Files Included :
001 Overview (34.34 MB)
002 What is Linux (91.4 MB)
003 Where is Linux Used (56.35 MB)
004 What is OpenSource (102.81 MB)
001 The Linux Family Tree (74.18 MB)
002 Debian and Ubuntu (75.22 MB)
003 RHEL and CentOS (82.95 MB)
001 Selecting Compatible Hardware (108.63 MB)
002 Installing Ubuntu (94.25 MB)
003 Installing CentOS (99.53 MB)
001 Productivity Suites (77 MB)
002 Web Browsers (52.41 MB)
003 Image and Video Editing (53.13 MB)
001 Introduction to the Terminal (54.96 MB)
002 Introduction to the Shell (54.66 MB)
003 Getting Help with man (56.37 MB)
004 Getting Help with info (54.65 MB)
005 Installing Software with dpkg (83.53 MB)
006 Installing Software with apt-get (84.53 MB)
007 Installing Software with rpm (75.73 MB)
008 Installing Software with yum (74.87 MB)
009 Navigating the Linux Filesystem (85.6 MB)
010 Creating Directories (49.71 MB)
011 Copy, Move and Delete Files (65.53 MB)
012 Linking Files (65.14 MB)
013 Archiving Files with tar and gzip (44.89 MB)
014 Archiving Files with zip (39.25 MB)
015 Redirecting Command Output (51.15 MB)
016 Building a Script (62.02 MB)
001 Basic Network Elements (93.3 MB)
002 Configuring a Network Adapter (55.73 MB)
003 Configuring Name Resolution (51.79 MB)
004 Verifying Network Connectivity (81.43 MB)
001 Managing User Accounts (53.41 MB)
002 Using the Root User Account (67.82 MB)
003 Managing User Groups (43.39 MB)
004 Linux File Permissions (56.92 MB)]