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React Formula Learn Frontend Development

Category: Courses / Others
Author: AD-TEAM
Date added: 13.10.2024 :37:17
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Description material
React Formula Learn Frontend Development
3.42 GB | 00:27:12 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
01 react-formula-welcome (5.89 MB)
02 why-learn-react (4.01 MB)
03 meet-the-instructor (2.6 MB)
04 effective-learning (3.68 MB)
05 workspace-tour (9.95 MB)
06 your first app walkthrough (10.08 MB)
07 rendering-components-walkthrough (14.96 MB)
08 passing-props-i-walkthrough (18.89 MB)
09 passing-props-ii-walkthrough (18.36 MB)
10 passing props iii walkthrough (16.26 MB)
100 checkbox-exercise-demo (927.59 KB)
101 checkbox-input-walkthrough (20.38 MB)
102 number-input-exercise-demo (1.52 MB)
103 number-input-exercise-walkthrough (19.51 MB)
104 select-exercise-demo (1.45 MB)
105 select-exercise-walkthrough (16.58 MB)
106 cat-directory-demo (2.66 MB)
107 cat-directory-walkthrough-0 (26.17 MB)
108 cat-directory-walkthrough-1 (17.29 MB)
109 cat-directory-walkthrough-2 (6.93 MB)
11 favorite-keybindings (12.21 MB)
110 integrating with backends lecture (12.64 MB)
111 using fetch demo (1.78 MB)
112 using fetch walkthrough 0 (6.29 MB)
113 using fetch walkthrough 1 (26.46 MB)
114 random joke demo (1.48 MB)
115 random joke walkthrough 0 (17.04 MB)
116 random joke walkthrough 1 (19.01 MB)
117 use-effect-lecture (10.36 MB)
118 use-effect-exercise-demo (1.34 MB)
119 use-effect-exercise-walkthrough (6.27 MB)
12 favorite-keybinds-windows (14.98 MB)
120 teammates-project-demo (2.08 MB)
121 teammates-project-walkthrough (30.53 MB)
122 loading-spinner-demo (1.53 MB)
123 loading-spinner-exercise-walkthrough (11.8 MB)
124 stocks-project-demo (1.54 MB)
125 stocks-project-walkthrough-0 (14.16 MB)
126 stocks-project-walkthrough-1 (28.27 MB)
127 async-await-exercise-demo (805.59 KB)
128 async-await-exercise-walkthrough (9.92 MB)
129 weather-forecast-demo (1.47 MB)
13 intro to tailwindcss (16.84 MB)
130 weather-forecast-walkthrough-0 (17.91 MB)
131 weather-forecast-walkthrough-1 (8.98 MB)
132 error-handling-exercise-demo (1.11 MB)
133 error-handling-walkthrough (26.22 MB)
134 states-project-demo (1.4 MB)
135 states-project-walkthrough-0 (23.3 MB)
136 states-project-walkthrough-1 (8.27 MB)
137 crud-welcome (7.18 MB)
138 message board demo (1.43 MB)
139 message board walkthrough 0 (12.9 MB)
14 tailwind basics walkthrough (20.23 MB)
140 message board walkthrough 1 (21.91 MB)
141 deleting-furni-demo (1.55 MB)
142 deleting-furni-walkthrough-0 (6.74 MB)
143 deleting-furni-walkthrough-1 (12.24 MB)
144 deleting-furni-walkthrough-2 (11.11 MB)
145 updating-furni-demo (1.99 MB)
146 updating-furni-walkthrough-0 (18.11 MB)
147 updating-furni-walkthrough-1 (15.66 MB)
148 todo-list-part-1-demo (1.44 MB)
149 todo-list-part-1-walkthrough-0 (26.04 MB)
15 padding margin lecture final (11.94 MB)
150 todo-list-part-1-walkthrough-1 (21.36 MB)
151 todo-list-part-2-demo (1.73 MB)
152 todo-list-part-2-walkthrough-0 (12.28 MB)
153 todo-list-part-2-walkthrough-1 (37.35 MB)
154 react-router-welcome (1.58 MB)
155 frontend routing demo (2.79 MB)
156 frontend routing walkthrough 0 (8.23 MB)
157 frontend routing walkthrough 1 (19.43 MB)
158 frontend-routing-ii-demo (2.37 MB)
159 frontend-routing-ii-walkthrough-0 (27.26 MB)
