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Udemy - Python for Data Science From Zero to Data Analysis - Dr Ron Erez

Category: Courses / Others
Author: AD-TEAM
Date added: 28.10.2024 :46:15
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Udemy - Python for Data Science From Zero to Data Analysis - Dr  Ron Erez
8.28 GB | 00:15:32 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Introduction (13.35 MB)
1 - Factorial Recursive vs Non-Recursive Implementation (33.39 MB)
2 - Implementing the Exponential Function using Recursion (59.46 MB)
3 - Simple Recursive Fibonacci (34.08 MB)
4 - Counting number of calls in Simple Recursive Fibonacci (36.89 MB)
5 - Assignment Expressions and Efficient Fibonacci (70.17 MB)
6 - Comparing the Run-Time of Fibonacci Implementations (46.96 MB)
1 - Linear Search Boolean (26.66 MB)
2 - Linear Search Return Index (35.5 MB)
3 - Searching a Sorted List - Birds-eye View of Binary Search (37.23 MB)
4 - Searching a Sorted List - Implementing Binary Search (75.87 MB)
5 - Worst-Case Run-time Complexity Linear vs Binary Search (70.22 MB)
6 - MaxSort (77.42 MB)
7 - BubbleSort (41.93 MB)
8 - QuickSort (35.01 MB)
1 - Introducing Dictionaries (89.85 MB)
2 - Safely accessing Dictionaries using the get Method (29.93 MB)
3 - Real-World Example using Nested Data Structures and the get Method (62.46 MB)
4 - Dictionary Methods (86.93 MB)
5 - Introducing Tuples (24.22 MB)
6 - More on Tuples (20.06 MB)
7 - Tuple Methods index and count (30.88 MB)
8 - Introducing Sets (39.23 MB)
9 - Set Methods (29.67 MB)
1 - Classes, Instance Attributes, Class Attributes and Methods (58.71 MB)
10 - Custom Equality and Comparison Operators for Classes in Python (70.5 MB)
11 - Dunder (Magic) Methods (31.44 MB)
12 - CODING EXERCISE Fraction Class and Magic Methods (36.78 MB)
13 - CODING SOLUTION Part 1 - Fractional Addition and Subtraction (29.22 MB)
14 - CODING SOLUTION Part 2 - Subtraction Alternative, str , repr (35.91 MB)
2 - Encapsulation (70.42 MB)
3 - Inheritance (51.34 MB)
4 - Polymorphism (45.92 MB)
5 - Constructors and Destructors (62.56 MB)
6 - The hasattr Function (64.04 MB)
7 - The str and repr Methods (39.97 MB)
8 - Class Methods vs Static Methods vs Instance Methods (89.63 MB)
9 - Complex Numbers and Class, Static and Instance Methods (79.27 MB)
1 - Introduction to Unit Testing with pytest (7.32 MB)
2 - Creating our First Tests using pytest (56.31 MB)
3 - Using pytest mark parametrize for Efficient Test Cases (45.98 MB)
4 - SOLUTION to pytest mark parametrize Exercise (116.35 MB)
5 - Folder Structure (93.68 MB)
1 - Getting Started - Reading Text Files (58.59 MB)
10 - File Exceptions (19.33 MB)
11 - File Methods (53.07 MB)
12 - Importing Modules and Custom Modules (49.22 MB)
13 - Importing Modules and Custom Modules continued (85.82 MB)
2 - The Methods read, readline, readlines (70.24 MB)
3 - CODING EXERCISE - Remove Comments (19.72 MB)
4 - CODING SOLUTION - Remove Comments (34.97 MB)
5 - Writing to Text Files (24.04 MB)
6 - Writing to files using F-Strings (32.71 MB)
7 - Writing to files using Print (9.98 MB)
