Requirements Completion of Part 1 of Harmonium Freedom Harmonium
Description Welcome to the second week on our path to harmonium freedom.In the original course - this part two is called week two! Its advisable to keep building step by step on what you learn as you go along and not skip any videos and if possible try to practice a little each day, aiming to complete part 2 in 1-2 weeks if possible! As always please feel free to reach out to me with any questions either in the Q&A section, private message.This week we will be opening up the keyboard even further so that we can start to gain confidence in what we are playing when we play chords (rather than being on auto pilot and just learning shapes.)Make sure to download the accompanying PDF handbook to support your learning journey! We'll be taking a dive into and hopefully embodying the following knowledge: What is the secret to a major or minor chord?Sharps and Flats in more detail.3rds – once you know this you'll automatically know 12 chords!The significance of 5ths B chord! Bring your chord knowledge up to 14.6 core Chord recapLearn a soothing Shiva Kirtan and play along with me! WIshing you a very fun and beautiful ongoing learning journeylove Daisy
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