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Telusko Python playlist

Category: Courses / Others
Author: AD-TEAM
Date added: 29.10.2024 :09:54
Views: 4
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Description material
Telusko Python playlist
6.28 GB | 06:59:15 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 #0 Python for Beginners Programming Tutorial (14.56 MB)
002 Python Tutorial for Beginners Introduction to Python (42.85 MB)
003 #2 Python Tutorial for Beginners Python Installation PyCharm (21.04 MB)
004 #3 Python Tutorial for Beginners Getting Started with Python (80.87 MB)
005 #4 Python Tutorial for Beginners Variables in Python (51.2 MB)
006 Complete java developer Course Launch (27.85 MB)
007 #5 Python Tutorial for Beginners List in Python (129.46 MB)
008 #6 Python Tutorial for Beginners Tuple Set in Python (29.12 MB)
009 Dictionary in Python (55.22 MB)
010 #7 Python Tutorial for Beginners Python Set Path in Windows and Help (27.19 MB)
011 #8 Python Tutorial for Beginners Python Editor Sublime Text (16.3 MB)
012 #9 Python Tutorial for Beginners More on Variables in Python (40.06 MB)
013 #10 Python Tutorial for Beginners Data Types in Python (58.61 MB)
014 #11 Python Tutorial for Beginners Operators in Python (49.7 MB)
015 #12 Python Tutorial for Beginners Number System Conversion in Python (34.05 MB)
016 #13 Python Tutorial for Beginners Swap 2 Variables in Python (22.41 MB)
017 Support Telusko (10.48 MB)
018 #14 Python Tutorial for Beginners IDLE Previous Command Clear Screen (5.55 MB)
019 #15 Python Tutorial for Beginners Python BitWise Operators (55.14 MB)
020 #16 Python Tutorial for Beginners Import Math Functions in Python (31.3 MB)
021 #17 Python Tutorial for Beginners Working with PyCharm Run Debug Trace py file (45.62 MB)
022 #18 Python Tutorial for Beginners User input in Python Command Line Input (136.36 MB)
023 #19 Python Tutorial for Beginners If Elif Else Statement in Python (68.03 MB)
024 #20 Python Tutorial for Beginners While Loop in Python (56.04 MB)
025 #21 Python Tutorial for Beginners For Loop in Python (33.99 MB)
026 #22 Python Tutorial for Beginners Break Continue Pass in Python (44.92 MB)
027 #22 1 Python Tutorial for Beginners Break vs Continue vs Pass in Python part 2 (7.1 MB)
028 #23 Python Tutorial for Beginners Printing Patterns in Python (35.6 MB)
029 #24 Python Tutorial for Beginners For Else in Python (24 MB)
030 #25 Python Tutorial for Beginners Prime Number in Python (23.01 MB)
031 #26 Python Tutorial for Beginners Array in Python (72.18 MB)
032 #27 Python Tutorial for Beginners Array values from User in Python Search in Array (40.97 MB)
033 #28 Python Tutorial for Beginners Why Numpy Installing Numpy in Pycharm (31.82 MB)
034 #29 Python Tutorial for Beginners Ways of Creating Arrays in Numpy (19.01 MB)
035 #30 Python Tutorial for Beginners Copying an Array in Python (40.75 MB)
036 #31 Python Tutorial for Beginners Working with Matrix in Python (47.9 MB)
037 #32 Python Tutorial for Beginners Functions in Python (17.84 MB)
038 #33 Python Tutorial for Beginners Function Arguments in Python (32.07 MB)
039 #34 Python Tutorial for Beginners Types of Arguments in Python (36.55 MB)
040 #35 Python Tutorial for Beginners Keyworded Variable Length Arguments in Python kwargs (20.14 MB)
041 #36 Python Tutorial for Beginners Global Keyword in Python Global vs Local Variable (31.82 MB)
042 #37 Python Tutorial for Beginners Pass List to a Function in Python (25.85 MB)
043 #38 Python Tutorial for Beginners Fibonacci Sequence (35.21 MB)
044 #39 Python Tutorial for Beginners Factorial (24.02 MB)
045 #40 Python Tutorial for Beginners Recursion (25.74 MB)
046 #41 Python Tutorial for Beginners Factorial using Recursion (24.36 MB)
047 #42 Python Tutorial for Beginners Anonymous Functions Lambda (24.19 MB)
048 #43 Python Tutorial for Beginners Filter Map Reduce (55.24 MB)
049 #44 Python Tutorial for Beginners Decorators (32.34 MB)
050 #45 Python Tutorial for Beginners Modules (68.74 MB)
051 #46 Python Tutorial for Beginners Special Variable name (30.59 MB)