8 - Leveraging the `with` Statement for Safe and Efficient Code (27.19 MB)
9 - File Access Mode (128.45 MB)
1 - Numpy Arrays, Shape and Reshape (63.94 MB)
10 - Logic Comparison with Scalars (14.18 MB)
11 - Logic Filtering and Where (51.96 MB)
2 - Numpy Arrays of Zeros, Ones and the Identity Matrix (31.8 MB)
3 - Empty and Random (21.79 MB)
4 - Indexing and Slicing in Numpy (62.83 MB)
5 - Arithmetic and Numpy (65.83 MB)
6 - Rough Idea of Linear Algebra and its Applications (44.12 MB)
7 - (ADVANCED) Concepts from Linear Algebra in Numpy (117.5 MB)
8 - Solving Linear Systems (22.81 MB)
9 - Logic Element-wise Comparison (16.96 MB)
1 - Getting Started with Pandas Titanic Dataset Analysis (70.93 MB)
2 - Filtering (32.46 MB)
3 - Filtering and the isin operator (36.56 MB)
4 - Filter rows using notna (16.92 MB)
5 - Examples of Filters and Logic (122.87 MB)
6 - Solutions to the Filtering Exercises from the Previous Lecture (47.38 MB)
7 - Filtering Columns (8.21 MB)
8 - Applying concat to Two Series (54.15 MB)
1 - Simple Bar Plot (17 MB)
10 - Text Annotations (44.05 MB)
11 - Linear Regression (90.58 MB)
12 - Histograms (28.09 MB)
13 - Subplots (12.46 MB)
14 - Multiple Subplots with Different Colors and Titles (47.69 MB)
15 - Enchancing Titles using Latex (33.74 MB)
16 - Image Subplots (35.5 MB)
17 - Pie Chart (64.86 MB)
18 - Stack Plot (42.43 MB)
19 - Bar Chart (55.91 MB)
2 - Bar Plot- Calories per Day (20 MB)
20 - 3D Plot using a Mesh Grid (42.77 MB)
3 - Box Plot (39.2 MB)
4 - Real-World Scenario Customer Satisfaction Analysis - Box Plot (24.76 MB)
5 - A Simple Scatter Plot (18.73 MB)
6 - Scatter Plot - Example - Average Daily Temperatures and Ice Cream Sales (16.31 MB)
7 - Comparing Groups with Scatter Plots (42.38 MB)
8 - Graphing a Function with Scatter Plot (28.28 MB)
9 - Graphing Lines (15.92 MB)
1 - Loading an RGB Image (36.86 MB)
10 - Image Manipulation - Image Tiling (13.92 MB)
2 - Extracting RGB Channels (36.84 MB)
3 - Converting an RGB Image to Gray-Scale (58.16 MB)
4 - Exploring Color Maps (38.88 MB)
5 - Creating n by n RGB images (63.4 MB)
6 - Image Manipulation - Thresholding (44.01 MB)
7 - Image Manipulation - Compression (69.8 MB)
8 - Image Manipulation - Squeeze Image (90.42 MB)
9 - Image Manipulation - Inverting Images (37.15 MB)
1 - Introduction to Python Basics (12.67 MB)
10 - Multiple Assignments (37.02 MB)
11 - Variable Names, Snake Case, Camel Case (22.96 MB)
12 - Keywords and our first Import Statement (16.45 MB)
13 - Escape Sequences (27 MB)
14 - Data Type Conversions (20.94 MB)
15 - Substrings and Slicing (38.39 MB)
16 - Multiline Strings and Docstrings (23.63 MB)
17 - Installing and Introducing PyCharm (51.2 MB)
2 - First steps in Python and the Python Programing Language Structure (29.28 MB)
3 - Python Program Structure - Input and Output (89.84 MB)
4 - Indentation and Code Blocks (72.11 MB)
5 - Using the Python Interpreter (57.72 MB)
6 - More Details on the Print function (54.5 MB)
7 - Basic Data Types in Python (31.37 MB)
8 - Numerical Operations (21.62 MB)
9 - Assignment and Incremental Assignment (60.72 MB)
