP4 007 Print vs Return.mp4 (18.32 MB) MP4 008 While Loops, Flags and Recursion.mp4 (65.94 MB) MP4 009 Calculator Finishing Touches and Bug Fixes.mp4 (12.7 MB) MP4 010 How to Get a Good Night's Sleep.mp4 (17.57 MB) MP4 001 Recording of our Live AMA (aka AAA - Ask Angela Anything).mp4 (680.37 MB) MP4 002 Study With Me.mp4 (1.75 GB) MP4 001 Day 11 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (8.79 MB) MP4 002 Blackjack Program Requirements and Game Rules.mp4 (63.77 MB) MP4 003 Hint 4 & 5 Solution Walkthrough.mp4 (32.06 MB) MP4 004 Hint 6-8 Solution Walkthrough.mp4 (34.69 MB) MP4 006 Hint 10-12 Solution Walkthrough.mp4 (58.14 MB) MP4 007 Hint 13 Solution Walkthrough.mp4 (31.71 MB) MP4 008 A Solid Foundation goes a Long Way.mp4 (18.96 MB) MP4 001 Namespaces Local vs Global Scope.mp4 (37.24 MB) MP4 002 Does Python Have Block Scope.mp4 (5.14 MB) MP4 003 How to Modify a Global Variable.mp4 (9.24 MB) MP4 004 Python Constants and Global Scope.mp4 (3.87 MB) MP4 005 Introducing the Final Project The Number Guessing Game.mp4 (11.08 MB) MP4 006 Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.mp4 (130.32 MB) MP4 007 Don't be too hard on yourself.mp4 (12.66 MB) MP4 001 Describe the Problem.mp4 (14.83 MB) MP4 002 Reproduce the Bug.mp4 (11.43 MB) MP4 003 Play Computer and Evaluate Each Line.mp4 (10.17 MB) MP4 004 Fixing Errors and Watching for Red Underlines.mp4 (18.41 MB) MP4 005 Squash bugs with a print() Statement.mp4 (13.96 MB) MP4 006 Bringing out the BIG Gun Using a Debugger.mp4 (24.87 MB) MP4 007 Final Debugging Tips.mp4 (23.36 MB) MP4 011 Building Confidence.mp4 (17.22 MB) MP4 001 Introduction & Program Requirements for the Higher Lower Game.mp4 (36.16 MB) MP4 002 Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.mp4 (269.81 MB) MP4 003 Study Tip Set Reminders in Your Calendar to Review.mp4 (18.79 MB) MP4 002 Download PyCharm for Windows or Mac.mp4 (4.95 MB) MP4 004 How to Install PyCharm on Windows.mp4 (12.04 MB) MP4 005 Installing PyCharm on Mac.mp4 (8.84 MB) MP4 001 Why do we need OOP and how does it work.mp4 (39.36 MB) MP4 002 How to use OOP Classes and Objects.mp4 (6.58 MB) MP4 004 How to Add Python Packages and use PyPi.mp4 (37.58 MB) MP4 005 Practice Modifying Object Attributes and Calling Methods.mp4 (45.89 MB) MP4 006 Building the Coffee Machine in OOP.mp4 (48.03 MB) MP4 006 oop-coffee-machine-start.zip (2.03 KB) ZIP 007 Walkthrough and Solution for the OOP Coffee Machine.mp4 (37.09 MB) MP4 008 Don't forget to review occasionally.mp4 (16.11 MB) MP4 001 Day 17 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4 (2.35 MB) MP4 002 How to create your own Class in Python.mp4 (9.32 MB) MP4 004 Adding Methods to a Class.mp4 (22.74 MB) MP4 005 Quiz Project Part 1 Creating the Question Class.mp4 (16.47 MB) MP4 005 quiz-game-start.zip (995 B) ZIP 009 Quiz Project Part 5 Checking Answers and Keeping Score.mp4 (29.23 MB) MP4 011 Run for that Bus!.mp4 (22.67 MB) MP4 003 Turtle Challenge 1 - Draw a Square.mp4 (5.57 MB) MP4 005 Turtle Challenge 2 - Draw a Dashed Line.mp4 (19.39 MB) MP4 006 Turtle Challenge 