KingsIndian A Complete Chess Opening Repertoire vs 1d4 Language: English | Size:28.88 GB Genre:eLearning
Files Included :
1 - What is the early Kings Indian Defence Move Sequence.mp4 (295 MB) MP4 10 - Garry Kasparovs Kings Indian Defence skills.mp4 (137.83 MB) MP4 11 - Dr John Nunns Kings Indian Defence powers.mp4 (273.95 MB) MP4 12 - Why is the KIngs Indian Defence not so popular nowadays with top GMs.mp4 (239.17 MB) MP4 13 - Criteria and Focus for Game Analysis.mp4 (134.19 MB) MP4 2 - Why the Kings Indian Defence.mp4 (318.71 MB) MP4 3 - My personal experience with the Kings Indian Defence.mp4 (209.06 MB) MP4 4 - Differences between Kings Indian Attack and Kings Indian Defence.mp4 (268.69 MB) MP4 5 - General advice for your Kings Indian Defence Journey.mp4 (291.45 MB) MP4 6 - Evaluating Approaches to Handling Whites options Surprise vs Accuracy.mp4 (158.06 MB) MP4 7 - Kings Indian Defence Position Evaluation Priorities.mp4 (268.56 MB) MP4 8 - Isaac Boleslavsky Kings Indian Defence early contributions.mp4 (163.1 MB) MP4 9 - Bobby Fischers Kings Indian Defence prowess.mp4 (133.79 MB) MP4 65 - Very logical flowing play with interesting dxc5 decision Banikas vs Hebden.mp4 (173.76 MB) MP4 67 - Winner of the game makes the last but one mistake Bonafont vs Gavriel.mp4 (268.19 MB) MP4 68 - Blitz Invasive Queen helps undermine the White pawn center Ivkov vs Tal.mp4 (148.73 MB) MP4 69 - Amazing dynamic play with the apawn being pushed Koualty vs Kasparov.mp4 (153.7 MB) MP4 70 - 302 Cs Beautiful positional Queen Sac vs relative pin Kramnik vs Kasparov.mp4 (150.27 MB) MP4 71 - 53 Cs Diagonal h6c1 made use of and semiopen g file Kramnik vs Kasparov.mp4 (198.98 MB) MP4 73 - Very interesting positional pawn sacrifice for initiative Szabo vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (236.27 MB) MP4 74 - 18 Cs Interesting gambit not accepted later great Knight sac Niebults vs Tal.mp4 (178.7 MB) MP4 76 - Very important thematic temporary piece sacrifice Lazarev vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (228.66 MB) MP4 77 - 14 Cs Lots of pressure put on light squares g2 and f3 Wexler vs Fischer.mp4 (238.4 MB) MP4 78 - 101 Cs ICONIC game where passed pawns in endgame win Olafsson vs Fischer.mp4 (256.23 MB) MP4 79 - Exchange sacrifice in endgame to create two connected pawns Gligoric vs Fischer.mp4 (243.27 MB) MP4 81 - Important Introductory point dont play routine looking 7Nc6.mp4 (93.96 MB) MP4 83 - Early exchange sacrifice gives clear advantage to Black Muter vs Hebden.mp4 (109.7 MB) MP4 84 - Important to keep g5 solid so dxe5 best answered with dxe5 Siebrecht vs Jones.mp4 (181.79 MB) MP4 86 - A slightly unsound but liberating d5 pawn break gives play Arlandi vs Nunn.mp4 (160.44 MB) MP4 87 - Very dynamic aggressive c5 forcing move at expense of d5 hole Hort vs Nunn.mp4 (221.01 MB) MP4 88 - Very aggressive trebled pawns situation with exchange sac ion f4 Gross vs Nunn.mp4 (182.32 MB) MP4 89 - Interesting use of f8a3 diagonal to make use of Knight on f4 Sokolov vs Nunn.mp4 (164.31 MB) MP4 90 - Dynamic mass of pawns near