Files Included :
001 Course Outline.mp4 (63.47 MB)
002 How to Get the Most Out of This Course.mp4 (24.67 MB)
001 Linux Distributions.mp4 (70.74 MB)
002 Installing Ubuntu in a VM.mp4 (105.42 MB)
003 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu.mp4 (85.86 MB)
005 Migrating to Linux.mp4 (19.33 MB)
001 Terminals, Consoles, Shells and Commands.mp4 (82.52 MB)
002 Linux Command Structure.mp4 (29.26 MB)
003 Getting Help, Man Pages (man, type, help, apropos).mp4 (109.98 MB)
006 Mastering the Terminal The TAB Key.mp4 (52.71 MB)
007 Mastering the Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4 (43.91 MB)
010 Mastering the Terminal The Bash History.mp4 (89.56 MB)
011 Running Commands Without Leaving a Trace.mp4 (23.96 MB)
012 Recording the Date and Time for Each Line in History.mp4 (15.43 MB)
014 root vs Non-privileged Users Getting root Access (sudo, su, passwd).mp4 (29.1 MB)
001 Intro to The Linux Files System.mp4 (16.34 MB)
002 The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).mp4 (101.63 MB)
003 Absolute vs Relative Paths Walking through the File System (pwd, cd, tree).mp4 (110.5 MB)
006 The LS Command In Depth (ls).mp4 (99.28 MB)
008 Understanding File Timestamps atime, mtime, ctime (stat, touch, date).mp4 (117.11 MB)
009 Sorting Files by Timestamp.mp4 (9.56 MB)
010 File Types in Linux (ls -F, file).mp4 (22.51 MB)
013 Viewing Files - Part 1 (cat).mp4 (45.08 MB)
014 Viewing Files - Part 2 (less).mp4 (51.85 MB)
015 Viewing Files - Part 3 (tail, head, watch).mp4 (72.94 MB)
018 Creating Files and Directories (touch, mkdir).mp4 (33.74 MB)
019 Copying Files and Directories (cp).mp4 (43.3 MB)
020 Moving and Renaming Files and Directories (mv).mp4 (20.03 MB)
021 Removing Files and Directories (rm, shred).mp4 (35.28 MB)
024 Working With Pipes in Linux (, wc).mp4 (56.81 MB)
025 Command Redirection (, , 2 &, cut, tee).mp4 (126.23 MB)
028 Finding Files and Directories - Part 1 (which, plocate).mp4 (20.9 MB)
030 Finding Files and Directories - Part 2 (find).mp4 (124.09 MB)
031 Find and Exec.mp4 (47.17 MB)
032 Searching for String Patterns in Text Files (grep).mp4 (90.11 MB)
034 Searching for Strings in Binary Files (strings).mp4 (26.66 MB)
036 Comparing Files (cmp, diff, sha256).mp4 (104.77 MB)
037 The Basics of VIM Text Editor.mp4 (38.23 MB)
038 The VIM Editor In Depth - Part 1.mp4 (50.97 MB)
039 The VIM Editor In Depth - Part 2.mp4 (37.32 MB)
042 Compressing and Archiving Files and Directories (tar, gzip).mp4 (118.35 MB)
043 Hard Links and the Inode Structure.mp4 (118.06 MB)
044 Working With Symlinks Symlinks vs Hard Links.mp4 (53.77 MB)
001 Understanding passwd and shadow files.mp4 (58.01 MB)
002 Understanding Linux Groups (groups, id).mp4 (11.03 MB)
003 Creating User Accounts (useradd).mp4 (55.86 MB)
004 Changing and Removing User Accounts (usermod, userdel).mp4 (42.2 MB)
005 Creating Admin Users.mp4 (8.54 MB)
006 Group Management (groupadd, groupdel, groupmod).mp4 (9.56 MB)
007 User Account Monitoring (whoami, who am i, who, id, w, uptime, last).mp4 (68.6 MB)
001 Understanding File Permissions.mp4 (49.99 MB)
002 Octal (Numeric) Notation of File Permissions.mp4 (31.04 MB)
003 Changing File Permissions (chmod).mp4 (84.1 MB)
004 The Effect of Permissions on Directories.mp4 (75.25 MB)
005 Combining Find and Chmod Commands Together.mp4 (45.69 MB)
