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The Complete Web Developer In 2023: Zero To Mastery

Category: Courses / Developer
Author: DrZero
Date added: 13.08.2023 :18:08
Views: 15
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The Complete Web Developer In 2023: Zero To Mastery

Last updated 6/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 27.62 GB | Duration: 39h 7m

Learn to code and become a Web Developer in 2023 with HTML, CSS, jаvascript, React, Node.js, Machine Learning & more!

What you'll learn
Skills that will allow you to apply for jobs like: Web Developer, Software Developer, Front End Developer, jаvascript Developer, and Full Stack Developer
Learn modern technologies that are ACTUALLY being used behind tech companies in 2023
Build 10+ real world Web Development projects you can show off
Build a professional Portfolio Website
Learn best practices to write clean, performant, and bug free code + Learn to use ChatGPT as a developer
Master modern Web Development fundamentals as well as advanced topics
Work as a freelance Web Developer
Master beginner and advanced jаvascript topics
Learn React + Redux to build rich front end applications
Build your own full stack websites and applications
Build a complex image recognition app using everything we learn in the course
Become a professional Web Developer and get hired
Use NodeJS to write server-side jаvascript
Learn to implement user authentication
Use Express, SQL and PostgreSQL to create fullstack applications that scale
Master fundamental concepts in Web Development

A computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). That's it!
No previous coding experience is needed
All tools and software used in this course will be free
Prepare to learn real life skills and build real web apps that will get you hired!