1 - Google Colab and tqdm (36.68 MB)
10 - Cloning Tensors (20.35 MB)
11 - Broadcasting - First Steps (30.66 MB)
12 - Broadcasting Continued (44.68 MB)
13 - More Broadcasting Examples (24.26 MB)
2 - Getting Help (39.08 MB)
3 - Getting More Help (32.15 MB)
4 - Introducing Pytorch and Tensors 1 (56.45 MB)
5 - Introducing Pytorch and Tensors 2 (51.23 MB)
6 - Using the GPU (14.48 MB)
7 - Operators and More Operations (94.02 MB)
8 - Indexing and Masking (79.21 MB)
9 - Masking Continued (76.7 MB)
1 - Introduction to Control Flow and Conditionals (8.08 MB)
2 - If Statement and Logical Operators (94.15 MB)
3 - Complex Conditions (32.8 MB)
4 - Nested If Statements (71.08 MB)
1 - For Loops using Range (48.68 MB)
10 - Nested Loops (20.81 MB)
2 - General For Loops using Range (41.81 MB)
3 - Looping over Lists and Tuples (33.66 MB)
4 - Prime Numbers and Breaking out of Loops (26.68 MB)
5 - Looping over a List of Strings using Split (23.15 MB)
6 - While Loops (29.17 MB)
7 - The While Loop and Validating Input (44.82 MB)
8 - Factorial using the While Loop Example of an Infinite While Loop (22.95 MB)
9 - Factorial using the While Loop and Incremental Assignment (10.77 MB)
1 - Introducing Turtle Graphics (30.68 MB)
2 - Avoiding Magic Numbers (32.02 MB)
3 - Generalizing Example and using Parameters (31.95 MB)
4 - Completing Turtle Graphics Background (53.47 MB)
5 - Turtle Graphics Capstone Project (96.85 MB)
1 - Introduction to Functions (12.85 MB)
10 - Sum Example with Type-Checking (40.18 MB)
11 - String Methods (72.79 MB)
12 - Type Annotations and Functions (37.02 MB)
13 - Type Annotations with Lists (14.78 MB)
2 - Simple Functions (44.5 MB)
3 - More Examples of Functions (57.33 MB)
4 - Functions with Default Parameters (43.14 MB)
5 - Breaking down Problems using Functions (85.2 MB)
6 - Function Scope, Local and Global Variables (72.38 MB)
7 - Accessing a global variable from within a function (31.98 MB)
8 - Call by Order vs Call by NameKeyword Arguments (63.34 MB)
9 - Variable Number of Arguments in a Function call (34.44 MB)
1 - Introduction to Lists (22.36 MB)
2 - List Methods (114.55 MB)
3 - Nested Lists (22.9 MB)
4 - List Slicing (37.44 MB)
5 - List Comprehensions (32.68 MB)
6 - List Comprehensions and Filtering (46.18 MB)
7 - For Loop Appending vs List Comprehension (22.94 MB)
1 - Aliasing (30.02 MB)
2 - Beware of the 'is' Operator (35.29 MB)
3 - Shallow Copy (30.62 MB)
4 - Deep Copy (46.31 MB)
5 - type vs isinstance (27.07 MB)
6 - Comparison and Inequalities (41.2 MB)
7 - Inequalities and Sorting (40.5 MB)
8 - Reverse Sorting (23.36 MB)
9 - General Sorting by a Key Function (34.05 MB)
1 - Syntax vs Run-Time Errors (90.41 MB)
10 - Raising a Custom Exception (16.03 MB)
2 - TypeError in Average Function (53.37 MB)
3 - Catch all Errors (17.11 MB)
4 - Catch Multiple Exceptions (37.11 MB)
5 - Handling Exceptions Separately (11.86 MB)
6 - Using else and finally (14.86 MB)
7 - Safe Division Example (17.39 MB)
8 - Raising a Built-in Exception (23.86 MB)
9 - Example of Raising an Exception (36.07 MB)


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