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Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Author: DrZero
Date added: 13.08.2023 :10:55
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Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Last updated 7/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 14.97 GB | Duration: 27h 52m

Docker, AKS, Azure Disks, DevOps, Virtual Nodes, ACR, DNS Zones, Active Directory, Kubernetes RBAC, Ingress, Terraform

What you'll learn
You will learn to build Azure AKS Production grade clusters using Azure AKS CLI
You will learn terraform from basics and create terraform manifests for provisioning Azure AKS Production grade clusters
You will learn to provision Azure AKS Clusters using Terraform and Azure DevOps.
You will learn 30+ kubernetes concepts and use 21 Azure Services in combination with Azure AKS
You will implement DevOps concepts with Azure DevOps Continuous Integration Pipelines and Continuous Deliver Pipelines also called Release Pipelines
You will write Azure DevOps CI Pipelines from scratch using Starter Pipelines
You will write kubernetes manifests with confidence after going through live template writing sections
You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals in both imperative and declarative approaches
You will learn writing & deploying k8s manifests for storage concepts like storage class, persistent volume claim pvc, mysql
You will learn to switch from native Azure Disks to Azure MySQL Database using k8s external name service
You will learn writing and deploying load balancer k8s manifests for Azure Standard Load Balancer
You will learn writing ingress k8s manifests by enabling features like context path based routing, domain name based routing, SSL with LetsEncrypt and External DNS.
You will learn writing k8s manifests for Azure Virtual Nodes (serverless) and do mixed mode workload deployments in both Azure Linux NodePools and Virtual Nodes.
You will learn using ACR - Azure Container Registry in combination with AKS in 3 ways (ACR Attach, using Service Principal, on Virtual Nodes)
You will learn to enable Autoscaling features like HPA & Cluster Autoscaler
You will learn Docker fundamentals by implementing usecases like download image from Docker Hub and run on local desktop and build an image locally, test and push to Docker Hub.
You will master many kubectl commands over the process
You will learn to integrate Azure AKS with Azure Active Directory for AKS Admins to be created managed in Azure Active Directory
You will learn Kubernetes RBAC concepts like role, role-binding, cluster role, cluster role binding in combination with Azure AD for Azure AKS granular level access control

You must have an Azure Cloud account to follow with me for hands-on activities.
You dont need to have any basic Docker or kubernetes knowledge to start this course.

