Files Included :
1 - Why I created this course (11.57 MB)
2 - How Dialogflow CX is better than LLM bots (29.54 MB)
3 - How LLM bots are better than Dialogflow CX (29.84 MB)
4 - When to use Dialogflow CX (19.45 MB)
5 - Integrating ChatGPT with Dialogflow CX (27.32 MB)
84 - DF Chooser Bot Demo (27.96 MB)
85 - Does a flowchart help when creating a Dialogflow CX bot (74.42 MB)
86 - Bot Design Part 1 (29.74 MB)
87 - Bot Design Part 2 (38.1 MB)
88 - Bot Design Part 3 (53.59 MB)
89 - CCAI Vaccine Bot Demo (25.76 MB)
90 - Start Page Routes (6.8 MB)
91 - Simple FAQ Routes (8.52 MB)
92 - Eligibility Flow (45.44 MB)
93 - Eligibility Flow Conflict Part 1 (51.14 MB)
94 - Eligibility Flow Conflict Part 2 (27.53 MB)
95 - Vaccine Location Flow (19.37 MB)
96 - Vaccine Location Flow Testing the agent (14.73 MB)
100 - Conditional response (51.8 MB)
101 - Custom Payload (28.85 MB)
102 - Parameter Presets (89.9 MB)
103 - Condition Routes (33.02 MB)
97 - Introduction (4.38 MB)
98 - The quiz bot (30.81 MB)
99 - Text response (64.21 MB)
104 - Getting a list of inputs from user (102.46 MB)
105 - Save data to Airtable (46.36 MB)
106 - Basic slot filling (100.5 MB)
107 - Confirm or update user input after slot filling (99.73 MB)
108 - Advanced slot filling (105.24 MB)
109 - Advanced Slot Filling Part 2 (87.92 MB)
110 - List and composite entities (41.05 MB)
111 - Get user date of birth (129.91 MB)
112 - Decision Tree Bot (44.78 MB)
113 - Quiz Bot (100.24 MB)
114 - Use Google Sheets as a database (82.93 MB)
10 - Initial View (17.31 MB)
11 - User asks for balance (32.42 MB)
12 - Testing it in the simulator (33.43 MB)
13 - No state transition (40.43 MB)
14 - Add state transition (72.63 MB)
15 - Ask for balance after transition (15.39 MB)
16 - Assignment 1 (10.34 MB)
17 - Assignment 2 (11.31 MB)
18 - Assignment 3 (8.97 MB)
19 - Assignment Hints (25.16 MB)
6 - What is a state machine (22.32 MB)
7 - What we are building (9.3 MB)
8 - Initial Demo (13.01 MB)
9 - Terminology (13.58 MB)
20 - Can you build this bot in Dialogflow ES (14.66 MB)
21 - Flowchart for the ES Bot (47.58 MB)
22 - Defining the intents (102.4 MB)
23 - ES Bot Demo (21.09 MB)
24 - Extending the name system entity (20.89 MB)
25 - A note about entity annotation (13.99 MB)
26 - Building the bot in Dialogflow CX (96.01 MB)
27 - Testing the bot in the simulator (20.59 MB)
28 - Pros and Cons of Dialogflow CX for this bot (65.14 MB)
29 - Understanding scope in Dialogflow CX Part 1 (37.82 MB)
30 - Understanding scope in Dialogflow CX Part 2 (56.55 MB)
31 - Why ES First (32.27 MB)
32 - Decision Tree Flowchart (27.89 MB)
33 - Initial Flow (162.48 MB)
34 - Some Housekeeping Tips (17.97 MB)
35 - Building the remaining pages (87.88 MB)
36 - Identifying test Cases (7.5 MB)
37 - Naming test cases (35.63 MB)
38 - Running Test cases (43.13 MB)
39 - Planets Bot Introduction (10.77 MB)
40 - Entity Definitions (41.97 MB)
41 - Original vs Resolved value (31.56 MB)
42 - Intent vs Session parameters (15.48 MB)
43 - Session Parameters Intro (27.14 MB)
44 - Using session params (28.26 MB)
45 - Keeping track of session parameters (31.98 MB)
46 - Before you start Ngrok Tutorial (9.94 MB)
47 - Handling multiple intents in ES Webhooks (19.04 MB)
48 - Skeletal Code (15.65 MB)
49 - Webhook Response Object (8.56 MB)
50 - ngrok setup (66.44 MB)
51 - Webhook Request Object (10.49 MB)
52 - Handling getplanetattribute (27.66 MB)
53 - Handling changesplanet (17.58 MB)
54 - Handling changesattribute (35.48 MB)
56 - A bug in Dialogflow CX webhooks (17.42 MB)
57 - Reroute conversation flow based on webhook response (191.26 MB)
58 - What is slot filling (51.49 MB)
59 - Defining the slots (15.95 MB)
60 - Demo of simple slot filling bot (16.39 MB)
61 - Adding phrase variants (46.17 MB)
62 - Reprompts (15.08 MB)
63 - Reprompts with nomatchdefault (17.27 MB)
64 - Reprompt to selection (40.43 MB)
65 - Exiting the slot filling loop on first retry (30.19 MB)
66 - Exiting the slot filling loop after second retry (29.83 MB)
67 - Introduction to the quiz bot (12.75 MB)
68 - Start quiz intent (7.19 MB)
69 - Question 1 Page (22.31 MB)
70 - Question 2 Page (60.46 MB)
71 - Question 3 Page (30.75 MB)
72 - Display Score Page (39.34 MB)
73 - Scope and the flow start page (26.11 MB)
74 - 4 Layers of a Dialogflow Bot (22.95 MB)
75 - Set up the bot (14.02 MB)
76 - Download service account credentials file (30.13 MB)
77 - Code walkthrough (34.28 MB)
78 - Why I dont recommend the client library (15.86 MB)
79 - Defining the custom payload inside Dialogflow CX (14.06 MB)
80 - Rich responses supported by Zoho SalesIQ (20.83 MB)
81 - Hosting the middleware code on PythonAnywhere (18.76 MB)
82 - Hosting the middleware code on Heroku (19.81 MB)
83 - Hosting the middleware code on Google Cloud (102.06 MB)]