3 - Drawing Different Shapes.mp4 (31.92 MB) MP4 007 Turtle Challenge 4 - Generate a Random Walk.mp4 (45.25 MB) MP4 009 Turtle Challenge 5 - Draw a Spirograph.mp4 (61.46 MB) MP4 010 hirst-painting-start.zip (19.05 KB) ZIP 012 Space out your study sessions and stay consistent.mp4 (26.86 MB) MP4 002 Python Higher Order Functions & Event Listeners.mp4 (28.05 MB) MP4 003 Challenge Make an Etch-A-Sketch App.mp4 (17.62 MB) MP4 003 etch-a-sketch-start.zip (260 B) ZIP 003 Solution-etch-a-sketch-final.zip (376 B) ZIP 004 Object State and Instances.mp4 (5.05 MB) MP4 005 turtle-race-start.zip (197 B) ZIP 005 Understanding the Turtle Coordinate System.mp4 (69.8 MB) MP4 006 Aaaand, we're off to the races!.mp4 (60.53 MB) MP4 006 Solution-turtle-race-final.zip (707 B) ZIP 007 Expand on the Solutions.mp4 (29.93 MB) MP4 002 Screen Setup and Creating a Snake Body.mp4 (21.29 MB) MP4 003 Animating the Snake Segments on Screen.mp4 (78.73 MB) MP4 004 Create a Snake Class & Move to OOP.mp4 (24.64 MB) MP4 005 How to Control the Snake with a Keypress.mp4 (39.27 MB) MP4 005 snake-game-part-1-final.zip (947 B) ZIP 006 Programming is not Memorising.mp4 (50.25 MB) MP4 002 Class Inheritance.mp4 (39.81 MB) MP4 003 Detect Collisions with Food.mp4 (51.4 MB) MP4 004 Create a Scoreboard and Keep Score.mp4 (47.87 MB) MP4 005 Detect Collisions with the Wall.mp4 (11.81 MB) MP4 006 Detect Collisions with your own Tail.mp4 (20.21 MB) MP4 007 How to Slice Lists & Tuples in Python.mp4 (20.44 MB) MP4 007 snake-game-part-2-final.zip (1.89 KB) ZIP 001 Day 22 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (7.21 MB) MP4 002 Set up the Main Screen.mp4 (4.37 MB) MP4 003 Create a Paddle that responds to Key Presses.mp4 (31.24 MB) MP4 004 Write the Paddle Class and Create the Second Paddle.mp4 (23.33 MB) MP4 005 Write the Ball Class and Make the Ball Move.mp4 (12.65 MB) MP4 006 Add the Ball Bouncing Logic.mp4 (18.6 MB) MP4 007 How to Detect Collisions with the Paddle.mp4 (13.56 MB) MP4 008 How to Detect when the Ball goes Out of Bounds.mp4 (16.99 MB) MP4 009 Score Keeping and Changing the Ball Speed.mp4 (34.61 MB) MP4 009 Solution-pong-game-final.zip (1.59 KB) ZIP 001 Day 23 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (4.74 MB) MP4 002 turtle-crossing-start.zip (921 B) ZIP 003 How to use the Starter Code.mp4 (9.83 MB) MP4 006 Solution to Step 3 - Create the Player Behaviour.mp4 (10.42 MB) MP4 007 Solution to Step 4 - Create the Car Behaviour.mp4 (26.72 MB) MP4 010 Solution-turtle-crossing-final.zip (1.77 KB) ZIP 011 This course is not about typing out code.mp4 (29.7 MB) MP4 001 Day 24 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (8.89 MB) MP4 002 Add a High Score to the Snake Game.mp4 (32.93 MB) MP4 002 Snake-Project-Code-from-Day-21.zip (1.89 KB) ZIP 003 How to Open, Read, and Write to Files using the with Keyword.mp4 (32.03 MB) MP4 004 Challenge Read and Write the High Score to a File in Snake.mp4 (21.09 MB) MP4 004 Solution-snake-game-high-score-final.zip (2.07 KB) ZIP 005 Understand Relative and Absolute File Paths.mp4 (67.17 MB) MP4 