******* Course Overview *******Welcome to this Amazing course on Azure AKS Kubernetes - Masterclass | Azure DevOps, Terraform. Below is the list of modules covered in this course. Course ModulesCreate Azure AKS Cluster using Azure PortalDocker FundamentalsImperative Method: Kubernetes Fundamentals using kubectlDeclarative Method: Kubernetes Fundamentals using YAMLAzure Disks for AKS StorageCustom Storage Class, PVC, and PVAKS default Storage class, PVC and PVUser Management Web Application Deployment with MySQL as storage using Storage Class, PVC, and PVAzure MySQL for AKS StorageKubernetes SecretsAzure Files for AKS StorageIngress BasicsIngress Context path based RoutingAzure DNS Zones - Delegate domain from AWS to AzureIngress and External DNS with Azure DNS ZonesIngress Domain Name based Routing with External DNSIngress SSL with LetsEncryptKubernetes Requests & LimitsKubernetes NamespacesKubernetes Namespaces - ImperativeKubernetes Namespaces - Limit RangeKubernetes Namespaces - Resource QuotaAzure Virtual Nodes for AKSAzure Virtual Nodes BasicsAzure AKS Virtual Nodes Mixed Mode DeploymentsAzure Container Registry for AKSIntegrate Azure Container Registry ACR with AKSAzure AKS Pull Docker Images from ACR using Service PrincipalPull Docker Images from ACR using Service Principal and Run on Azure Virtual NodesAzure DevOps with AKS ClusterAzure DevOps - Build and Push Docker Image to Azure Container RegistryAzure DevOps - Build, Push to ACR and Deploy to AKSAzure DevOps - Create Starter PipelineAzure DevOps - Release PipelinesAzure AKS - Enable HTTP Application Routing AddOnAzure AKS Authentication with Azure AD and Kubernetes RBACAzure AKS Cluster Access with Multiple ClustersAzure AD Integration with Azure AKS for AuthenticationKubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD on AKSKubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Role Binding with AD on AKSAzure AKS Cluster AutoscalingAzure AKS - Cluster AutoscalerAzure AKS - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler HPAAzure AKS Production Grade Cluster Design using AZ AKS CLICreate Azure AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLICreate Azure AKS Linux, Windows, and Virtual Node PoolsDeploy Apps to Azure AKS Linux, Windows, and Virtual Node PoolsProvision Azure AKS Clusters using TerraformTerraform Command BasicsTerraform Language BasicsProvision AKS Cluster using TerraformCreate AKS Cluster Linux and Windows Node PoolsCreate an Azure AKS Cluster using Custom Virtual NetworkProvision Azure AKS using Terraform & Azure DevOpsAzure Services CoveredAzure Kubernetes ServiceAzure DisksAzure FilesAzure MySQL DatabaseAzure Storage AccountsAzure Cloud ShellAzure Load BalancerAzure DNS ZonesAzure Container Registries ACRAzure Container Registries ACR with Azure Service PrincipalAzure DevOps - Build Pipelines with ACR & Github RepositoriesAzure DevOps - Release Pipelines with AKSAzure Public IP AddressAzure Standard Load BalancerAzure Virtual NetworksAzure Active DirectoryAzure Container Instances - Virtual NodesAzure AKS Windows and Linux User NodePoolsAzure Managed Service Identity - MSIAzure Virtual Machine Scale SetsAzure Log Analytics Workspaces for Azure MonitorKubernetes Concepts CoveredKubernetes ArchitecturePodsReplicaSetsDeploymentsServices - Load Balancer ServiceServices - Cluster IP ServiceServices - External Name ServiceServices - Ingress ServiceServices - Ingress SSL & SSL RedirectServices - Ingress & External DNSServices - Domain Name based RoutingImperative - with kubectlDeclarative - Declarative with YAMLSecretsInit ContainersRequests & LimitsNamespaces - ImperativeNamespaces - Limit RangeNamespaces - Resource QuotaStorage ClassesPersistent VolumesPersistent Volume ClaimsServices - Load BalancersAnnotationsHPA - Horizontal Pod AutoscalerCA - Cluster AutoscalerConfig MapsRBAC - Role & Role BindingsRBAC - Cluster Role & Cluster Role BindingsVirtual KubeletSecrets - Image Pull SecretsEach of my courses comes withAmazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning ExperiencesReal Implementation ExperienceFriendly Support in the Q&A section30-Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee!

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Course-Pre-requisites

Lecture 3 Github Repository Links

Section 2: Create Azure AKS Cluster

Lecture 4 Step-01: Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster

Lecture 5 Step-02: Create AKS Cluster

Lecture 6 Step-03: Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl and Azure Mgmt Console

Lecture 7 Step-04: Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop

Lecture 8 Step-05: Deploy Sample Application and Test

Lecture 9 Connect With Me !!!

Section 3: Docker Fundamentals

Lecture 10 Step-01: Docker Fundamentals - Introduction

Lecture 11 Step-02: Introduction to Docker, Why Docker, What Problems Docker Solve.

Lecture 12 Step-03: Docker Architecture or Docker Terminology

Lecture 13 Step-04: Docker Installation

Lecture 14 Step-05: Docker - Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and Run it locally

Lecture 15 Step-06: Docker - Build Docker Image locally, Test and Push it to Docker Hub

Lecture 16 Step-07: Docker - Essential Commands Overview

Section 4: Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach

Lecture 17 Pre-requisite Note for Students from my course AWS EKS Kubernetes - Masterclass

Lecture 18 Step-01: Understand Kubernetes Architecture

Lecture 19 Step-03: Introduction to Kubernetes Fundamentals

Lecture 20 Step-04: Introduction to Kubernetes Pods

Lecture 21 Docker Images present on Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry

Lecture 22 Step-05: Create a Pod, Understand about it and delete pod

Lecture 23 Step-06: Load Balancer Service Introduction

Lecture 24 Step-07: Create Pod and LoadBalancer Service and Test

Lecture 25 Step-08: Interact with pods, logs, connect to pod and cleanup

Lecture 26 Step-09: Introduction to Kubernetes ReplicaSets

Lecture 27 Step-10: Create ReplicaSet and Test it

Lecture 28 Step-11: Expose ReplicaSet as Service, Test Scalability & High Availability

Lecture 29 Step-12: Introduction to Kubernetes Deployments

Lecture 30 Step-13: Create Deployment, Expose with a Service, Scale Up and Down Replicas

Lecture 31 Step-14: Understand how to Update Deployments in Kubernetes

Lecture 32 Step-15: Understand how to rollback deployments in Kubernetes

Lecture 33 Step-16: Understand how to pause and resume deployments in kubernetes

Lecture 34 Step-17: Introduction to Services in Kubernetes

Lecture 35 Step-18: Services Demo with Cluster IP and Load Balancer Services

Section 5: Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach

Lecture 36 Step-01: Introduction to creating Kubernetes Resources using declarative path wi

Lecture 37 Step-02: YAML Basics

Lecture 38 Step-03: Create Pod Definition using YAML

Lecture 39 Step-04: Create Load Balancer Service using YAML

Lecture 40 Step-05: Create ReplicaSet and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test

Lecture 41 Step-06: Create Deployment and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test

Lecture 42 Step-07: Create Backend Application k8s Deployment and Service

Lecture 43 Step-08: Create frontend application k8s deployment and service and test

Section 6: AKS Storage - Azure Disks

Lecture 44 Step-01: Azure Disks for AKS Storage Introduction

Lecture 45 Step-02: Create Storage class Kubernetes Manifest

Lecture 46 Step-03: Create Persistent Volume Claim Manifest, Deploy SC, PVC and Test

Lecture 47 Step-04: Create ConfigMap Kubernetes Manifest

Lecture 48 Step-05: Create MySQL Kubernetes Deployment Manifest

Lecture 49 Step-06: Create MySQL Kubernetes Cluster IP Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp

Lecture 50 Step-07: Use AKS provisioned Storage Class instead of Custom Storage Class

Lecture 51 Step-08: Create User Management Web Application (UWB) k8s Deployment Manifest

Lecture 52 Step-09: Create UWB k8s Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp

Section 7: AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database

Lecture 53 Step-01: Azure MySQL Database Introduction

Lecture 54 Step-02: Create Azure MYSQL Database

Lecture 55 Step-03: Create k8s External Name Service, Deploy and Test mysql connection

Lecture 56 Step-04: Review UWB App k8s Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp

Section 8: Kubernetes Secrets

Lecture 57 Implement Kubernetes Secrets

Section 9: AKS Storage - Azure Files

Lecture 58 Pre-requisite Note - Register for Microsoft Storage Resource Provider

Lecture 59 Step-01: Azure Files Introduction

Lecture 60 Step-02: Review k8s manifests for Azure Files - Storage Class and PVC

Lecture 61 Step-03: Deploy App, Upload Static Files, Test and CleanUp

Section 10: Ingress - Basics

Lecture 62 Step-00: Ingress Introduction

Lecture 63 Step-01: Ingress Basics Introduction

Lecture 64 Step-02: Create Static Public IP in Azure dedicated for Ingress

Lecture 65 Step-03: Install Ingress

Lecture 66 Step-04: Create k8s Ingress Manifest, Review k8s App Manifests and Deploy

Lecture 67 Step-05: Deploy k8s Ingress and App manifests, Test and CleanUp

Section 11: Ingress - Context Path based Routing

Lecture 68 Step-01: Ingress Context Path based Routing Introduction

Lecture 69 Step-02: Review CPR k8s manifests

Lecture 70 Step-03: Deploy k8s CPR Ingress, App manifests, Test and CleanUp

Section 12: Azure DNS Zones - Delegate a DNS Domain to Azure DNS

Lecture 71 Step-01: Azure DNS Zones Introduction

Lecture 72 Step-02: Create DNS Zone in Azure, Change Nameservers at DomaiN Registrar and Te