Whites King justifies piece sac Portisch vs Nunn.mp4 (164.24 MB) MP4 91 - Ng4 response when White plays dxe5 b5 and f5 later Fedorowicz vs Nunn.mp4 (184.02 MB) MP4 92 - No game was ever won by resigning dangerous pawns work out Gschnitzer vs Nunn.mp4 (268.11 MB) MP4 94 - Interesting positional exchange sacrifice for dark squares Gelfand vs Kasparov.mp4 (215.9 MB) MP4 95 - White takes some tactical risks and is punished Volkov vs Kotronias.mp4 (189.83 MB) MP4 97 - 6 Cs Whites pawn sacrifice didnt generate enough compensation Nei vs Tal.mp4 (147.56 MB) MP4 98 - An instructive rook and pawn endgame Ivkov vs Tal.mp4 (227.14 MB) MP4 100 - 9c6 positional pawn sacrifice creates counterplay Hoeksema vs Nunn.mp4 (188.2 MB) MP4 15 - 366 Cs ICONIC Game Omission of d6 early provocation Letelier vs Fischer.mp4 (276.2 MB) MP4 16 - 135 Cs Unusual setup of Bg5 and Qd2 without Nf3 being played Szabo vs Fischer.mp4 (244.33 MB) MP4 102 - Karpovs Be3 Makogonov system Na6 counterplay method Karpov vs Anand.mp4 (235.29 MB) MP4 104 - Early c5 and then an exchange sac for compensation Tabatabaei vs Kotronias.mp4 (95.69 MB) MP4 106 - Very interesting early c6 with possible d5 threat Chernin vs Kasparov.mp4 (116.74 MB) MP4 108 - Interesting dark square pressure and allowing d6 to go Bates vs Hebden.mp4 (165.33 MB) MP4 110 - Interesting tactics which potentially weaken Ksafety Svidler vs Nakamura.mp4 (142.82 MB) MP4 111 - Introduction to some key major variations Classical Gambit line Panno etc.mp4 (326.34 MB) MP4 113 - Plan of c5 to open up diagonal strong attack Gavriel Kingscrusher vs Nunn.mp4 (204.18 MB) MP4 114 - White d5 pawn becomes weak leading to good endgame for Black Zsinka vs Nunn.mp4 (163.63 MB) MP4 115 - Cool defensive resources enable transition to endgame win Ljubojevic vs Nunn.mp4 (153.47 MB) MP4 116 - Interesting attacking resources to make attack run quickly Kuligowski vs Nunn.mp4 (211.71 MB) MP4 117 - Very energetic Qside play including c6 to open lines Hurme vs Nunn.mp4 (108.21 MB) MP4 118 - Black generates good counterplay exposing White King Sadler vs Nunn.mp4 (144.82 MB) MP4 119 - Very energetic pawn sac and d5 liberation gives counterplay Formanek vs Nunn.mp4 (117.97 MB) MP4 120 - Sufficient Qside counterplay created and White overextends Hjartarson vs Nunn.mp4 (135.53 MB) MP4 121 - Threats on both sides of the board for winning endgame Vaganian vs Nunn.mp4 (162.48 MB) MP4 123 - 19 Cs Closed center with e5 and c5 with later pawn sac Tal vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (165.16 MB) MP4 124 - Black able to play early gambit which opens up both bishops Nei vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (124.71 MB) MP4 125 - Dynamic aspects of dark squares allow amazing Knight sac Liberzon vs Boleslavsy.mp4 (161.33 MB) MP4 126 - Well timed e4 pawn break sacrifice g7 bishop alive Chistiakov vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (154.27 MB) MP4 127 - Interesting tactical resources with White K in center Shiskin vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (214.4 MB) MP4 129 - 