006 Introducing the Mail Merge Challenge.mp4 (17.01 MB) MP4 006 Mail-Merge-Project-Start.zip (8.84 KB) ZIP 007 Mail-Merge-Project-Completed.zip (14.75 KB) ZIP 007 Solution & Walkthrough for the Mail Merge Project.mp4 (58.78 MB) MP4 002 Reading CSV Data in Python.mp4 (64.95 MB) MP4 003 DataFrames & Series Working with Rows & Columns.mp4 (91.42 MB) MP4 005 U S States Game Part 1 Setup.mp4 (58.28 MB) MP4 005 us-states-game-start.zip (43.09 KB) ZIP 006 U S States Game Part 2 Challenge with csv.mp4 (115.06 MB) MP4 007 Solution-us-states-game-end.zip (43.99 KB) ZIP 007 U S States Game Part 3 Saving Data to csv.mp4 (20.05 MB) MP4 002 How to Create Lists using List Comprehension.mp4 (68.82 MB) MP4 003 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Squaring Numbers.mp4 (9.55 MB) MP4 004 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Filtering Even Numbers.mp4 (7.51 MB) MP4 005 [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Overlap.mp4 (16.47 MB) MP4 006 Apply List Comprehension to the U S States Game.mp4 (7.88 MB) MP4 007 How to use Dictionary Comprehension.mp4 (28.69 MB) MP4 010 How to Iterate over a Pandas DataFrame.mp4 (24.74 MB) MP4 011 Introducing the NATO Alphabet Project.mp4 (16.16 MB) MP4 011 NATO-alphabet-start.zip (860 B) ZIP 012 Solution & Walkthrough for the NATO Alphabet Project.mp4 (20.62 MB) MP4 012 Solution-NATO-alphabet-end.zip (815 B) ZIP 002 History of GUI and Introduction to Tkinter.mp4 (26.21 MB) MP4 003 Creating Windows and Labels with Tkinter.mp4 (41.7 MB) MP4 005 args Many Positional Arguments.mp4 (14.45 MB) MP4 006 kwargs Many Keyword Arguments.mp4 (50.02 MB) MP4 007 Buttons, Entry, and Setting Component Options.mp4 (58.05 MB) MP4 010 Mile to Kilometers Converter Project.mp4 (72.92 MB) MP4 002 pomodoro-start.zip (10.35 KB) ZIP 004 Add a Count Down Mechanism.mp4 (68.15 MB) MP4 005 Dynamic Typing Explained.mp4 (36.06 MB) MP4 007 Solution-pomodoro-end.zip (13.26 KB) ZIP 002 password-manager-start.zip (13.82 KB) ZIP 004 Solution to the Creating the Grid Layout.mp4 (25.94 MB) MP4 005 Challenge 3 - Saving Data to File.mp4 (70.16 MB) MP4 006 Dialog Boxes and Pop-Ups in Tkinter.mp4 (37.41 MB) MP4 007 Day-5-Password-Generator-Project-Code.zip (502 B) ZIP 007 Solution-password-manager-end.zip (15.64 KB) ZIP 003 Raising your own Exceptions.mp4 (13.05 MB) MP4 006 Solution-NATO-alphabet-improved-end.zip (3.78 KB) ZIP 007 Password-Manager-End-of-Day-29.zip (15.64 KB) ZIP 001 Day 31 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (73.05 MB) MP4 001 flash-card-project-start.zip (45.87 KB) ZIP 003 Solution & Walkthrough for Creating the UI.mp4 (44.58 MB) MP4 005 Solution & Walkthrough for Creating New Flash Cards.mp4 (64.49 MB) MP4 007 Solution & Walkthrough for Flipping Cards.mp4 (70.33 MB) MP4 009 Solution & Walkthrough for Saving Progress.mp4 (60.76 MB) MP4 009 Solution-flash-card-project-end.zip (46.63 KB) ZIP 003 Birthday-Wisher-Day-32-start.zip (6.19 KB) ZIP 003 How to Send Emails with Python using SMTP.mp4 (99.46 MB) MP4 004 Working with the datetime Module.mp4 (18 MB) MP4 006 