16 button style exercise walkthrough (19.94 MB)
160 frontend-routing-ii-walkthrough-1 (33.09 MB)
161 refs-project-demo (2.43 MB)
162 refs-project-walkthrough-1 (13.2 MB)
163 refs-project-walkthrough-2 (4.79 MB)
164 refs-project-waltkthrough-3 (5.65 MB)
165 intro-to-react-context-demo (1.06 MB)
166 intro-to-react-context-walkthrough (27.3 MB)
167 theme-context-demo (2.85 MB)
168 theme-context-walkthrough (27.98 MB)
169 use-callback-demo (1.23 MB)
17 tailwind no dynamic class names (10.25 MB)
170 use-callback-walkthrough-1 (8.7 MB)
171 use-callback-walkthrough-2 (16.82 MB)
172 applying-use-callback-demo (615.64 KB)
173 applying-use-callback-walkthrough (11.5 MB)
174 use-state-function-default-lecture (12.31 MB)
175 use-state-functional-setter-lecture (6.25 MB)
176 use-effect-cleanup-demo (544.89 KB)
177 use-effect-cleanup-walkthrough (10.62 MB)
178 responsive-design-welcome (6.95 MB)
179 local-environment-setup (9.62 MB)
18 button component exercise walkthrough (18.63 MB)
180 screen-size-breakpoints-demo (2.12 MB)
181 screen-size-breakpoints-walkthrough-0 (26.05 MB)
182 screen-size-breakpoints-walkthrough-1 (23.02 MB)
183 mobile-responsive-design-demo (3.86 MB)
184 mobile-responsive-design-walkthrough-0 (23.31 MB)
185 mobile-responsive-design-walkthrough-1 (40.14 MB)
186 mobile-responsive-design-walkthrough-2 (27.2 MB)
187 mobile-responsive-design-walkthrough-3 (30.33 MB)
188 mobile-responsive-design-walkthrough-3b (38.73 MB)
189 capstone-project-welcome (12.07 MB)
19 flex box lecture (12.73 MB)
190 capstone-getting-started-demo (1.41 MB)
191 capstone-getting-started-walkthrough (29.93 MB)
192 capstone-creating-the-authform-demo (1.61 MB)
193 capstone-creating-the-authform-walkthrough (47.91 MB)
194 capstone-designing-the-sign-in-demo (2.86 MB)
195 capstone-designing-the-sign-in-walkthrough (38 MB)
196 capstone-api-integration-walkthrough (26.98 MB)
197 capstone-sign-up-feature-demo (2.86 MB)
198 capstone-sign-up-feature-walkthrough (60.37 MB)
199 capstone-improving-imports-walkthrough (14.87 MB)
20 flex exercise walkthrough (10.34 MB)
200 capstone-sign-in-feature-demo (3.01 MB)
201 capstone-sign-in-feature-walkthrough (47.74 MB)
202 capstone-managing-the-session-token (53 MB)
203 capstone-basic-navbar-demo (1.67 MB)
204 capstone-basic-navbar-walkthrough (42.18 MB)
205 capstone-sign-out-button-demo (1.71 MB)
206 capstone-sign-out-button-walkthrough (26.99 MB)
207 capstone-sign-out-button-walkthrough 2 (26.99 MB)
208 capstone-fetching-plants-demo (1.54 MB)
209 capstone-fetching-plants-walkthrough (17.07 MB)
21 flex col lecture (8.07 MB)
210 capstone-plant-list-page-design-demo (3.1 MB)
211 capstone-plant-list-page-design-walkthrough-1 (17.21 MB)
212 capstone-plant-list-page-design-walkthrough-2 (38.67 MB)
213 capstone-plant-list-page-design-walkthrough-3 (49.32 MB)
214 capstone-plant-show-page-design-demo (2.18 MB)
215 capstone-plant-show-page-design-walkthrough (70.83 MB)
216 capstone-pot-color-purchase-option-demo (1.28 MB)
217 capstone-plant-color-purchase-option-walkthrough (64.51 MB)
218 capstone-adding-to-the-cart-demo (1.22 MB)
219 capstone-adding-to-the-cart-walkthrough (53.72 MB)
22 flex exercise ii walkthrough (7.45 MB)
220 capstone-cart-modal-demo (1.56 MB)
221 capstone-cart-modal-walkthrough (83.96 MB)
222 capstone-cart-item-removal-demo (2.01 MB)
223 capstone-cart-item-removal-walkthrough (73.74 MB)