Section 13: Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS

Lecture 73 Step-01: ExternalDNS Introduction

Lecture 74 Step-02: Review ExternalDNS k8s Manifests

Lecture 75 Step-03: Create Managed Service Identity to allow access to DNS Zones

Lecture 76 Step-04: Deploy ExternalDNS, Review & Deploy Apps, Test and CleanUp

Section 14: Ingress - Domain Name based Routing

Lecture 77 Step-01: Ingress Domain Named based Routing Introduction

Lecture 78 Step-02: Review k8s DNR Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp

Section 15: Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt

Lecture 79 Step-01: Ingress SSL Introduction

Lecture 80 Step-02: Install Cert Manager, Review and Deploy Cluster Issuer

Lecture 81 Step-03: Review k8s Ingress SSL manifest, App Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanU

Section 16: Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits

Lecture 82 Step-01: Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Introduction

Lecture 83 Step-02: Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Implement, Deploy, Test and Cl

Section 17: Kubernetes Namespaces

Lecture 84 Step-01: Kubernetes Namespaces - Introduction

Lecture 85 Step-02: Kubernetes Namespaces - Implement Namespaces with kubectl - Imperative

Lecture 86 Step-03: Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Introduction

Lecture 87 Step-04: Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Implementation

Lecture 88 Step-05: Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Introduction

Lecture 89 Step-06: Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Implementation

Section 18: Azure AKS Virtual Nodes

Lecture 90 Step-01: Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI

Lecture 91 Step-02: Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI

Lecture 92 Step-03: Create AKS Cluster with Virtual Nodes Add On Enabled and Verify the sam

Lecture 93 Step-04: Deploy Sample App on Azure Virtual Nodes, Scale the App and Clean-Up

Lecture 94 Step-05: Azure Virtual Nodes Mixed Mode Deployments Introduction

Lecture 95 Step-06: Review k8s Manifests for Mixed Mode Deployments

Lecture 96 Step-07: Deploy, Test and Clean-Up Mixed Mode Deployments

Section 19: Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS

Lecture 97 Step-01: Azure Container Registry Introduction

Lecture 98 Step-02: Azure ACR & AKS Integration - Introduction

Lecture 99 Step-03: Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally

Lecture 100 Step-04: Attach ACR to AKS Cluster, Deploy Sample App Test and Clean Up

Lecture 101 Step-05: Pull ACR Images with Service Principal Introduction

Lecture 102 Step-06: Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally and push the docker i

Lecture 103 Pre-requisite Note Before Creating Service Principal

Lecture 104 Step-07: Create Azure Service Principal and Kubernetes Secret

Lecture 105 Step-08: Review k8s manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp SP usecase

Lecture 106 Step-09: Schedule on Virtual Nodes by pulling using SP and test

Section 20: Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry

Lecture 107 Step-01: Introduction to Azure DevOps Build Pipeline & Azure Container Registry

Lecture 108 Step-02: Create a Local Repository, Check-In Files and Push to Remote Github Rep

Lecture 109 Step-03: Create ACR, Azure DevOps Organization and Project and Discuss about Azu

Lecture 110 Step-04: Create a Build Pipleline to Build and Push Docker Image to ACR

Lecture 111 Step-05: Make changes to index.html to V2, commit and push changes and review th

Lecture 112 Step-06: Understand Namespaces in Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps Pi

Lecture 113 Step-07: Review Docker Build and Push Pipeline code on a high level

Section 21: Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS

Lecture 114 Step-01: Deploy to AKS Introduction

Lecture 115 Step-02: Create Pre-built pipeline named Deploy to AKS

Lecture 116 Step-03: Review Build and Deploy Stage Logs, Kubernetes Pods Access Application

Lecture 117 Step-04: Deploy New Version of Application and review Pipeline stages Build, Dep