Automated Birthday Wisher Project Challenge.mp4 (23.88 MB) MP4 006 birthday-wisher-extrahard-start.zip (1.18 KB) ZIP 006 birthday-wisher-hard-start.zip (1.49 KB) ZIP 006 birthday-wisher-normal-start.zip (1.97 KB) ZIP 007 Solution-birthday-wisher-end.zip (1.64 KB) ZIP 008 Run Your Python Code in the Cloud!.mp4 (46.2 MB) MP4 003 API Endpoints and Making API Calls.mp4 (33.84 MB) MP4 005 kanye-quotes-start.zip (45.53 KB) ZIP 005 Solution-kanye-quotes-end.zip (45.59 KB) ZIP 007 issoverhead-start.zip (720 B) ZIP 007 Solution-issoverhead-end.zip (846 B) ZIP 001 Day 34 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (18.61 MB) MP4 002 quizzler-app-start.zip (7.38 KB) ZIP 002 Trivia Question API Challenge.mp4 (38.87 MB) MP4 003 Solution & Walkthrough for getting Trivia Questions.mp4 (13.38 MB) MP4 004 Unescaping HTML Entities.mp4 (17.23 MB) MP4 005 Class based Tkinter UI.mp4 (38.44 MB) MP4 006 Python Typing & Showing the Next Question in the GUI.mp4 (31.85 MB) MP4 007 Python Typing Type Hints and Arrows -.mp4 (11.26 MB) MP4 007 Type-Hints-demo-Day-34-end.zip (297 B) ZIP 008 Check the Answer.mp4 (16.43 MB) MP4 009 Solution-quizzler-app-end.zip (7.57 KB) ZIP 005 Sending SMS via the Twilio API.mp4 (86.82 MB) MP4 007 Solution-rain-alert-end.zip (851 B) ZIP 001 Day 36 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (62.29 MB) MP4 002 stock-news-extrahard-start.zip (3.11 KB) ZIP 002 stock-news-hard-start.zip (3.37 KB) ZIP 002 stock-news-normal-start.zip (1.29 KB) ZIP 004 Solution & Walkthrough for Step 2 - Get the News Articles.mp4 (65.42 MB) MP4 005 Solution & Walkthrough for Step 3 - Send the SMS Messages.mp4 (85.19 MB) MP4 005 Solution-stock-news-end.zip (1.55 KB) ZIP 002 HTTP Post Requests.mp4 (41.1 MB) MP4 005 Autofilling today's date using strftime.mp4 (17.5 MB) MP4 006 How to use HTTP Put and Delete Requests.mp4 (39.24 MB) MP4 006 Solution-habit-tracking-end.zip (713 B) ZIP 001 Day 38 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (9.45 MB) MP4 007 Solution-Exercise-Tracker.zip (3.19 KB) ZIP 001 Day 39 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (33.13 MB) MP4 002 flight-deals-start.zip (25.6 MB) ZIP 003 flight-deals-step-2-solution.zip (5.76 KB) ZIP 001 Day 40 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (13.27 MB) MP4 003 flight-deals-end.zip (25.61 MB) ZIP 001 How Does the Internet Actually Work.mp4 (43.35 MB) MP4 002 How Do Websites Actually Work.mp4 (36.37 MB) MP4 004 What is HTML.mp4 (22.36 MB) MP4 005 2 1-Heading-Element.zip (282.31 KB) ZIP 005 HTML Heading Elements.mp4 (65.7 MB) MP4 006 2 2-Paragraph-Element.zip (1.65 MB) ZIP 006 HTML Paragraph Elements.mp4 (78.06 MB) MP4 007 2 3-Void-Elements.zip (1.4 MB) ZIP 007 Self Closing Tags.mp4 (83.59 MB) MP4 008 2 4-Movie-Ranking-Project.zip (388.79 KB) ZIP 008 Day 41 Project - Movie Ranking.mp4 (27.71 MB) MP4 001 HTML Boilerplate.mp4 (58.37 MB) MP4 002 3 0-List-Elements.zip (229.92 KB) ZIP 002 The List Element.mp4 (77.37 MB) MP4 003 3 1-Nesting-and-Indentation.zip (37.75 KB) ZIP 003 Nesting and Indentation.mp4 (32.14 MB) MP4 004 3 