Track learning in greater detail but also use that data to pull a learner's history to customize and adapt future learning experiences
Key Features
Discover what xAPI is and see how it works and how you can get started with it Track learning outside traditional Learning Management Systems Personalize and customize the learning experience by creating a greater detail into learning behavior
What You Will Learn
Send xAPI statements to an LRS Retrieve xAPI statements from an LRS statement Understand what xAPI is and how it can be used
xAPI allows you to track in greater detail, how your learners interact with about any type of learning content or application. This means you can track how they did in the learning environment but also how they do in the live environment seeing exactly how to learn impacted performance. Being able to track also learning behavior gives us the potential to personalize and custom future learning experiences for the learner. In this course, we not only cover the potential of what xAPI can do but we dive into actually using it in real-world courses. We will cover everything from connection to an LRS, sending xAPI statements when you want to and what to do with that data once it is in the LRS.