310 Cs ICONIC game Whites King is caught in the center Karpov vs Kasparov.mp4 (235.91 MB) MP4 131 - Fascinating tactics based on overkeen inflitratingRook move Plaskett vs Agnos.mp4 (175.98 MB) MP4 18 - 20 Cs Black gets a dangerous passed cpawn Christoffel vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (209.9 MB) MP4 19 - 16 Cs Dynamic but risky play for dark square pressure Lundin vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (284.85 MB) MP4 20 - Weakness of f3 move very interesting liberating d5 break Corral vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (153.97 MB) MP4 21 - 15 Cs Dark square strategy Bh6 made use of Sakellaropoulos vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (163.46 MB) MP4 22 - Very interesting g3 pawn sacrifice creating Ksafety issues Boer vs Nunn.mp4 (149.75 MB) MP4 23 - Game that Nunn went over to Kingscrusher and other juniors Korchnoi vs Nunn.mp4 (271.87 MB) MP4 24 - Attack stronger when White gives light square bishop Wirthensohn vs Nunn.mp4 (168.73 MB) MP4 25 - Blacks Knights assist pawn storm on Kside Koualty vs Nunn.mp4 (162.12 MB) MP4 26 - Great endgame with Knight vs Bishop after dark square trade Ftacnik vs Nunn.mp4 (191.98 MB) MP4 27 - Interesting giving up of dark square bishop to weaken rook Gurevich vs Nunn.mp4 (190.34 MB) MP4 28 - Nice short and sweet game showing how B can reach e3 Shockenbaeumer vs Jones.mp4 (94.31 MB) MP4 29 - Bypassing exchange sacrifice offered for attacking resources Mackle vs Jones.mp4 (128.11 MB) MP4 30 - A very interesting piece sacrifice for multiple pawns Bartholomew vs Hebden.mp4 (245.8 MB) MP4 133 - 8 Cs White gets too greedy with Nxa7 and Knight is stranded Fuster vs Fischer.mp4 (304.66 MB) MP4 135 - 20 Cs Amazing piece sacrifice for huge pressure Beliavsky vs Nunn.mp4 (228.28 MB) MP4 136 - Introductory Key point 6e5 is unplayable it loses material.mp4 (63.85 MB) MP4 137 - Introduction to main idea of c5 or alternative Na6.mp4 (286.61 MB) MP4 139 - Very dynamic tactical game with double pawn sac possibility Alburt vs Kasparov.mp4 (269.57 MB) MP4 140 - 34 Cs Transitioning into a Modern Benoni pawn structure Larsen vs Fischer.mp4 (194.19 MB) MP4 141 - 18 CsCastling Qside carries many issues including c3 Magerramov vs Kasparov.mp4 (126.64 MB) MP4 142 - 77 Cs Benko Gambit style Must win last round Tukmakov vs Kasparov.mp4 (239.9 MB) MP4 143 - 73 Cs Dangers of castling Qside emphasised by energetic play Chukaev vs Tal.mp4 (133.01 MB) MP4 144 - Dangers of castling Qside and fascinating d6 pawn sac lines Moehring vs Tal.mp4 (197.36 MB) MP4 146 - Releasing knight blockade letting g7 bishop alive Lukacs vs Uhlmann.mp4 (157.16 MB) MP4 148 - Bg4xf3 plan later black sacrifices c4 for huge compensation Brown vs Nunn.mp4 (124.45 MB) MP4 149 - dxc5 instead of d5 Black is able to play liberating d5 break Ward vs Nunn.mp4 (165.71 MB) MP4 150 - Nice thematic Ne8c7 plan supporting a6 and b5 Jackson vs Hebden.mp4 (127.86 MB) MP4 151 - Strong queenside counterplay transitions into direct K attack Kozul vs Nunn.mp4 (180.81 MB) MP4 152 - 9 Cs