Lecture 118 Step-05: Review Pipeline code for Build and Deploy Stages

Lecture 119 Step-06: Clean-Up Kubernetes App1 Workloads

Section 22: Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline

Lecture 120 Step-01: Introduction to Azure Starter Pipelines and Pipeline Key Concepts

Lecture 121 Step-02: Create Semi customized Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and

Lecture 122 Step-03: Create using Starter Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and P

Section 23: Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines

Lecture 123 Step-01: Azure DevOps Release Pipelines - Introduction

Lecture 124 Step-02: Create k8s Namespaces and Service Connections to those k8s Namespaces

Lecture 125 Step-03: Create Release Pipeline with Dev Stage and Map Artifacts from CI Build,

Lecture 126 Step-04: Verify Image name in k8s manifest and Check-In new code and review Buil

Lecture 127 Step-05: Change the Docker Image tag to Build.SourceVersion and test

Lecture 128 Step-06: Create QA, Staging and Prod Stages in Release Pipelines with email appr

Lecture 129 Step-07: Check-In new code, review entire Build and Release Pipelines

Lecture 130 Step-08: Clean-Up Kubernetes Workloads

Section 24: Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On

Lecture 131 Step-01: Introduction to AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On

Lecture 132 Step-02: Enable HTTP Application Routing AddOn on AKS Cluster

Lecture 133 Step-03: Deploy Sample Application with Ingress Service and Test

Lecture 134 Step-04: Clean Up Apps and Disable the Add-On

Section 25: Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters

Lecture 135 Step-01: Introduction to configuring access to Multiple AKS Clusters

Lecture 136 Step-02: Create two clusters with names aksdemo3 and aksdemo4 with Azure AKS CLI

Lecture 137 Step-03: Configure Access to aksdemo3 cluster, Understand kubectl config view an

Lecture 138 Step-04: Configure Access to aksdemo4 cluster and explore kubectl config use-con

Section 26: Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins

Lecture 139 Step-01: Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins

Lecture 140 Step-02: Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS

Lecture 141 Step-03: Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD user from kubectl

Lecture 142 Step-04: How to relogin with differetn user and how to override AD Authenticatio

Section 27: Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD

Lecture 143 Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes RBAC

Lecture 144 Step-02: Introduction to Role and Role Binding in Kubernetes in combination with

Lecture 145 Step-03: Create Dev, QA Namespaces and deploy sample applications

Lecture 146 Step-04: Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login

Lecture 147 Step-05: Review k8s Role and Role Binding manifests, create them

Lecture 148 Step-06: Access Dev Namespace using aksdev1 user and test

Section 28: Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD

Lecture 149 Step-01: Introduction to Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding in Kubernetes in

Lecture 150 Step-02: Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login

Lecture 151 Step-03: Review k8s Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding manifests, create them

Lecture 152 Step-04: Access Cluster resources in readonly mode with AD readonly user askread

Section 29: Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler

Lecture 153 Step-01: Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler

Lecture 154 Step-02: Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS CLI

Lecture 155 Step-03: Deploy Sample Application to Test cluster autoscaler and Clean-Up

Section 30: Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Lecture 156 Step-01: Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Lecture 157 Step-02: Create HPA imperatively and also review HPA Declarative k8s manifest

Lecture 158 Step-03: Generate load to demonstrate HPA in action and CleanUp

Section 31: Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli

Lecture 159 Step-01: Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part

Lecture 160 Step-02: Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part

Lecture 161 Step-03: Introduction to Creating Azure AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI

Lecture 162 Step-04: Implement Pre-requisite items like Creating Vnets & Subnets

Lecture 163 Step-05: Implement Pre-requisite items like AD Users, AD Groups SSHKEY, Log Anal

Lecture 164 Step-06: Create Azure AKS Cluster using az aks cli

Lecture 165 Step-07: Verify Cluster access using Azure AD User

Lecture 166 Step-08: Introduction to AKS NodePools

Lecture 167 Step-09: Create Virtual Nodes and Fix ACI Connector Issues related to Access

