File size: 593 MB PixyzStudio is the ultimate CAD data preparation & optimization software. PixyzStudio helps companies and 3D consumers re-use CAD data for any visualization scenario.
Pixyz Studio is a unique 3D data preparation tool providing the best-in-class Tessellator, enabling the transformation of CAD data from industry-leading solutions (Catia, NX, SolidWorks.) into lightweight, optimized meshes.
Pixyz Studio's interactive graphical user interface gives access to a large set of features and algorithms. It also embeds a Python API, allowing advanced users to create powerful scripts to automate complex data preparation tasks and plugins.
PixyzStudio helps companies and 3D users re-use their CAD data for any visualization scenario.
A COMPELLING SOLUTIONImport and combine files coming from most used CAD/3D solutions
See formats supported in PiXYZ STUDIO.
NATIVE HIERARCHYAccess to the original product hierarchy (full scene tree), including Metadata, and to dedicated functions for optimizing it
POWERFUL ALGORITHMSGet the best out of your CAD data and your optimization process by using powerful algorithms: Tessellation, CAD topology correction, Decimation, Healing...
HISTORY MANAGEMENTFine-tune mesh quality on specific parts of your model using the Re-tesselate feature and the Undo-Redo History
SCRIPTING EDITORUse the embedded Python API and the Scripting Editor, to create and save your own automatized processes
AUTOMATION*Save your Data Preparation processes (developed with the Python API) as plugins to deploy them throughout your company
POWERFUL FEATURESSTUDIO WORKFLOW EXAMPLEHere is an example of a typical workflow that can be processed in Pixyz Studio to efficiently prepare and optimize your 3D models.
POWERFUL INTEGRATED SCRIPTING EDITORCreate and save your own automatized process using the embedded Python script editor and automated script generation. Pixyz Batch comes with an additional Import/Export function to the Python scripting capacities, for automatic batch processing of CAD files.
TESSELLATIONPixyz Tessellator creates high quality, low density meshes from almost any CAD model. It provides efficient and very fast tessellation as well as a highly reduced and optimized number of polygons.
HOLES REMOVALPixyz can remove specific features from a CAD model e.g. through holes, blind holes and soon, fillets and chamfers. It removes targeted features, depending on the input settings.
Pixyz trimming solution reduces the polygon density of a mesh by deleting vertices. It allows for precise control and perfect preservation of model topology, normals distortion and texture coordinates (UVW).
HIDDEN REMOVALPixyz can remove specific features from a CAD model e.g. through holes, blind holes and soon, fillets and chamfers. It removes targeted features, depending on the input settings.
REPAIR FUNCTIONSPixyz offers CAD and Mesh repair features, such as CAD topology correction, removal of duplicated faces/patches, face reconnection, polygon reconnection, normals/faces orientation unification, etc.
FULL SCENE TREE - SCENE TREE MANAGINGAccess to the original product hierarchy (full scene tree) and dedicated functions with which to optimize it.
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