Just Updated for 2023! Become a Fullstack Web Developer by learning the most in demand skills! Graduates of this course are now working at companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, Shopify, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies (...seriously).Join a live online community of over 900,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a Senior Developer and Tech Lead. This is the tutorial you've been looking for to become a modern web developer in 2023. It doesn't just cover a small portion of the industry. This covers everything you need to know to get hired: from absolute zero knowledge to being able to put things on your resume that will allow you to live the life you want. Sounds too good to be true? Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain why I built this Web Development course and what is different here than thousands of other courses all over the internet:I update the course every month to make sure you learn the most up to date skills! There is no wasted time here. We won't be using outdated technologies like PHP, Wordpress and JQuery. Although still useful, outdated technologies like the above are low paying and demands for them are decreasing. In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2023.After finishing this course, you will be able to apply for developer roles, get a promotion, or upgrade your job title as a developer and earn a higher salary. We won't be taking any shortcuts in this course. You are going to go from absolute zero: where you learn how the internet works. To mastery: where you build an image recognition app using a Machine Learning API (a subset of Artificial Intelligence) and all the other modern technologies that we learn in the course. Most students have commented how the projects in this course have impressed their interviewers and allowed them to get an offer.This course is taught by an instructor who has worked in Silicon Valley, and one of the top tech companies in Toronto. I have built large scale applications, and have managed teams of developers. I am not an online marketer or a salesman, but a software developer who has worked directly with these technologies. I love programming and believe that there needs to be a course out there that actually teaches valuable real life skills (because most of them are taught by teachers with no work experience).Your time is valuable and you don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a bootcamp. You want a course that outlines the best way to become a Web Developer, in simple and well explained terms, so that you fully understand topics instead of watching somebody on your screen and having no clue what is going on. I have taken the best pieces, tools, and practices that I have found over the years, and condensed everything into this course. 50 hours of videos doesn't mean much if the instructor isn't engaging or focuses on outdated topics. I made sure that everything covered in this course is efficient and focuses on getting you job ready as soon as possible! We have a thriving online chat community so you really feel like you are part of a classroom and not just watching videos by yourself. You will have a chance to communicate with fellow students, work on group projects together, and contribute to open source projects. Anytime you have a question, you can ask in many locations and get help right away (including from myself). The course is designed to give you employable skills so you can get a job. Here is what one student recently wrote after taking the course and being hired right away: "I'm a self taught dev, who has been out of work for ~6 months. I had some family things that came up that prevented me from seeking permanent employment, so for awhile I was Postmates/Uber delivery driver. After taking this course, I immediately got catapulted back to where I was before, but better equipped and with the knowledge to take on the next job. I had just finished the React section when I went to a recent interview, and it really helped me excel. As of today, I am officially re-employed back in the field, and it is all thanks to this course. I had a blast creating the final project, and FINALLY got around to learning SQL statements, and getting to use them in a project. I'm really ecstatic that Andrei went with teaching relational databases over something like MongoDB, which can also be fun, but is less practical for use on the job. So thanks Andrei , I really enjoyed the course and will be making sure to share it with others who find it helpful. I'm also looking forward to the new ES10 content that was recently added, and going through the DB stuff again when I go to build a personal project." - J.C.Think of this course like a Web Developer bootcamp. By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:HTML/HTML5CSS/CSS3SemanticUIResponsive DesignFlexboxCSS GridBootstrap 5DOM Manipulationjаvascript (including ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10/ES2020/ES2021/ES2022)Asynchronous jаvascriptHTTP/JSON/AJAXReact + Redux + React HooksGit + GithubCommand LineNode.jsExpress.jsNPMRESTful API DesignPostgresSQLSQLAuthenticationAuthorizationScalable InfrastructureSecurityProduction and DeploymentYou will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:Build real complex applications and websitesBuild an image recognition app so you can add it to your portfolioGo into a job interview confident that you understand the fundamental building blocks of web development and the developer trends in 2023Be able to go off on your own and grow your skills as a developer, having built a solid foundationLearn how frontend, servers, and databases communicate and how they all fit together in the eco systemBuild your own startup landing pageGo off and work remotely by being a freelance developer that can bid on projectsThis course is the accumulation of all of my years working in the industry, learning, and teaching. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things, that unless you have spent the last few years working with these technologies in a company, you will never fully understand. So this course is the answer to that exact problem for you: How to gain experience when you need experience to get hired? I have gone through thousands of coding books, online tutorials and bootcamps. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked and what hasn't, and I have created this course to narrow down the most efficient way to learn with the most relevant information. I am 100% confident that you won't find a course like this out there. We're not going to be building simple todo applications and cat image sliders. We are going to learn actual practical skills that will put you into the workforce. Some unique sections that you won't find anywhere else are:React.js + Redux: You will learn the library that companies like Netflix, Facebook and Instagram use to build fast, scalable applications. This is one of the highest in-demand skill in the industry.A day in the life of a developer: What will your day to day look like and what tools will you use? I will take you through a sample day at a tech company.How does the internet actually work? What is the history of these technologies?: You will actually understand the underlying concepts of the internet, and how the technologies we have now, have come to be where they are.How do you actually deploy a real life app so that it is secure, and won't get hacked?: How does a real life app get out to the public in a safe and secure way?What is Machine Learning and how you can harness its power: Whether you have heard about it or not, this is something that you will hear more and more in the coming years. Those who understand the high level concepts and can harness its power will have an advantage. What does your developer environment on your computer look like?: We will be setting up our computers with all the tools necessary of a developer so you can use the same setup when you go work in the industry.Why do we teach the above? Because in this day and age, just knowing HTML CSS and jаvascript is not good enough, and you won't be able to grow in your role and command a higher salary. You will learn these things because these are the things you should know in 2023 so that you are miles ahead of the rest. Make this the year that you took a risk, you learned highly in demand skills, you had new experiences, and you received new opportunities. I hope you join me in this journey. This is the proudest work I have ever done in my life and I am confident that you won't find a course better than this. See you inside!

Taught by

Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.See you inside the courses!

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Course Outline

Lecture 2 Join Our Online Classroom

Lecture 3 Exercise: Meet Your Classmates & Instructor

Lecture 4 ZTM Resources

Section 2: How The Internet Works

Lecture 5 Browsing the Web

Lecture 6 Breaking Google

Lecture 7 Exercise: Break Google Yourself

Lecture 8 The Internet Backbone

Lecture 9 Traceroute

Lecture 10 Exercise: Running traceroute


Lecture 12 What Does A Developer Do?