2-Anchor-Elements.zip (228.22 KB) ZIP 004 Anchor Elements.mp4 (29.71 MB) MP4 005 3 3-Image-Elements.zip (2.2 MB) ZIP 005 Image Elements.mp4 (45.81 MB) MP4 006 3 4-Birthday-Invite-Project.zip (1.49 MB) ZIP 006 Day 42 Project - Birthday Invite Website.mp4 (35.41 MB) MP4 001 Why do we need CSS.mp4 (86.3 MB) MP4 002 5 1-Adding-CSS.zip (3.09 KB) ZIP 002 How to add CSS.mp4 (31.53 MB) MP4 003 5 3-CSS-Selectors.zip (138.08 KB) ZIP 003 CSS Selectors.mp4 (128.52 MB) MP4 004 5 4-Color-Vocab-Project.zip (873.69 KB) ZIP 004 Day 43 Project - Colour Vocab Website.mp4 (33.02 MB) MP4 001 6 0-CSS-Colors.zip (18.34 KB) ZIP 001 CSS Colours.mp4 (33.9 MB) MP4 002 6 1-Font-Properties.zip (333.51 KB) ZIP 002 Font Properties.mp4 (102.53 MB) MP4 003 Inspecting CSS.mp4 (42.95 MB) MP4 004 6 3-CSS-Box-Model.zip (803.2 KB) ZIP 004 The CSS Box Model - Margin, Padding and Border.mp4 (100.67 MB) MP4 005 6 4-Motivation-Meme-Project.zip (4.39 MB) ZIP 005 Day 44 Project - Motivational Poster Website.mp4 (72.72 MB) MP4 001 Day 45 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (28.36 MB) MP4 002 bs4-start.zip (668 B) ZIP 002 Parsing HTML and Making Soup.mp4 (59.04 MB) MP4 003 Finding and Selecting Particular Elements with BeautifulSoup.mp4 (79.4 MB) MP4 004 Scraping a Live Website.mp4 (149.24 MB) MP4 005 Is Web Scraping Legal.mp4 (70.59 MB) MP4 006 100 Movies that You Must Watch.mp4 (80.4 MB) MP4 006 Solution-100-movies-to-watch-end.zip (2.9 KB) ZIP 006 Starting-Code-100-movies-to-watch-start.zip (1.19 KB) ZIP 001 Day 47 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (46.5 MB) MP4 002 How to Install & Set Up Selenium.mp4 (57.6 MB) MP4 004 Challenge Use Selenium to Scrape Website Data.mp4 (61.04 MB) MP4 007 The Cookie Clicker Project.mp4 (28.15 MB) MP4 008 Solution-cookie-clicker-end.zip (1021 B) ZIP 001 Day 49 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (10.76 MB) MP4 005 Solution-LinkedIn-Job-Application-Automation.zip (43.24 MB) ZIP 001 Day 50 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (15.96 MB) MP4 006 Solution-auto-tinder-swiper-end.zip (831 B) ZIP 001 Day 51 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (35.87 MB) MP4 005 Solution-internet-speed-twitter-bot-end.zip (944 B) ZIP 001 Day 52 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4 (21.36 MB) MP4 006 Solution-instagram-follower-end.zip (860 B) ZIP 003 Solution-Zillow-Rental-Research.zip (3.27 KB) ZIP 001 Understanding Backend Web Development with Python.mp4 (26.53 MB) MP4 002 Create your First Web Server with Flask.mp4 (61.69 MB) MP4 003 Understand the Command Line on Windows and Mac.mp4 (125.28 MB) MP4 006 Completed-Code-for-day-54-end.zip (270 B) ZIP 003 Rendering HTML Elements with Flask.mp4 (49.14 MB) MP4 005 Advanced Decorators with args and kwargs.mp4 (35.63 MB) MP4 005 Solution-Completed-Code-for-day-55-end.zip (707 B) ZIP 002 Rendering HTML Files with Flask.mp4 (50.66 MB) MP4 003 Serving Static Files using Flask.mp4 (48.64 MB) MP4 004 personal-site-html-and-css-files.zip (125.46 KB) ZIP 005 html5up-identity.zip (644.35 KB) ZIP 002 day-57-start.zip (263 B) ZIP 002 Using Jinja to Produce Dynamic HTML Pages.mp4 (77.8 MB) MP4 003 Challenge Combining Jinja Templating with APIs.mp4 (59.73 MB) MP4 004 Multiline Statements with Jinja.mp4 (51.46 MB) MP4 005 day-57-end.zip (1.59 KB) ZIP 005 URL Building with Flask.mp4 (27.89 MB) MP4 006 blog-templating-start.zip (2.43 KB) ZIP 006 Solution-blog-templating-end.zip (2.27 KB) ZIP 002 11 0-Bootstrap-Intro.zip (1.37 MB) ZIP 002 What is Bootstrap.mp4 (123.6 MB) MP4 003 Bootstrap Layout.mp4 (65.15 MB) MP4 004 11 2-Bootstrap-Components.zip (1.22 MB) ZIP 004 Bootstrap Components.mp4 (339.29 MB) MP4 005 11 3-TinDog-Project.zip (1.39 MB) ZIP 005 Day 58 Project - A Startup Website for TinDog.mp4 (377.52 MB) MP4 008 Solution-Completed-Code-day-59-end-updated.zip (5.71 MB) ZIP 006 Solution-Completed-Code-day-60-end.zip (8.5 MB) ZIP 002 Starting-Files-flask-secrets.zip (4.89 KB) ZIP 009 Solution-Completed-Code-day-61-end zip.zip (12.78 KB) ZIP 001 Starting-Files-coffee-and-wifi.zip (3.14 KB) ZIP 002 Starting-Files-library-start.zip (4.13 KB) ZIP 002 Starting-Files-movie-project-start.zip (4.18 KB) ZIP 002 Starting-Files-movie-project-start.zip (4.18 KB) ZIP 001 Introduction to Web Design.mp4 (34.21 MB) MP4 002 Understanding Color Theory.mp4 (138.51 MB) MP4 005 User Experience (UX) Design.mp4 (156.24 MB) MP4 002 What is REST.mp4 (44.64 MB) MP4 003 Starting-Files-cafe-api-start.zip (6.7 KB) ZIP 009 HTTP PUT vs PATCH.mp4 (4.05 MB) MP4 002 Starting-Files-RESTful-blog-start.zip (6.44 MB) ZIP 002 What is Authentication.mp4 (6.8 MB) MP4 003 Starting-Files-flask-auth-start.zip (57.35 KB) ZIP 006 Encryption and Hashing.mp4 (70.62 MB) MP4 007 How to Hack Passwords 101.mp4 (72.65 MB) MP4 008 Salting Passwords.mp4 (13.58 MB) MP4 002 Starting-Files-blog-with-users-start.zip (6.44 MB) ZIP 001 Day 70 Goals - Learn to Deploy Your Website.mp4 (3.66 MB) MP4 002 Version Control and Git.mp4 (171.65 MB) MP4 003 What is GitHub.mp4 (42.45 MB) MP4 002 Programming-Languages-start ipynb.zip (3.01 KB) ZIP 010 Programming-Languages-complete ipynb.zip (568.22 KB) ZIP 001 LEGO-Notebook-and-Data-start.zip (2.9 MB) ZIP 011 LEGO-Notebook-and-Data-completed.zip (3.17 MB) ZIP 001 Google-Trends-Data-Viz-start.zip (41.01 KB) ZIP 009 Google-Trends-Data-Viz-complete.zip (766.34 KB) ZIP 001 Google-Play-Store-Project-Start.zip (285.1 KB) ZIP 009 Google-Play-Store-Analysis-Complete.zip (313.95 KB) ZIP 001 Computation-with-NumPy-start.zip (117.57 KB) ZIP 006 Computation-with-NumPy-complete.zip (1.24 MB) ZIP 001 Seaborn-Linear-Regression-start.zip (147.82 KB) ZIP 009 Seaborn-Linear-Regression-complete.zip (1.03 MB) ZIP 001 Nobel-Prize-Analysis-Start.zip (68.84 KB) ZIP 008 Nobel-Prize-Analysis-Complete.zip (1.18 MB) ZIP 001 Dr-Semmelweis-Analysis-start.zip (8.12 KB) ZIP 006 Dr-Semmelweis-Analysis-complete.zip (1.02 MB) ZIP 001 Multivariable-Regression-Start.zip (51.64 KB) ZIP 002 Multivariable-Regression-Complete.zip (1.69 MB) ZIP 001 Where are the Videos and the Solution Code.mp4 (47.41 MB) MP4 001 [assignment file] Analyse and Visualise the Space Race.zip (106.82 KB) ZIP