Packt Build RESTful APIs Using Kotlin and Spring Boot Language: English | Size:4.03 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
00001 Couse Introduction.mp4 (4.41 MB) MP4 00002 Prerequisites.mp4 (1.44 MB) MP4 00003 Introduction to Kotlin.mp4 (14.8 MB) MP4 00004 How Kotlin Works with the JVM.mp4 (24.8 MB) MP4 00005 Project Setup.mp4 (9.04 MB) MP4 00006 Hello Kotlin.mp4 (9.29 MB) MP4 00007 val and var Variables in Kotlin.mp4 (11.6 MB) MP4 00008 Basic Types - Int Long Double String.mp4 (19.43 MB) MP4 00009 Conditionals - If and When Block.mp4 (25.82 MB) MP4 00010 Ranges Loops.mp4 (10.02 MB) MP4 00011 while and do-While.mp4 (12.32 MB) MP4 00012 Break Labels and Return.mp4 (20.57 MB) MP4 00013 Defining and Invoking Functions.mp4 (24 MB) MP4 00014 Default Value Parameters and Named Arguments.mp4 (27.46 MB) MP4 00015 Top-Level Functions and Top-Level Properties.mp4 (195.9 MB) MP4 00016 Introduction to Class - Creating a Class and Objects.mp4 (7.55 MB) MP4 00017 Primary Constructors.mp4 (12.93 MB) MP4 00018 Secondary Constructors.mp4 (26.27 MB) MP4 00019 Initializer Code Using init Block.mp4 (9.84 MB) MP4 00020 Data Classes.mp4 (24.96 MB) MP4 00021 Custom Getters and Setters.mp4 (19.54 MB) MP4 00022 Inheritance - Extending Classes.mp4 (17.96 MB) MP4 00023 Inheritance - Override Functions Variables.mp4 (13.81 MB) MP4 00024 Object Keyword for Creating Instance of the Class.mp4 (10.56 MB) MP4 00025 Companion Object Keyword.mp4 (13.1 MB) MP4 00026 Interfaces.mp4 (39.71 MB) MP4 00027 Interfaces - Handling Conflicting Functions.mp4 (11.33 MB) MP4 00028 Interfaces - Defining and Overriding Variables.mp4 (16.11 MB) MP4 00029 Visibility Modifiers.mp4 (16.81 MB) MP4 00030 Type Checking Casting and Smart Cast.mp4 (27.27 MB) MP4 00031 Enum Class.mp4 (8.49 MB) MP4 00032 Nullable and Non-Nullable Types in Kotlin.mp4 (19.26 MB) MP4 00033 Safe Call Elvis Operator - and Non-Null Assertion to Deal.mp4 (34 MB) MP4 00034 Invoking or Assigning a Nullable Type to a Non-Nullable Ty.mp4 (150.16 MB) MP4 00035 Introduction to Collections.mp4 (37.7 MB) MP4 00036 Introduction to Lambda Expressions.mp4 (20.24 MB) MP4 00037 Lambdas and Higher Order Functions.mp4 (24.81 MB) MP4 00038 Filter Operations on Kotlin Collections.mp4 (37.85 MB) MP4 00039 Map Operations on Kotlin Collections.mp4 (26.17 MB) MP4 00040 FlatMap Operations in Collections.mp4 (39.16 MB) MP4 00041 Working with HashMaps.mp4 (35.81 MB) MP4 00042 Lazy Evaluation of Collections Using Sequences.mp4 (41.91 MB) MP4 00043 Nullability in Collections.mp4 (14.85 MB) MP4 00044 Part 1 - Handling Exceptions in Kotlin Using try-catch.mp4 (24.21 MB) MP4 00045 Part 2 - Introduction to Scope Functions.mp4 (14.62 MB) MP4 00046 Apply and Also Scope Function.mp4 (32.06 MB) MP4 00047 Let Scope Function.mp4 (23.09 MB) MP4 00048 With and Run Scope Function.mp4 (359.91 MB) MP4 00049 Overview of the App and Project Setup.mp4 (21.02 MB) MP4 00050 Build a Simple Endpoint - Greeting Controller.mp4 (18.25 