006 Changing File Ownership (chown, chgrp).mp4 (83 MB)
007 Understanding SUID (Set User ID).mp4 (50.3 MB)
008 Understanding SGID (Set Group ID).mp4 (20.54 MB)
009 Understanding the Sticky Bit.mp4 (20.3 MB)
010 Umask.mp4 (24.93 MB)
011 Understanding Files Attributes (lsattr, chattr).mp4 (43.49 MB)
001 Processes and The Linux Security Model.mp4 (75.56 MB)
002 Listing Processes (ps, pstree).mp4 (151.81 MB)
004 Getting a Dynamic Real-Time View of the Running System (top, htop).mp4 (156.42 MB)
006 Signals and Killing Processes (kill, pkill, killall, pidof).mp4 (84.12 MB)
007 Foreground and Background Processes.mp4 (49.38 MB)
008 Job Control (jobs, fg, bg).mp4 (51.94 MB)
001 Getting Information about the Network Interfaces (ip, ifconfig).mp4 (34.42 MB)
002 Configuring the Network On The Fly (ifconfig, ip, route).mp4 (25.48 MB)
005 Setting Up Static IP on Ubuntu (netplan).mp4 (54.61 MB)
007 Testing and Troubleshooting Network Connectivity.mp4 (99.56 MB)
008 Using SSH.mp4 (101.39 MB)
009 Troubleshooting SSH.mp4 (55.65 MB)
010 Securing the OpenSSH Server (sshd).mp4 (39.73 MB)
012 Copying Files Over the Network (scp).mp4 (100.69 MB)
013 Synchronizing Files and Directories using rsync.mp4 (74.87 MB)
014 Using rsync Over the Network.mp4 (40.69 MB)
016 Using wget.mp4 (109.99 MB)
017 Checking for Listening Ports (netstat, ss, lsof, telnet, nmap).mp4 (92.19 MB)
001 DPKG (Debian and Ubuntu Based Distros).mp4 (67.96 MB)
002 Intro to APT.mp4 (4.79 MB)
003 Using APT (Advanced Package Tool).mp4 (149.65 MB)
006 Compiling Programs from Source Code vs Package Manager.mp4 (27.15 MB)
007 Compiling C Programs.mp4 (21.68 MB)
008 Compiling Software From Source Code Lab ProFTPD.mp4 (193.21 MB)
001 Introduction to Podman.mp4 (24.63 MB)
002 Getting Started with Podman.mp4 (58.78 MB)
003 Running an Nginx Server on Alpine in a Podman Container.mp4 (68.74 MB)
004 Diving into Pods A Real-World Example.mp4 (31.95 MB)
005 Monitoring Pods and Containers.mp4 (66.82 MB)
006 Ensuring Data Persistence with Volumes.mp4 (12.44 MB)
001 Task Automation and Scheduling Using Cron (crontab).mp4 (153.48 MB)
003 Scheduling Tasks Using Anacron (anacron).mp4 (51.61 MB)
005 Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (df, mount, umount, fdisk, gparted).mp4 (143.61 MB)
006 Working With Device Files (dd).mp4 (113.75 MB)
007 Getting System Hardware Information (lwhw, lscpu, lsusb, lspci,dmidecode,hdparm).mp4 (137.87 MB)
010 Intro to systemd.mp4 (25.99 MB)
011 Service Management (systemd and systemctl).mp4 (82.92 MB)
001 Project Introduction.mp4 (23.83 MB)
002 Installing and Configuring ShellGPT.mp4 (83.11 MB)
003 Using ShellGPT like a PRO.mp4 (160.81 MB)
004 The Chat Feature of ShellGPT.mp4 (60.27 MB)
001 Overview The Big Picture.mp4 (34.75 MB)
002 Running a Linux Server in the Cloud.mp4 (68.19 MB)
003 Securing SSH with Key Authentication.mp4 (61.17 MB)
004 Getting a Domain Name.mp4 (103.5 MB)
005 Diving into the DNS Protocol and Installing a DNS Server (Bind9).mp4 (98.42 MB)
006 (1.43 KB)
006 Setting Up the Authoritative BIND9 DNS Server.mp4 (132.41 MB)
007 Installing a Web Server (Apache2).mp4 (38.45 MB)
008 Setting Up Virtual Hosting.mp4 (65.88 MB)
008 (1.1 KB)
009 Securing Apache with OpenSSL and Digital Certificates.mp4 (96.91 MB)