052 #47 Python Tutorial for Beginners Special Variable name part 2 (11.94 MB)
053 #48 Python Tutorial for Beginners Object Oriented Programming Introduction (96.02 MB)
054 #49 Python Tutorial for Beginners Class and Object (62.43 MB)
055 #50 Python Tutorial for Beginners init method (40.43 MB)
056 #51 Python Tutorial for Beginners Constructor, Self and Comparing Objects (64.1 MB)
057 #52 Python Tutorial for Beginners Types of Variables (25.58 MB)
058 #53 Python Tutorial for Beginners Types of Methods (68.15 MB)
059 #54 Python Tutorial for Beginners Inner class (38.13 MB)
060 #55 Python Tutorial for Beginners Inheritance (43.44 MB)
061 #56 Python Tutorial for Beginners Constructor in Inheritance (52.03 MB)
062 #57 Python Tutorial for Beginners Introduction to Polymorphism (31.26 MB)
063 #58 Python Tutorial for Beginners Duck Typing (38.17 MB)
064 #59 Python Tutorial for Beginners Operator Overloading Polymorphism (79.25 MB)
065 #60 Python Tutorial for Beginners Method Overloading and Method Overriding (68.15 MB)
066 Abstract Class and Abstract Method in Python (50.9 MB)
067 #61 Python Tutorial for Beginners Iterator (46.7 MB)
068 #62 Python Tutorial for Beginners Generators (32.25 MB)
069 #63 Python Tutorial for Beginners Exception Handling (119.43 MB)
070 #64 Python Tutorial for Beginners MultiThreading (110.07 MB)
071 #65 Python Tutorial for Beginners File handling (24.93 MB)
072 #66 Python Tutorial for Beginners Comments (20.27 MB)
073 #67 Python Tutorial for Beginners is Python Compiled or Interpreted Language (61.08 MB)
074 Linear Search using Python Python Tutorial for Beginners 68 (37.04 MB)
075 #69 Python Tutorial for Beginners Binary Search Using Python (61.68 MB)
076 #70 Python Tutorial for Beginners Bubble Sort in python List Sort (55.42 MB)
077 #71 Python Tutorial for Beginners Selection Sort using Python (56.75 MB)
078 #72 MySQL Workbench Setup Python Database Connection (39.64 MB)
079 #73 Python Database Connection MySQL (40.21 MB)
080 #74 Python Git PyCharm GitHub (31.02 MB)
081 #75 Python Tutorial for Beginners Python GitHub Code Contribution (25.49 MB)
082 Zip Function in Python (16.94 MB)
083 Socket Programming Using Python (82.96 MB)
084 #76 Python Tutorial for Beginners Anaconda Setup (18.03 MB)
085 #77 Python Tutorial for Beginners Jupyter Notebook Setup (15.83 MB)
086 What after Python (81.01 MB)
087 #1 Django tutorials What is Django Python Web Framework (99.32 MB)
088 #2 Django tutorials Setup (58.05 MB)
089 #3 Django tutorials First App in Django - part 1 (49.22 MB)
09 FINDING MODI – Find where & when a photo was taken (geolocation & chronolocation) (287.19 MB)
090 #4 Django tutorials First App Django - part 2 (35.9 MB)
091 #5 Django tutorials Django Template Language DTL (40.85 MB)
092 #6 Django tutorials Django Template Language - part 2 (16.13 MB)
093 #7 Django tutorials Addition of Two Numbers in Django (34.34 MB)
094 #8 Django tutorials GET vs POST HTTP Methods (27.59 MB)
095 #9 Django tutorials Model View Template in Django MVT (79.83 MB)
096 #10 Django tutorials Static Files - 1 (39.04 MB)
097 #11 Django tutorials Static Files - 2 (51.01 MB)
098 #12 Django tutorials Passing Dynamic Data in Html part 1 (57.37 MB)
099 #10 Django tutorials Static Files - 1 (39.04 MB)
100 #14 Django tutorials If Statement (27.18 MB)
101 #15 Django tutorials ORM Object Relational Mapper Theory (31.94 MB)
102 #16 Django tutorials Postgres and PgAdmin Setup (22.42 MB)
103 #17 Django tutorials Models and Migrations (51.99 MB)
104 #18 Django tutorials Re-Migration (16.27 MB)
105 #19 Django tutorials Admin Panel (28.57 MB)
106 #20 Django tutorials Add and Fetch data from Database (39.46 MB)
107 #21 Django tutorials User Registration - 1 (76.95 MB)
108 #22 Django tutorials User Registration - 2 (80.16 MB)
109 #23 Django tutorials Passing Messages (34.63 MB)
110 #24 Django tutorials User login (36.77 MB)
111 #25 Django Tutorials User Logout (53.35 MB)
112 Python for Beginners Full Course (1.22 GB)


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