Lecture 13 Optional: The Article Which Inspired This Course

Lecture 14 Web Developer Monthly

Section 3: History Of The Web

Lecture 15 WWW vs Internet

Lecture 16 HTML, CSS, jаvascript


Lecture 18 Monthly Coding Challenges, Free Resources and Guides

Lecture 19 Developer History

Lecture 20 Exercise: Adding CSS and jаvascript to Tim's website

Lecture 21 Optional Resource: More About the History of the Web

Section 4: HTML 5

Lecture 22 Build Your First Website

Lecture 23 Resources: Your Text Editor


Lecture 25 Quick Note About w3schools

Lecture 26 How To Ask Questions

Lecture 27 HTML Tags

Lecture 28 HTML Tags 2

Lecture 29 Self Closing HTML Tags

Lecture 30 Anchor Tag

Lecture 31 Q&A: index.html

Lecture 32 Q&A: Relative vs Absolute Path

Section 5: Advanced HTML 5

Lecture 33 HTML Forms

Lecture 34 HTML Forms 2

Lecture 35 Submitting A Form

Lecture 36 HTML Tags 3

Lecture 37 HTML vs HTML 5

Lecture 38 Copy A Website

Lecture 39 HTML Challenge

Lecture 40 HTML Lesson Files

Lecture 41 Exercise: HTML Quiz

Lecture 42 Optional Exercise: More HTML

Section 6: CSS

Lecture 43 Exercise Files: Code-Along

Lecture 44 Your First CSS

Lecture 45 CSS Properties

Lecture 46 CSS Selectors

Lecture 47 Optional Exercise: CSS Selectors

Lecture 48 Text and Font

Lecture 49 Images In CSS

Lecture 50 Box Model

Lecture 51 px vs em vs rem

Lecture 52 Optional: PX, EM, REM, %, VW, and VH

Lecture 53 Exercise: CSS Quiz

Section 7: Advanced CSS

Lecture 54 Critical Render Path

Lecture 55 Exercise File: Code-Along Images

Lecture 56 Flexbox

Lecture 57 Optional Exercise: Flexbox Froggy

Lecture 58 CSS 3

Lecture 59 Optional Exercise: Mastering Transitions and Transforms

Lecture 60 Responsive UI

Lecture 61 Image Gallery Files

Lecture 62 Exercise: Robot Animation

Lecture 63 Exercise: Robot Animation Starter Files

Lecture 64 Solution: Robot Animation

Lecture 65 Optional Exercise: CSS

Section 8: Bootstrap, Templates, And Building Your Startup Landing Page

Lecture 66 Evolving Technology

Lecture 67 Bootstrap Introduction

Lecture 68 Bootstrap

Lecture 69 Bootstrap 5 Update

Lecture 70 Exercise: Changing Versions

Lecture 71 Bootstrap Grid

Lecture 72 Free Resources For Our Project

Lecture 73 Exercise: Startup Landing Page

Lecture 74 Exercise: Startup Landing Page 2

Lecture 75 Exercise: Startup Landing Page 3

Lecture 76 Quick Note: The hr tag

Lecture 77 Exercise: Startup Landing Page 4

Lecture 78 Bootstrap 5.2+ Button Hover Update

Lecture 79 Exercise: Startup Landing Page 5

Lecture 80 Quick Note: Text Not Centered?