Lecture 168 Step-10: Create Linux User NodePool and Verify

Lecture 169 Step-11: Create Windows User NodePool and Verify

Lecture 170 Step-12: Introduction to deploying apps to NodePools using K8S Node Selectors

Lecture 171 Step-13: Review all 4 applications kubernetes manifests

Lecture 172 Step-14: Deploy 4 Apps, Test and Clean-Up

Section 32: Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform

Lecture 173 Step-01: Terraform Basics Introduction

Lecture 174 Step-02: Install Pre-requisistes, Terraform, AZ CLI, set Azure Subscription

Lecture 175 Step-03: Understand Terraform Providers and Terraform Init Command

Lecture 176 Step-04: Understand Terraform plan, validate and apply commands

Lecture 177 Step-05: Make changes and apply like add tags, modify resource group and underst

Lecture 178 Step-06: Understand Terraform refresh command in combination with tfstate files

Lecture 179 Step-07: Understand terraform show, providers and destroy commands

Lecture 180 Step-08: Introduction to Terraform Language Basics

Lecture 181 Step-09: Understand Terraform Language Syntax

Lecture 182 Step-10: Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-

Lecture 183 Step-11: Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-

Lecture 184 Step-12: Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part1

Lecture 185 Step-13: Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part2

Lecture 186 Step-14: Understand Terraform Output Values

Lecture 187 Step-15: Deploy Terraform manifests and Verify

Lecture 188 Step-16: Migrate Terraform Local State to Azure Storage Account

Lecture 189 Terraform Manifests Updated

Lecture 190 Step-17: Provision Azure AKS Cluster Introduction

Lecture 191 Step-18: Create SSH Keys, Windows Admin & Password, AKS latest version Datasourc

Lecture 192 Step-19: Create Log Analytics Workspace and Azure AD Group Terraform Resources

Lecture 193 Step-20: Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-1

Lecture 194 Step-21: Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-2

Lecture 195 Step-22: Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-3

Lecture 196 Step-23: Create Outputs, Provision AKS Cluster and Verify Outputs

Lecture 197 Step-24: Verify Access using default AKS Admin and Azure AD User associated to A

Lecture 198 Step-25: Create Windows and Linux Nodepools

Lecture 199 Step-26: Deploy Sample Apps, test and execute terraform destroy

Lecture 200 Step-27: Provision AKS Cluster with Custom VNET

Lecture 201 Step-28: Verify the cluster, nodepools and deploy sample apps, test and destroy

Section 33: Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster

Lecture 202 Step-01: Introduction to provisioning Azure AKS Cluster using Terraform and Azur

Lecture 203 Step-02: Install Azure DevOps Terraform Plugins in Azure DevOps Organization

Lecture 204 Step-03: Review Terraform Manifests, Kubernetes Manifests and Pipeline backup fi

Lecture 205 Step-04: Setup Github repository local and remote and copy k8s and terraform man

Lecture 206 Step-05: Create Service Connection, Fix AD Permissions, Create SSH Key and Uploa

Lecture 207 Step-06: Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-1

Lecture 208 Step-07: Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-2

Lecture 209 Step-08: Introduction to Deploy Dev AKS Cluster Deployment Job in Stage 2 of Pip

Lecture 210 Step-09: Write Pipeline code to Provision Dev AKS Cluster

Lecture 211 Step-10: Verify Dev AKS Cluster Provisioning is successful using Azure DevOps Pi

Lecture 212 Step-11: Create QA envionment related Pipeline code and Provision QA environment

Lecture 213 Step-12: Verify QA Environment

Lecture 214 Step-13: Add new nodepool, check-in code, monitor pipeline and verify cahnges

Lecture 215 Step-14: Clean-Up both AKS Clusters

Section 34: Congratulations

Lecture 216 Congratulations

Azure Architects or Sysadmins or Developers who are planning to master Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for running applications on Kubernetes,Any beginner who is interested in learning kubernetes on cloud using Azure AKS.,Any beginner who is interested in learning Azure DevOps, Terraform to provision Azure Kubernetes Clusters

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