224 capstone-mobile-menu-demo (2.09 MB)
225 capstone-mobile-menu-walkthrough (68.93 MB)
226 capstone-finishing-touches-demo (2.19 MB)
227 capstone-finishing-touches-walkthrough (57.47 MB)
228 congratulations (13.54 MB)
23 analyzing layouts lecture (20.08 MB)
24 tailwind docs lecture (8.41 MB)
25 analyzing layouts exercise 1 walkthrough (21.57 MB)
26 analyzing layouts exercise 2 walkthrough (18.94 MB)
27 analyzing layouts exercise 3 walkthrough (12.7 MB)
28 search page design demo (1.57 MB)
29 search page design walkthrough 1 (17.96 MB)
30 search page design walkthrough 2 (20.52 MB)
31 search page design walkthrough 3 (10.88 MB)
32 event-handling-and-state-lecture (15.33 MB)
33 click-event-exercise-demo (1.07 MB)
34 click-event-exercise-walkthrough-0 (4.96 MB)
35 click-event-exercise-walkthrough-1 (23.16 MB)
36 conditional-rendering-demo (1.58 MB)
37 conditional-rendering-0-walkthrough (21.59 MB)
38 conditional-rendering-1-walkthrough (7.58 MB)
39 conditional-rendering-2-walkthrough (4.77 MB)
40 counter walkthrough demo (1.14 MB)
41 counter walkthrough 0 (8.95 MB)
42 counter walkthrough 1 (9.7 MB)
43 light switch demo (1.32 MB)
44 light switch walkthrough 0 (10.84 MB)
45 light switch walkthrough 1 (29.4 MB)
46 image carousel demo (2.12 MB)
47 image carousel walkthrough 0 (22.7 MB)
48 image carousel walkthrough 1 (23.45 MB)
49 cat carousel demo (1.6 MB)
50 cat carousel walkthrough 0 (33.59 MB)
51 cat carousel walkthrough 1 (10.8 MB)
52 cat carousel walkthrough 2 (11.19 MB)
53 more-state-welcome (10.97 MB)
54 stacker-demo (964.48 KB)
55 stacker-walkthrough-0 (7.22 MB)
56 stacker-walkthrough-1 (17.65 MB)
57 checkered-grid-demo (1.17 MB)
58 checkered-grid-0-waltkrhough (20.3 MB)
59 checkered-grid-1-walkthrough (9.67 MB)
60 centered-section-responsiveness-lecture (18.67 MB)
61 simple-darkmode-demo (4.92 MB)
62 simple-darkmode-walkthrough-0 (45.44 MB)
63 simple-darkmode-walkthrough-1 (26.63 MB)
64 modal demo (1.71 MB)
65 modal walkthrough 0 (20.53 MB)
66 modal walkthrough 1 (24.84 MB)
67 playing card demo (1.16 MB)
68 playing card walkthrough 0 (30.23 MB)
69 playing card walkthrough 1 (13.37 MB)
70 map-lecture (15.54 MB)
71 map exercise demo (1.36 MB)
72 map-exercise-walkthrough-0 (19.56 MB)
73 song-list-demo (1.47 MB)
74 song-list-walkthrough (30.51 MB)
75 property-listings-demo (4.94 MB)
76 property-listings-project-walkthrough (32.83 MB)
77 testimonial-carousel-demo (1.85 MB)
78 testimonial-carousel-0-walkthrough (27.69 MB)
79 testimonial-carousel-1-walkthrough (15.13 MB)
80 testimonial-carousel-2-walkthrough (13.01 MB)
81 testimonial-carousel-3-walkthrough (18.53 MB)
82 pagination demo (5.29 MB)
83 pagination 0 walkthrough (23.83 MB)
84 pagination 1 walkthrough (35.8 MB)
85 munch-central-demo (1.58 MB)
86 munch-central-walkthrough (24.56 MB)
87 furniture pagination demo (2.36 MB)
88 furniture pagination walkthrough (28.81 MB)
89 input-lecture (12.89 MB)
90 text-input-exercise-demo (847.56 KB)
91 text-input-exercise-walkthrough (14.77 MB)
92 sign-in-form-demo (1.06 MB)
93 sign-in-form-0-walkthrough (21.45 MB)
94 sign-in-form-1-walkthrough (11.52 MB)
95 word-filter-demo (1.58 MB)
96 word-filter-walkthrough (33.31 MB)
97 message-project-demo (1.09 MB)
98 message-project-walkthrough-0 (7.9 MB)
99 message-project-walkthrough-1 (27.14 MB)


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