Lecture 81 Quick Note: Mailchimp

Lecture 82 Exercise: Adding Email Subscribe Form With MailChimp

Lecture 83 Quick Note: Upcoming Videos

Lecture 84 Exercise: Putting Your Website Online

Lecture 85 Exercise: Putting Your Website Online 2

Lecture 86 Quick Note: Upcoming Video


Lecture 88 Using Templates

Lecture 89 Resources for FREE Templates

Lecture 90 Startup Landing Pages by Students

Section 9: CSS Grid + CSS Layout

Lecture 91 Section Overview

Lecture 92 CSS Grid vs Flexbox vs Bootstrap

Lecture 93 Quick Note: grid-gap to gap

Lecture 94 CSS Grid 1

Lecture 95 CSS Grid 2

Lecture 96 CSS Grid 3

Lecture 97 CSS Grid 4

Lecture 98 CSS Grid 5

Lecture 99 Optional Exercise: CSS Grid

Lecture 100 Exercise: CSS Layout

Lecture 101 Solution: Navigation Bar

Lecture 102 Solution: Navigation Bar 2

Lecture 103 Solution: Cover

Lecture 104 Solution: Project Grid + Footer

Lecture 105 Quick Note: Upcoming Video

Lecture 106 Solution: Prettify

Lecture 107 Resources: CSS Guide

Lecture 108 The Truth About CSS

Section 10: Career Of A Web Developer

Lecture 109 Career Of A Web Developer

Lecture 110 2023 Updated Statistics

Lecture 111 Web Developer Roadmap

Lecture 112 Quick Note: Upcoming Video

Lecture 113 What If I Don't Have Enough Experience?

Lecture 114 Endorsements On LinkedIN


Lecture 116 Learning Guideline

Section 11: jаvascript

Lecture 117 Introduction To jаvascript

Lecture 118 What Is jаvascript?

Lecture 119 Your First jаvascript

Lecture 120 Exercise: Number, String, Boolean, Comparisons

Lecture 121 Variables

Lecture 122 Exercise: Variables

Lecture 123 Exercise: Make A Calculator

Lecture 124 Control Flow

Lecture 125 Exercise: Make A Keyless Car

Lecture 126 jаvascript On Our Webpage

Lecture 127 Functions

Lecture 128 Exercise: Make A Keyless Car Even Better

Lecture 129 Data Structures: Arrays

Lecture 130 Exercise: Arrays

Lecture 131 Data Structures: Objects

Lecture 132 Exercise: Objects And Arrays For Facebook App

Lecture 133 Exercise: Build Facebook

Lecture 134 jаvascript Terminology

Lecture 135 Loops

Lecture 136 Exercise: Build Facebook 2

Lecture 137 jаvascript Keywords

Lecture 138 Section Outline Document

Section 12: DOM Manipulation

Lecture 139 Document Object Model

Lecture 140 DOM Selectors

Lecture 141 Exercise: DOM Selectors

Lecture 142 DOM Events

Lecture 143 Note: Callback Functions

Lecture 144 Exercise: DOM Events

Lecture 145 Solution: DOM Events

Lecture 146 Exercise: Background Generator

Lecture 147 Background Generator Files

Lecture 148 jQuery


Section 13: Advanced jаvascript

Lecture 150 Scope

Lecture 151 Exercise: Scope

Lecture 152 Advanced Control Flow

Lecture 153 Exercise: Advanced Control Flow

Lecture 154 ES5 and ES6

Lecture 155 Exercise: ES5 and ES6

Lecture 156 Advanced Functions

Lecture 157 Exercise: Advanced Functions

Lecture 158 Advanced Arrays

Lecture 159 Exercise: Advanced Arrays

Lecture 160 Advanced Objects

Lecture 161 Quick Note: Upcoming Videos

Lecture 162 Pass By Value vs Pass By Reference

Lecture 163 Type Coercion

Lecture 164 Exercise: Advanced Objects

Lecture 165 ES7 (ES2016)

Lecture 166 Exercise: ES7

Lecture 167 ES8 (ES2017)

Lecture 168 Exercise: ES8

Lecture 169 Note: ES9 + ES8 Async Await

Lecture 170 ES10 (ES2019)

