C# Basic Language: English | Size:5.63 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.93 MB) MP4 002 Configuring the Layout of Visual Studio.mp4 (26.18 MB) MP4 003 Create and Run A Simple Program.mp4 (22.78 MB) MP4 004 Blocks, Nested Blocks, and Multiline Comments.mp4 (16.64 MB) MP4 005 Using Format Specifiers To Create More Professional Output.mp4 (10.64 MB) MP4 006 Creating One Variable And Watching It Change.mp4 (27.99 MB) MP4 007 Describing An Object With Different Data Types.mp4 (40.47 MB) MP4 008 Combining Variables Using Addition, Division And Subtraction.mp4 (52.36 MB) MP4 009 Understanding Division of Doubles And Integers.mp4 (47.29 MB) MP4 010 Understanding How To Use The Remainder Operator.mp4 (14.79 MB) MP4 011 Interacting With Users Through The Command Prompt.mp4 (39.79 MB) MP4 012 Reading Input From Users By Using Data Casting.mp4 (19.32 MB) MP4 013 Creating And Using Constants To Represent Unchanging Quantities.mp4 (17 MB) MP4 001 Reacting To A Simple Condition With If Blocks.mp4 (17.65 MB) MP4 002 Checking Simple Conditions With IfElse Blocks.mp4 (10.76 MB) MP4 002 Lesson15solution.wmv (14.27 MB) WMV 003 Making A Variable Grow By Adding One.mp4 (14.21 MB) MP4 004 Repeating Blocks Of Code With While Loops.mp4 (10.96 MB) MP4 005 IfElse Blocks with Multiple Options.mp4 (16.32 MB) MP4 006 Examining Multiple Options With Switch Blocks.mp4 (18.74 MB) MP4 007 lesson20advancedexample.mp4 (14.93 MB) MP4 007 Repeating Blocks Of Code With For Loops.mp4 (23.1 MB) MP4 008 Examining The Items In A Collection By Using ForEach Loops.mp4 (14.84 MB) MP4 008 lesson21advanced.mp4 (11.38 MB) MP4 009 Collecting Input At Least Once With DoWhile Loops.mp4 (34.63 MB) MP4 009 lesson22advancedexample.wmv (43.19 MB) WMV 010 lesson23advancedexample.wmv (36.62 MB) WMV 010 Performing An Action Until A User Wants To Quit.mp4 (38.99 MB) MP4 001 Ensuring Two Conditions Are True With The Logical And Operator.mp4 (16.53 MB) MP4 001 lesson24advancedexample.wmv (44.76 MB) WMV 002 Ensuring At Least One Of Two Conditions Is True With The Or Operator.mp4 (17.65 MB) MP4 003 Compound Operators That Evaluate and Assign.mp4 (25.51 MB) MP4 003 lesson26advancedexample.wmv (57.98 MB) WMV 004 lesson27advancedexample.wmv (49.64 MB) WMV 004 Reversing Truth Values With The Logical Negation Operator.mp4 (23.81 MB) MP4 005 lesson28advancedexample.wmv (58.87 MB) WMV 005 Replacing IfElse Blocks With The Ternary Operator.mp4 (17.81 MB) MP4 006 Combining Logical Operators To Write More Powerful Code.mp4 (21.86 MB) MP4 001 Breaking Programs Into Smaller Pieces With Methods.mp4 (19.02 MB) MP4 002 Creating A Method That Accepts And Returns A Value.mp4 (20.87 MB) MP4 003 Creating And Using Arrays To Store Data.mp4 (14.63 MB) MP4 003 lesson32anotherexample.wmv (100.13 MB) WMV 004 lesson33advancedexample.wmv (87.5 MB) WMV 004 Operating On Arrays With For And ForEach Loops.mp4 (20.97 MB) MP4 005 Understanding Reference Type And Value Type Variables.mp4 (22.36 MB) MP4 006 Using The Ref Keyword To Allow Methods To Set Mutliple Values.mp4 (7.75 MB) MP4 007 Using Out Parameters To Allow Methods To Set