Files Included :
01 introduction-to-web-and-mobile-testing (29.49 MB)
02 challenges-in-web-and-mobile-testing (16.18 MB)
03 a-brief-introduction-to-xml-and-html (28.78 MB)
01 using-firefox-developer-tools (37.83 MB)
02 introducing-selenium (11.3 MB)
03 using-selenium-from-eclipse-ide (16.7 MB)
01 web-test-planning (24.97 MB)
02 minimal-essential-test-strategy-mets (21.64 MB)
03 using-mets-for-time-budgeting (15.34 MB)
01 representational-state-transfer-rest-the-architecture-of-the-web (23.53 MB)
03 xpath-introduction (10.01 MB)
01 introduction-to-security-testing (24.8 MB)
02 security-testing-techniques (27.96 MB)
03 owasp-top-ten-risks-overview (10.33 MB)
04 owasp-top-ten-security-risks-1-5 (24.31 MB)
05 owasp-top-ten-security-risks-6-10 (23.82 MB)
06 fuzz-testing (23.78 MB)
01 introduction-to-performance-testing (36.7 MB)
02 introduction-to-jmeter (12.35 MB)
01 intro-to-appium (7.41 MB)
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