Lecture 171 Exercise: ES10

Lecture 172 Advanced Loops

Lecture 173 Exercise: Advanced Loops

Lecture 174 ES2020 Part 1

Lecture 175 ES2020 Part 2

Lecture 176 ES2020 Part 3

Lecture 177 Exercise: ES2020

Lecture 178 ES2021

Lecture 179 ES2022

Lecture 180 Debugging

Lecture 181 How jаvascript Works

Lecture 182 Modules

Lecture 183 More Modules To Come

Lecture 184 Exercise: Imposter Syndrome

Lecture 185 Extra jаvascript Practice

Lecture 186 Optional Exercise: jаvascript Logic

Section 14: Command Line

Lecture 187 For WINDOWS Users ONLY

Lecture 188 Quick Note: For Windows Users

Lecture 189 Using The Terminal

Lecture 190 Exercise: Practice Using The Terminal

Section 15: Developer Environment

Lecture 191 Sublime Text

Lecture 192 Resources: Customizing Sublime Text

Lecture 193 VS Code

Lecture 194 Resources: Customizing VS Code

Lecture 195 Terminal

Lecture 196 Resources: Customizing Terminal

Lecture 197 For Windows: Customizing Git Bash

Section 16: Git + Github + Open Source Projects

Lecture 198 Installing Git

Lecture 199 Git + Github Part 1

Lecture 200 Github Update: Master --> Main

Lecture 201 Git + Github Part 2

Lecture 202 My Terminal Setup

Lecture 203 Contributing To Open Source

Lecture 204 Contributing To Open Source 2

Lecture 205 Exercise: Contribute To Our Open Source

Lecture 206 Keeping Your Fork Up To Date

Lecture 207 Portfolio Website for Recruiters

Section 17: A Day In The Life Of A Developer

Lecture 208 A Typical Day

Lecture 209 Exercise: Helping A Developer

Lecture 210 A Developer's Morning Routine

Section 18: NPM + NPM Scripts

Lecture 211 Introduction To NPM

Lecture 212 Setting Up NPM and package.json

Lecture 213 Update: Latest Node.js and NPM

Lecture 214 Troubleshoot: Installing NPM and Node.js

Lecture 215 Installing And Using Packages

Lecture 216 Why Update Packages?

Lecture 217 Quick Note About Packages

Lecture 218 Exercise: Create A Portfolio

Section 19: React.js, React Hooks, Redux (Hooks and Redux videos moved to end of course!)

Lecture 219 Introduction To React.js

Lecture 220 React Guide

Lecture 221 Create React App

Lecture 222 React App Folder Structure

Lecture 223 React 18 Update

Lecture 224 React Fundamentals

Lecture 225 React Fundamentals 2

Lecture 226 Hooks vs Classes

Lecture 227 Class vs Functional App.js

Lecture 228 Quick Note: Service Worker File

Lecture 229 Your First React Component

Lecture 230 Building A React App 1

Lecture 231 React.Fragment and Semantic HTML

Lecture 232 The Dirty Little Secret To Become An Expert

Lecture 233 Exercise: Learn to Read the Docs

Lecture 234 Building A React App 2

Lecture 235 Building A React App 3

Lecture 236 Styling Your React App

Lecture 237 Quick Note: JSON Placeholder

Lecture 238 Building A React App 4

Lecture 239 Building A React App 5

Lecture 240 Building A React App 6

Lecture 241 Project Files

Lecture 242 Keeping Your Projects Up To Date

Lecture 243 Exercise: React 18

Lecture 244 Solution: Try Upgrading to React 18

Lecture 245 React Review

Lecture 246 Error Boundary In React

Lecture 247 Deploying Our React App

Lecture 248 React Hooks + Redux (Saved For End Of The Course)

