Files Included :
01-Welcome.mp4 (31.06 MB)
02-What makes an effective photo of textiles.mp4 (61.84 MB)
03-Styling tools for textile photography.mp4 (78.7 MB)
04-Lighting textiles to expose texture.mp4 (34.87 MB)
05-Styling a garment on a slant board.mp4 (99.42 MB)
06-Lighting a garment on a slant board.mp4 (92.75 MB)
07-Understanding the lighting ratios in the slant-board shot.mp4 (55.49 MB)
08-Shooting a garment on a slant board.mp4 (110.16 MB)
09-Using a foam model to style clothing.mp4 (115.62 MB)
10-Lighting and shooting clothing on a foam model.mp4 (87.57 MB)
11-Styling a blanket on a chair.mp4 (66 MB)
12-Lighting and shooting a photo of a blanket on a chair.mp4 (156.02 MB)
13-Styling the stack of towels for the photo.mp4 (70.01 MB)
14-Lighting and shooting the stack of towels.mp4 (110.7 MB)
15- Reviewing the images from the color story stack.mp4 (42.04 MB)
16-Styling clothing in a fan pattern for a photo.mp4 (120.87 MB)
17-Lighting and shooting the fan of shirts.mp4 (174.39 MB)
18-Post work and next steps.mp4 (125.03 MB)]