MB) MP4 00051 Constructor Injection in Spring.mp4 (14.08 MB) MP4 00052 Setting Up Different Profiles in Spring Boot.mp4 (35.45 MB) MP4 00053 Set Up Logging in Kotlin.mp4 (18.29 MB) MP4 00054 Introduction to Automated Tests and Setting Up JUnit5.mp4 (22 MB) MP4 00055 Integration Test for Controller.mp4 (38.78 MB) MP4 00056 Unit Test for Controller - Using the Mock Mocking Library.mp4 (259.22 MB) MP4 00057 Set Up the Course Entity and CourseDTO.mp4 (12.47 MB) MP4 00058 Create CourseRepository and Configure JPA in application y.mp4 (28.29 MB) MP4 00059 Build the POST Endpoint for Adding New Course.mp4 (45.23 MB) MP4 00060 Integration Test for the POST Endpoint Using JUnit5.mp4 (28.26 MB) MP4 00061 Build the Get Endpoint to Retrieve All Courses.mp4 (14.38 MB) MP4 00062 Integration Test for the GET Endpoint to Retrieve All the.mp4 (30.16 MB) MP4 00063 Build the Update Endpoint to Update a Course.mp4 (48.95 MB) MP4 00064 Integration Test for the PUT Endpoint Using JUnit5.mp4 (24.52 MB) MP4 00065 Build the DELETE Endpoint to Delete a Course.mp4 (22.91 MB) MP4 00066 Setting Up the Unit Test for the CourseController.mp4 (9.21 MB) MP4 00067 Unit Test for the Post Endpoint in CourseController.mp4 (18.89 MB) MP4 00068 Unit Test for the GET Endpoint in CourseController.mp4 (16.24 MB) MP4 00069 Unit Test for the PUT Endpoint in CourseController.mp4 (21.2 MB) MP4 00070 Unit Test for the DELETE Endpoint in CourseController.mp4 (126.67 MB) MP4 00071 Name and Category as Mandatory Using @NotBlank Annotation.mp4 (23.98 MB) MP4 00072 Implement Custom Error Handling Using ControllerAdvice Pat.mp4 (45.3 MB) MP4 00073 Handle Global RuntimeException Using ControllerAdvice Patt.mp4 (26.12 MB) MP4 00074 Retrieve Courses by Name using JPA Query Creation Function.mp4 (35.91 MB) MP4 00075 Retrieve Courses by Name Using Native SQL Query.mp4 (14.1 MB) MP4 00076 Testing Multiple Sets of Data Using @Parameterized Test.mp4 (241.85 MB) MP4 00077 Use Existing GET Endpoint to Retrieve Courses by Name.mp4 (13.17 MB) MP4 00078 Write Integration Test to Retrieve Course by Name.mp4 (18.53 MB) MP4 00079 Adding Instructor Entity into the Course Catalog Service.mp4 (9.97 MB) MP4 00080 Adding the Relationship to the Entity Class.mp4 (28.88 MB) MP4 00081 Instructor Controller to Manage Instructor Data.mp4 (26.84 MB) MP4 00082 Update CourseService to Validate Instructor Data.mp4 (56.19 MB) MP4 00083 Fix the CourseController Integration Tests.mp4 (33 MB) MP4 00084 Fix the CourseController Unit Tests.mp4 (74.09 MB) MP4 00085 Setting Up the Postgres DB and App to Interact with Postgr.mp4 (34.06 MB) MP4 00086 Test the App with Postgres DB.mp4 (49.44 MB) MP4 00087 Setting Up TestContainers for the Integration Test.mp4 (54.74 MB) MP4 00088 Configure @DataJpaTest with TestContainers.mp4 (248.44 MB) MP4 00089 Invoking Kotlin Code from Java Class.mp4 (16.24 MB) MP4 00090 Invoking Java Code from Kotlin.mp4 (19.72 MB) MP4 00091 Useful JVM Annotations in Kotlin.mp4 (524.98 MB) MP4