Master Spring Boot Microservice & Angular with K8s CICD AWS Language: English | Size:5.28 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
1 Introduction.mp4 (68.78 MB) MP4 1 What is Manifest files.mp4 (38.19 MB) MP4 2 Manifest files creation part -1.mp4 (187.29 MB) MP4 3 Manifest files part -2.mp4 (90.94 MB) MP4 1 Github repository creation and code push.mp4 (35.63 MB) MP4 1 What is Load Balancer.mp4 (29.71 MB) MP4 2 Types of Load Balancers.mp4 (9.37 MB) MP4 3 What is AWS Load Balancers.mp4 (5.77 MB) MP4 4 What is ALB Controller and Ingress.mp4 (14.34 MB) MP4 6 Steps to Deploy AWS Load Balancer ALB Controller.mp4 (131.85 MB) MP4 7 Ingress deployment with End to End flow.mp4 (161.18 MB) MP4 1 What is Junit and What are the best practices in Junit.mp4 (31.58 MB) MP4 2 What is Mocking in Junit.mp4 (3.45 MB) MP4 3 What is Mocking.mp4 (11.68 MB) MP4 4 What is @Mock and @InjectMock.mp4 (7.24 MB) MP4 5 What's the importance of Mockito in Junit.mp4 (37.93 MB) MP4 6 Junit for Controller.mp4 (153.07 MB) MP4 7 Junit for Service.mp4 (150.72 MB) MP4 1 EC2 instance creation and installation.mp4 (146.91 MB) MP4 2 Sonar Installation and configuration in EC2.mp4 (81.39 MB) MP4 1 What is CICD.mp4 (107.7 MB) MP4 3 Jenkins configurations.mp4 (153.03 MB) MP4 4 Creating Restaurant Listing pipeline in Jenkins.mp4 (16.73 MB) MP4 5 What is Jenkins file.mp4 (77.36 MB) MP4 6 CICD for backend microservice using jenkins file.mp4 (49.33 MB) MP4 8 CICD for Angular.mp4 (124.87 MB) MP4 9 Argo CD deployment.mp4 (246.7 MB) MP4 1 Spring boot basics.mp4 (29.29 MB) MP4 10 Advantages of using Microservices.mp4 (9.85 MB) MP4 11 Microservices Architecture.mp4 (2.85 MB) MP4 12 Why we are using Eureka.mp4 (36.12 MB) MP4 13 Setting up the Eureka Server.mp4 (28.93 MB) MP4 14 Restaurant Listing Microservice.mp4 (219.03 MB) MP4 15 Food Catalogue Microservice.mp4 (264.8 MB) MP4 16 Order Microservice.mp4 (206.26 MB) MP4 17 User Microservice.mp4 (93.56 MB) MP4 2 What is Rest and Restful.mp4 (7.35 MB) MP4 3 What is Rest Resource and URI.mp4 (14.71 MB) MP4 4 What are HTTP methods.mp4 (5.72 MB) MP4 5 Features of Restful Web services and What is Statelessness of Rest.mp4 (10.91 MB) MP4 6 How to choose between Relational Database and NoSql Databases.mp4 (24.68 MB) MP4 7 What is Monolithic Application.mp4 (6.15 MB) MP4 8 Disadvantages of Monolithic Application.mp4 (6.66 MB) MP4 9 What are Microservices.mp4 (689.94 KB) MP4 1 What is Angular and Typescript.mp4 (5.2 MB) MP4 2 Service and Dependency Injection in Angular.mp4 (96.63 MB) MP4 3 Introduction to Node js and VSCode.mp4 (21.09 MB) MP4 4 Package json and Package-lock json.mp4 (67.59 MB) MP4 5 Angular files Description.mp4 (56.32 MB) MP4 1 Quick start with Angular app and wiremock.mp4 (72.73 MB) MP4 2 Restaurant List page designing in Angular.mp4 (217.5 MB) MP4 3 Food catalogue page designing in Angular.mp4 (235.13 MB) MP4 4 Order page front end in Angular.mp4 (141.88 MB) MP4 1 What is Docker.mp4 (18.03 MB) MP4 2 How Docker file, Image and containers are created.mp4 (4.82 MB) MP4 3 What is a docker File.mp4 (47.58 MB) MP4 4 What is Docker Image.mp4 (29.22 MB) MP4 5 What is Docker Container.mp4 (25.44 MB) MP4 6 What is Docker hub.mp4 (21.64 MB) MP4 7 Why do we need Docker.mp4 (59.5 MB) MP4 8 Dockerize Angular and Backend application.mp4 (149.4 MB) MP4 1 Spring boot profiling and pushing image to Docker hub.mp4 (216.11 MB) MP4 1 Introduction to AWS.mp4 (38.01 MB) MP4 2 Installation of Chocolatey.mp4 (11.68 MB) MP4 3 What is AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).mp4 (200.91 MB) MP4 4 Getting Started with AWS EKS.mp4 (69.14 MB) MP4 1 What is AWS RDS and why to use it.mp4 (29.74 MB) MP4 2 How to setup AWS RDS.mp4 (136.13 MB) MP4 3 What is Mongo DB Atlas.mp4 (39.89 MB) MP4 4 How to setup Mongo Atlas DB.mp4 (39.08 MB) MP4 1 What is Kubernetes.mp4 (39.3 MB) MP4 10 What are deployments.mp4 (7.36 MB) MP4 11 What are stateful sets.mp4 (13.39 MB) MP4 2 Why Kubernetes.mp4 (20.83 MB) MP4 3 What is Node and Pods.mp4 (47.6 MB) MP4 4 Types of Services.mp4 (22.52 MB) MP4 5 What is Config map.mp4 (15.54 MB) MP4 6 What is Secret.mp4 (9.49 MB) MP4 7 Difference between config map and secret.mp4 (8.77 MB) MP4 8 What are Volumes.mp4 (18.24 MB) MP4 9 How to create replica set in kubernetes.mp4 (8.68 MB) MP4