Section 20: HTTP/JSON/AJAX + Asynchronous jаvascript

Lecture 249 HTTP/HTTPS

Lecture 250 JSON

Lecture 251 JSON vs Form Data

Lecture 252 AJAX

Lecture 253 Quick Note: Upcoming Video

Lecture 254 Promises

Lecture 255 Exercise: Promises

Lecture 256 ES8 - Async Await

Lecture 257 Exercise: ES8 - Async Await

Lecture 258 ES9 (ES2018)

Lecture 259 ES9 (ES2018) - Async

Lecture 260 ES2020: allSettled()

Lecture 261 ES2021: any()

Lecture 262 Reviewing ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES11 Features

Section 21: Backend Introduction

Lecture 263 Backend Basics

Section 22: APIs

Lecture 264 Getting Ready For This Section

Lecture 265 Introduction to APIs

Lecture 266 Exercise: Web App APIs

Lecture 267 Optional Exercise: Speech Recognition

Lecture 268 Resources: Public APIs

Section 23: Leveling Up: The Power of Problem Solving

Lecture 269 Snapshot Model of Learning

Lecture 270 LTL: Deliberate Practice

Lecture 271 Exercise: Deliberate Practice

Section 24: FINAL PROJECT: SmartBrain Front-End

Lecture 272 What We Are Building

Lecture 273 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: Maintain Your Codebase

Lecture 274 Quick Note: React Tilt + React Particles

Lecture 275 Building Our Components

Lecture 276 Introducing Our Machine Learning API

Lecture 277 Resource: Clarifai API Docs

Lecture 278 Before We Start The Big Part

Lecture 279 Quick Note: Next 3 Lectures

Lecture 280 Testing Our API

Lecture 281 Reading Documentation Like A Pro

Lecture 282 Exercise: Coding Your Image Recognition API

Lecture 283 Face Detection Box

Lecture 284 Customize Your App

Lecture 285 Sign In Form And Routing

Lecture 286 Project Files: Github

Section 25: Node.js + Express.js

Lecture 287 Introduction To Node.js

Lecture 288 fetch() in Node

Lecture 289 Latest Version of Node.js

Lecture 290 For Windows Users

Lecture 291 Running script.js In Node

Lecture 292 ES2020: globalThis

Lecture 293 Modules In Node

Lecture 294 ES6 Modules??