Thematic undermining d5 with Na6c7 and c pawn passed Peng vs Polgar.mp4 (166.28 MB) MP4 153 - e5 break carries some dangers but e6 knight also liability Sadler vs Gallagher.mp4 (172.39 MB) MP4 155 - Amplifying g7 bishop helps weaken c3 which Knight goes to Smyslov vs Bronstein.mp4 (194.85 MB) MP4 156 - c5 played early and later undermining the d5 point Wexler vs Fischer.mp4 (218.54 MB) MP4 158 - 35 Cs Amazing piece sacrifice for connected passed pawns Carlsen vs Radjabov.mp4 (201.77 MB) MP4 160 - 14 CsEarly e4 not so recommendable in fianchetto variation Surgies vs Fischer.mp4 (182.18 MB) MP4 161 - 15 Cs Classic Nbd7 backward d6 later Back row tactics Kan vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (154.52 MB) MP4 162 - 18 Cs Ineffective Rb1b4 plan not helping c4 weakness Donner vs Fischer 1966.mp4 (278.64 MB) MP4 163 - Classic Nbd7 and e5 plan Nb6 energises black position Guseinov vs Mamedov.mp4 (97.96 MB) MP4 164 - 14 Cs Classic Nbd7 and e5 plan Kotov vs Geller.mp4 (129.2 MB) MP4 165 - White loses control over light squares with bad pawn move Germek vs Geller.mp4 (149.89 MB) MP4 166 - 30 Cs Nice Knight sacrifice on f2 creates problems to solve Timman vs Kasparov.mp4 (138.41 MB) MP4 167 - Nb6 instrumental to potentially transforming structure Udovcic vs Boleslavsky.mp4 (139.97 MB) MP4 169 - A dreamy onesided game against a computer IsiChess vs Nunn.mp4 (108.83 MB) MP4 170 - c4 downside of fianchetto Bh6 novelty move helps Ponomariov vs Kasimdzanov.mp4 (141.65 MB) MP4 32 - Fascinating exchange sacrifice gives a lot of compensation Zlatilov vs Glek.mp4 (306.32 MB) MP4 33 - Weakening f3 knight causes Whites downfall to nice tactics Shirov vs Glek.mp4 (189.4 MB) MP4 34 - Fragmented Kingside pawns and loss of light bishop too much Sarwinski vs Glek.mp4 (154.79 MB) MP4 35 - Some inaccuracies give black a winning combination using Ng3 Utemov vs Glek.mp4 (142.05 MB) MP4 36 - Dark square pressure after simplification with h6 used as bait Panzer vs Glek.mp4 (223.01 MB) MP4 37 - Na6Nc7e6d4 maneuver is the start of White being outplayed Kaganskiy vs Glek.mp4 (164.84 MB) MP4 38 - Black gets a protected passed pawn on d4 with huge pressure Petzold vs Glek.mp4 (202.13 MB) MP4 39 - Exchange sacrifice for two pawns which becomes three Nakamura vs McShane.mp4 (254.41 MB) MP4 40 - White plays optimistic pawn sac but later has piece trapped Lobron vs Kasparov.mp4 (172.86 MB) MP4 41 - Needing a win with the black pieces calls for the KID Piket vs Kramnik.mp4 (217.19 MB) MP4 172 - Downside of the last move exploited winning material Korchnoi vs Fischer.mp4 (305.7 MB) MP4 173 - 6 Cs Benko Gambit style for long lasting Qside pressure Gacharna vs Fischer.mp4 (229.98 MB) MP4 174 - 16 Cs Endgame grind White had little counterplay Donner vs Fischer 1959.mp4 (218.83 MB) MP4 175 - 47 Cs Black able to control e5 square and got back in game Lombardy vs Fischer.mp4 (280.89 MB) MP4 177 - Resourcefully undermine Whites d5 with f5 and later b5 Bates vs Kingscrusher.mp4 (223.55 MB) MP4 178 - 769 Cs ICONIC game Amazing exploitation of light squares RByrne