Files Included :
001 Introduction (2.73 MB)
003 01-Important concepts (2.64 MB)
004 01- 2 What is Motion Graphic (3.31 MB)
005 01- 3 Types of motion graphic (14.28 MB)
006 01-4 History of Walt Disney studio rules of motion (5.1 MB)
007 01-5 12 Walt Disney Rules mp4 (6.68 MB)
008 01-6 Physic Rules (20.7 MB)
009 01-7 Physcology of Colors (10.44 MB)
010 02-8 Installing Adobe After Effect CS6 (21.53 MB)
011 02-9 Overview to User Interface of AE (15.46 MB)
012 02 - 10 Creating First composition in AE (40.74 MB)
013 02-11 Tools Bar (37.29 MB)
014 02-12 Additional Layers (26.48 MB)
015 02-13 Transformation Tools (22 MB)
016 02-14 Creating our first animation (20.77 MB)
017 02-15 Smoothing the Animaiton (27.68 MB)
018 02-16 Shape tools (47.52 MB)
019 02 -17 Shape tools 2 (20.93 MB)
020 02- 18 Example Project (66.88 MB)
021 02-19 Creating Mask (37.44 MB)
022 02 - 20 Amazing Animation using mask and shapes (93.2 MB)
023 02-21 Creating Text and review its tools (27.87 MB)
024 02-22 Text Tools (46.12 MB)
025 02-23 Typography Animation (74.1 MB)
026 02-24 What is 3D (21 MB)
027 02-25 Virtual Camera and its options (47.07 MB)
028 02-26 Light and 3d shadow (42.06 MB)
029 02-27 Dark Shadow in 3d (60.36 MB)
030 02-28 Effects and Presets (18 MB)
031 02-29 9 Important Effects (103.2 MB)
032 03-30 Parenting with Null object (22.03 MB)
033 03-31 Adjustment Layer (21.22 MB)
034 03-32 3D extruding in a 2D Program (33.58 MB)
035 03-33 What is Expression in AE (50.25 MB)
036 03-34 Usefull Expressions in AE (36.37 MB)
037 02-35 Scripts (56.02 MB)
038 03-36 What is third party plugins (24.82 MB)
039 03-37 Trapcode Suite (97 MB)
040 03-38 Plexus (29.66 MB)
041 03-39 Render Settings (34.14 MB)
042 05-41 Car animation and rigging (191.86 MB)]