Lecture 295 ES6 Modules In Node

Lecture 296 ES2022: Top Level Await

Lecture 297 Exercise: ES2022 Top Level Await

Lecture 298 ES2022: Await Import

Lecture 299 Types of Modules

Lecture 300 Building a Server

Lecture 301 Introduction to Express.js

Lecture 302 Express Middleware

Lecture 303 Express Version Update

Lecture 304 Postman

Lecture 305 Quick Note: req.header

Lecture 306 RESTful APIs

Lecture 307 Node File System Module

Lecture 308 Exercise: Santa's Node Helper

Lecture 309 Exercise Resources: Santa's Node Helper

Lecture 310 Solution: Santa's Node Helper

Section 26: FINAL PROJECT: SmartBrain Back-End -- Server

Lecture 311 Setting Up Our Server

Lecture 312 /signin and /register

Lecture 313 /profile/:id and /image

Lecture 314 Quick Note: Bcrypt

Lecture 315 Storing User Passwords

Lecture 316 Resource: Storing User Passwords Securely

Lecture 317 Connecting To Our Front-End

Lecture 318 Resource: CORS

Lecture 319 Registering Users

Lecture 320 Exercise: Load User Feature

Lecture 321 User Profile Update

Lecture 322 Project Files: Github

Section 27: Databases

Lecture 323 Introduction To Databases

Lecture 324 Installing PostgreSQL

Lecture 325 For Windows Users

Lecture 326 Resources: Installing PostgreSQL

Lecture 327 SQL: Create Table

Lecture 328 SQL: Insert Into + Select

Lecture 329 SQL: Alter Table + Update

Lecture 330 SQL: Conditional Selections

Lecture 331 SQL: Functions

Lecture 332 Joining Tables Part 1

Lecture 333 Joining Tables Part 2

Lecture 334 SQL: Delete From + Drop Table

Lecture 335 Exercises: SQL Commands

Section 28: FINAL PROJECT: SmartBrain Back-End -- Database

Lecture 336 Setting Up Your Database

Lecture 337 Connecting To The Database

Lecture 338 Troubleshooting: Connecting Knex

Lecture 339 Registering A User Part 1

Lecture 340 Registering A User Part 2

Lecture 341 Getting User Profiles

Lecture 342 Quick Note: Knex.js Breaking Changes

Lecture 343 Updating Entries

Lecture 344 Quick Note: Knex.js Breaking Changes 2

Lecture 345 Sign In

Lecture 346 Quick Note: Removing Unused Variables

Lecture 347 Putting It All Together

Lecture 348 What's Next?

Section 29: Production + Deployment

Lecture 349 Deploying Our Files

Lecture 350 Code Review

Lecture 351 Quick Note: Clarifai API

Lecture 352 Security Review

Lecture 353 Quick Note: Cleaning Up

Lecture 354 Optional Exercise: Using ChatGPT

Lecture 355 Optional: Using gRPC API

Lecture 356 Environment Variables

Lecture 357 Alternatives to Heroku

Lecture 358 Exercise: Deploying To Production

Lecture 359 Deploying On Heroku

Lecture 360 Quick Note: Troubleshooting Next Video

Lecture 361 Deploying To Heroku Part 2

Lecture 362 Deploying To Heroku Part 3

Lecture 363 Npm Serve

Lecture 364 Deploying To Heroku Part 4

Lecture 365 Project Files: Github

Section 30: Where To Go From Here?

Lecture 366 Thank You!

Lecture 367 Become an Alumni

Lecture 368 Resource: Interviewing

Lecture 369 My Advice On Interviewing

Lecture 370 My Advice On Getting Hired

Lecture 371 My Advice On Resume/Portfolio/LinkedIn

Lecture 372 My Advice On Being a Junior Developer

Lecture 373 My Advice On How To Become A Senior Developer

Lecture 374 Part 2

Section 31: Extra Bits

Lecture 375 Ask Me Anything - 1,000 Students

Lecture 376 AMA - 100,000 Students!!

Lecture 377 Coding Challenges

Section 32: Extra Learning: React Hooks

Lecture 378 New React Hooks Documentation

Lecture 379 React Hooks

Lecture 380 React Hooks 2

Lecture 381 React Hooks 3

Lecture 382 React Hooks 4

Lecture 383 React Hooks 5

Lecture 384 React Hooks 6

Lecture 385 React Hooks 7

Lecture 386 React Hooks 8

Lecture 387 Project Files - Hooks

Lecture 388 React Hooks 9

Section 33: Optional Extra Learning: Redux

Lecture 389 Quick Note About Redux

Lecture 390 State management

Lecture 391 Why Redux?

Lecture 392 Installing Redux

Lecture 393 Redux Toolkit

Lecture 394 Redux Actions and Reducers

Lecture 395 Redux Store and Provider

Lecture 396 Redux connect()

Lecture 397 Redux Middleware

Lecture 398 Redux Async Actions

Lecture 399 Redux Project Structures

Lecture 400 Popular Tools For React + Redux

Lecture 401 Project Files - Redux

Section 34: Extra: For Windows Users

Lecture 402 Introduction From Wolfgang

Lecture 403 Git for Windows

Lecture 404 Install NodeJS for Windows

Lecture 405 Install PostgreSQL for Windows

Lecture 406 Using PSQL and PGADMIN


Lecture 407 Special Bonus Lecture

You want to learn to code and build websites and web apps,You are looking to start a career in Web Development,You know HTML and CSS but want to expand your skills and do more,You want to start your own business or become a freelancer,You want to learn REAL industry skills that are necessary in 2023 to get hired as a web developer and earn a higher salary,You want one course to teach you everything in one place from a senior developer that works in the industry

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