Multiple Values.mp4 (27.75 MB) MP4 008 Holding Tabular Information With Multidimensional Arrays.mp4 (24.54 MB) MP4 008 lesson37doublearraysadvanced.wmv (60.44 MB) WMV 008 Meaningofgetlenght-0-andgetlength-1-.wmv (10.46 MB) WMV 009 Storing Information In Jagged Arrays.mp4 (19.4 MB) MP4 010 Writing More Flexible Methods With The Params Keyword.mp4 (14.43 MB) MP4 011 lesson40tryparse.avi (93.77 MB) AVI 011 Using the TryParse Method To Write More Powerful Code.mp4 (39.97 MB) MP4 001 Create A Simple Class With A Constructor.mp4 (29.71 MB) MP4 002 Create A Class With A Constructor And A Method.mp4 (44.05 MB) MP4 003 Create A Class With A Method And A Property.mp4 (25.52 MB) MP4 004 Create A Class With A Static Field And Static Property.mp4 (31.23 MB) MP4 005 Create A Static Class To Represent A Concept With Operations.mp4 (27.92 MB) MP4 006 Creating A Simple Inheritance Hierarchy To Write Less Code.mp4 (95.77 MB) MP4 007 Creating and Using Virtual Methods To Write Less Code.mp4 (92.29 MB) MP4 008 Dynamic Data Typing.mp4 (18.04 MB) MP4 009 Difference Between Dynamic and Var.mp4 (35.21 MB) MP4 010 Abstract Classes, and Methods.mp4 (32.71 MB) MP4 011 Improving On Arrays With Lists.mp4 (40.65 MB) MP4 011 Lesson51easyversion.wmv (18.87 MB) WMV 012 Using Polymorphism To Write Less Code.mp4 (47.27 MB) MP4 013 Lesson53easyexample.wmv (25.53 MB) WMV 013 Using Custom Types as Parameter Data Types.mp4 (30.63 MB) MP4 014 Lesson54easyexample.wmv (22.64 MB) WMV 014 Overloading Operators To Make Operating On Custom Types Easier.mp4 (28.99 MB) MP4 015 Calling Multiple Methods With Delegates.mp4 (19.04 MB) MP4 015 lesson54delegatesadvanced.mp4 (15.82 MB) MP4 016 Chaining Functions Together With Actions.mp4 (39.9 MB) MP4 017 Responding To Events With Delegates.mp4 (31 MB) MP4 018 Expressing the Can Be Used As A Relationship With Interfaces.mp4 (15.77 MB) MP4 018 Lesson58passinginterfacetypes.wmv (27.87 MB) WMV 019 Creating Reusable Code With Generic Interfaces.mp4 (21.06 MB) MP4 019 genericinterfaceadvance.avi (52.39 MB) AVI 020 Controlling Access To Code With Access Modifiers.mp4 (31.91 MB) MP4 021 Cleaning Strings.mp4 (42.33 MB) MP4 022 Events With Simple Forms and Partial Classes.mp4 (39.23 MB) MP4 022 Lesson62-Adding-Form-References.wmv (4.19 MB) WMV 001 lesson-63-make-windows-forms-from-scratch-with-vs-2019.mp4 (50.41 MB) MP4 001 Lesson63solution.wmv (18.49 MB) WMV 001 Try-Catch-Finally Blocks In Graphical Apps.mp4 (102.2 MB) MP4 002 Multiple Catch Blocks.mp4 (27.04 MB) MP4 001 Adding a Class To Represent Points.mp4 (28.36 MB) MP4 002 Designing The User Interface, And Applying String Functions.mp4 (78.26 MB) MP4 001 Turning Objects Into Arrays With Indexers.mp4 (18.52 MB) MP4 002 Writing And Reading Files, Very Simple Example.mp4 (46.82 MB) MP4 003 Controlling Low Level Access With Using Statements.mp4 (31.59 MB) MP4 004 Reading and Writing Files, Graphical Example.mp4 (132.84 MB) MP4 005 Conditional Functions.mp4 (31.82 MB) MP4 005 Lesson71solution.wmv (7.22 MB) WMV 006 Nullable Data Types, and Named Parameters.mp4 (33.88 MB) MP4 007 Create a Dynamic Link Library and Reference