010 Installing PHP.mp4 (25.42 MB)
011 Installing and Securing the MySql Server.mp4 (51.03 MB)
012 Installing a Web Application (WordPress).mp4 (76.86 MB)
013 Securing WordPress.mp4 (31.7 MB)
001 Bash Aliases.mp4 (63.64 MB)
003 Intro to Bash Shell Scripting.mp4 (67.49 MB)
004 The Bash Shebang and Comments.mp4 (22.08 MB)
005 Running Scripts.mp4 (36.96 MB)
007 Variables in Bash.mp4 (88.5 MB)
008 Environment Variables.mp4 (71.49 MB)
009 Getting User Input.mp4 (12.34 MB)
010 (985 B)
010 Special Variables and Positional Arguments.mp4 (47.78 MB)
013 bash-if-display-file-or-dir (429 B)
013 If, Elif and Else Statements.mp4 (27.25 MB)
014 bash-check-age (365 B)
014 Testing Conditions For Numbers.mp4 (8.77 MB)
015 (844 B)
015 Multiple Conditions and Nested If Statements.mp4 (19.94 MB)
016 Command Substitution.mp4 (20.59 MB)
017 bash-comparing-strings (385 B)
017 Comparing Strings in If Statements.mp4 (19.99 MB)
018 bash-lab-testing-connection (377 B)
018 Lab Testing Network Connections.mp4 (9.19 MB)
021 bash-for-loops (492 B)
021 For Loops.mp4 (18.56 MB)
022 bash-lab-dropping-ips (406 B)
022 Lab Dropping a List of IP addresses Using a For Loop.mp4 (10.83 MB)
023 (894 B)
023 While Loops.mp4 (22.42 MB)
025 (747 B)
025 Case Statement.mp4 (19.89 MB)
026 (749 B)
026 Functions in Bash.mp4 (18.11 MB)
027 Variable Scope in Functions.mp4 (6.49 MB)
028 bash-select-menus (431 B)
028 Menus in Bash The Select Statement.mp4 (20.78 MB)
029 Lab System Administration Script using Menus.mp4 (67.39 MB)
030 Intro to Bash Arrays.mp4 (17.33 MB)
031 Arrays In Depth.mp4 (26.42 MB)
033 Using the Readarray Command.mp4 (30.18 MB)
034 Iterating Over Arrays.mp4 (6.3 MB)
035 Project Account Creation.mp4 (18.58 MB)
037 Running a DoS Attack Without root Access (ulimit).mp4 (19.3 MB)
001 Scanning Networks with Nmap.mp4 (83.96 MB)
002 ARP Scanning (arp-scan and netdiscover).mp4 (27.41 MB)
003 Hacking Google Searches (Google Dorks).mp4 (24.38 MB)
004 Using Wireshark for Packet Sniffing and Analyzing.mp4 (91.16 MB)
005 Capture Traffic Using tcpdump.mp4 (78.47 MB)
001 What is IPFS and How It Works.mp4 (44.02 MB)
002 Installing IPFS on Linux.mp4 (49.43 MB)
003 Running an IPFS Node on Linux.mp4 (24.28 MB)
004 Pinning Objects.mp4 (39.05 MB)
001 Introduction to Netfilter and Iptables.mp4 (11.58 MB)
002 Netfilter Chains.mp4 (44.36 MB)
003 Netfilter Tables.mp4 (98.15 MB)
004 Chain Traversal in a Nutshell.mp4 (4.08 MB)
005 Iptables Basic Usage.mp4 (85.9 MB)
006 Iptables Options (Flags) - Part 1.mp4 (58.26 MB)
007 Iptables Options (Flags) - Part 2.mp4 (62.83 MB)
008 Where Do We Write Iptables Rules.mp4 (57.64 MB)
009 Setting the Default Policy.mp4 (32.08 MB)
010 Deleting the Firewall.mp4 (4.24 MB)
011 Filter by IP Address.mp4 (46.73 MB)
012 Filter by Port.mp4 (111.42 MB)
013 Intro to Stateful Firewalls (Connection Tracking).mp4 (8.32 MB)
014 Implementing Stateful Firewalls with Iptables.mp4 (27.81 MB)
015 Filter by MAC Address.mp4 (25.16 MB)
016 Match by Date and Time.mp4 (62.54 MB)
017 The ACCEPT and DROP Targets.mp4 (12.3 MB)
018 The LOG Target.mp4 (56.99 MB)
001 SSH Public Key Authentication Overview.mp4 (10.85 MB)
002 Generating SSH Key Pair on Windows.mp4 (38.25 MB)
004 Generating SSH Key Pair on Linux.mp4 (5.98 MB)
005 Configuring SSH Public Key Authentication on Linux.mp4 (109.73 MB)]