Files Included :
Module 01 - Artist Introduction & Track Walkthrough (80.54 MB)
Module 02 - Philosophy about mixing (128.93 MB)
Module 03 - Setting up the Session (93.78 MB)
Module 04 - Creating the Kickdrum (87.6 MB)
Module 05 - Creating the Bass (128.33 MB)
Module 06 - Mix Kick and Bass together (91.7 MB)
Module 07 - Mixing the Lead Sounds (104.72 MB)
Module 08 - Mixing the Drums (116.34 MB)
Module 09 - Mixing Background & FX (58.52 MB)
Module 10 - Basic Mastering Principles (55.97 MB)
Module 11 - Multiband Compression (107.81 MB)
Module 12 - Mastering the Track (155.99 MB)]