It.mp4 (21.76 MB) MP4 008 Display All the Files and Folders in A Directory.mp4 (20.95 MB) MP4 009 Fully Qualified Names.mp4 (29.1 MB) MP4 009 Lesson74solution.wmv (13.94 MB) WMV 010 Build a Simple Web Browser.mp4 (42.41 MB) MP4 001 Create and Use A Generic Class.mp4 (32.31 MB) MP4 002 Lesson78genericswithlinq.wmv (29.08 MB) WMV 002 ListT With Predefined Types and ForEach.mp4 (17.37 MB) MP4 003 Build A Custom Type Database With Generics.mp4 (56.83 MB) MP4 004 Using Generic Dictionaries, and A Project.mp4 (37.65 MB) MP4 005 Lambda Expressions,and Lambda Statements.mp4 (51.12 MB) MP4 006 Func Notation For Lambda Expressions, and Dynamic Variables.mp4 (23.6 MB) MP4 001 Download and Install SQL Server 2014 Express.mp4 (41.63 MB) MP4 002 databasecreating.mp4 (58.31 MB) MP4 002 Write Code for Connecting to Databases.mp4 (104.88 MB) MP4 003 Search Through Generic Lists With Linq.mp4 (23.15 MB) MP4 004 Using Lambda Expressions in Linq Queries.mp4 (49.6 MB) MP4 005 Use LINQ with XML.mp4 (47.2 MB) MP4 006 Use Linq To Search For Words In A Graphical Application.mp4 (29.84 MB) MP4 001 Simple WPF App.mp4 (103.32 MB) MP4 002 Controlling Columns and Rows.mp4 (16.04 MB) MP4 003 Create a Simple GUI For Displaying Files.mp4 (60.21 MB) MP4 004 Create a More Sophisticated WPF App.mp4 (64.08 MB) MP4 001 Create, Run, Suspend and Join Threads.mp4 (58.3 MB) MP4 002 Simulate A Windows Screen Saver With Threading.mp4 (71.53 MB) MP4 003 Async and Await For Asynchrony.mp4 (68.56 MB) MP4 001 Make The User Interface and Add an Open Dialog.mp4 (44.23 MB) MP4 002 Add a Dialog for Saving.mp4 (32.41 MB) MP4 003 Add Printing, Previewing, and Printing To Files.mp4 (57.75 MB) MP4 001 Connect A Windows Form To SQL Server With Navigation.mp4 (41.75 MB) MP4 002 Serialization Example.mp4 (84.7 MB) MP4 001 Build The User Interface, and Synchronize The Controls.mp4 (40.93 MB) MP4 002 Add Combox That Gives Preview Of All Tables.mp4 (106.29 MB) MP4 001 Using Progress Bars.mp4 (40.3 MB) MP4 002 Saving And Restoring Control Values.mp4 (154.71 MB) MP4 003 Drawing Rectangle, Circles, and Handling Simple Mouse Events.mp4 (47.42 MB) MP4 004 Using File Open Dialog With List Boxes.mp4 (66.47 MB) MP4 005 Much More Detailed Example Of Event Handling.mp4 (40.14 MB) MP4 006 Create A Simple Image Browser.mp4 (31.98 MB) MP4 001 Expression Bodied Members and Static Usings.mp4 (52.03 MB) MP4 002 Automatic Properties, and String Interpolation.mp4 (28.68 MB) MP4 001 Create a blank Console program in Visual Studio 2019.mp4 (8.34 MB) MP4 002 Using blocks and memory panel, 1.mp4 (43.78 MB) MP4 003 Using blocks, part 2.mp4 (26.74 MB) MP4 004 Using blocks, part 3.mp4 (44.27 MB) MP4 005 Nested try blocks, part 1.mp4 (44.98 MB) MP4 006 Nested try blocks, part 2.mp4 (7.01 MB) MP4 007 Recreate using block using C# 8 0 syntax.mp4 (13.85 MB) MP4 008 Null coalescing operator, part 1.mp4 (24.35 MB) MP4 009 Null coalescing operator, part 2.mp4 (80.82 MB) MP4 010 Save Images From File To SQL Server.mp4 (163.46 MB) MP4 011 Using C# With IronPython.mp4 (35.84 MB) MP4 012 Creating, Altering, And Dropping Stored Procedures.mp4 (60.94 MB) MP4