vs Fischer.mp4 (236.69 MB) MP4 180 - Whites Knights get pushed back and black gets in e5e4 Hammer vs Nakamura.mp4 (119.16 MB) MP4 182 - Early Bg4 surprising move later c5 f5f4 plan Gromek vs Geller.mp4 (86.44 MB) MP4 184 - Nc6 plan with idea of Nfd7 and e5 Grachev vs Aronian.mp4 (239.88 MB) MP4 185 - Nc6 plan with idea of Nfd7 and e5 Nakamura vs Aronian.mp4 (137.17 MB) MP4 186 - Nc6 plan with idea of Nfd7 and e5 Carlsen vs Aronian.mp4 (194.25 MB) MP4 188 - Plan of playing d5 in one go for Ne4 Bacrot vs Maxime Vachier Lagrave MVL.mp4 (302.2 MB) MP4 189 - Playing for d5 in one go for Ne4 Lopez vs Maxime Vachier Lagrave MVL.mp4 (214.57 MB) MP4 191 - A trap effect of 2c6 Djordjevic vs Kovacevic.mp4 (41.57 MB) MP4 192 - Plan of dxc4 and then Bd6 followed by f5 Hoyos vs Kryvouchko.mp4 (108.46 MB) MP4 193 - Plan of dxc4 and then Bd6 followed by f5 Knaak vs Hansen.mp4 (171.14 MB) MP4 195 - White didnt try and generate counterplay at various points Bisguier vs Fischer.mp4 (322.42 MB) MP4 196 - Black creates safe King by castling Qside and avoids pawngrab Hort vs Fischer.mp4 (247.32 MB) MP4 197 - Black under strong attack but plays a resourceful sacrifice Guimard vs Fischer.mp4 (308.27 MB) MP4 199 - Interesting pawn sacrifice gives black active pieces Chotimirsky vs Capablanca.mp4 (293.43 MB) MP4 43 - Mar Del Plata 700 Nc6 8d5 Ne7 named after this game Najdorf vs Gligoric.mp4 (214 MB) MP4 44 - Light square pressure with great tactical resource later Hausman vs Geller.mp4 (133.32 MB) MP4 45 - Rf6h6 dangerous manoeuvre without touching the h7 pawn Atalik vs Kasimdzhanov.mp4 (184.24 MB) MP4 46 - 7 Cs Rf6h6 dangerous White playing a Nd5 plan later Rogovski vs Radjabov.mp4 (160.71 MB) MP4 47 - 110 Cs A brilliant attack bringing White King down the board So vs Nakamura.mp4 (112.86 MB) MP4 48 - 19 Cs Logical looking attack Whites fxg4 is mistake Korchnoi vs Kasparov.mp4 (155.08 MB) MP4 49 - 217 Cs A brilliant g5g4 in response to Whites Qside play Piket vs Kasparov.mp4 (238.3 MB) MP4 201 - Conclusions.mp4 (85.27 MB) MP4 202 - Bonus Lecture.mp4 (166.98 MB) MP4 51 - 9 CsWhite wins material on Qside at expense of Ksafety Mekhitarian vs Liren.mp4 (207.49 MB) MP4 52 - 16 Cs Nice Finesses h5 before g5 and Nxd6 instead of cxd6 Shirov vs Nunn.mp4 (145.69 MB) MP4 54 - Very interesting early a5 challenge to Bayonet attack Lagarde vs Jones.mp4 (145.35 MB) MP4 55 - Interesting way of playing for c5 and later f2 tactics with Q sac Aziz vs Jones.mp4 (172.18 MB) MP4 57 - Very interesting Nh5 vs Bayonet leads to an f2 issue Yuan vs Hebden.mp4 (170.48 MB) MP4 58 - 17 Cs Kings Indian Bishop given for Knight to weaken chain Kramnik vs Smirin.mp4 (159.06 MB) MP4 59 - Whites Exchange sacrifice doesnt work too well Aronian vs Radjabov.mp4 (164.22 MB) MP4 61 - Exchange sacrifice early on forced but Black has counterplay Ghitescu vs Hebden.mp4 (141.38 MB) MP4 62 - High level blitz game where a weakness of last move occured Topalov vs Nakamura.mp4 (193.58 MB) MP4 63 - Attacking even without Light bishop because White B on d5 Anand vs Nakamura.mp4 (324.46 MB) MP4