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Udemy C Sharp Programming From Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts

Category: Courses / Others
Author: AD-TEAM
Date added: 07.12.2024 :14:25
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Udemy C Sharp Programming From Fundamentals to Advanced Concepts
6.59 GB | 16min 18s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -1 1 Introduction to C#.mp4 (82.4 MB)
2 -1 2 Basics of C#.mp4 (73.58 MB)
3 -1 3 Common Data Types in C#.mp4 (134.91 MB)
4 -1 4 Comparison Operators.mp4 (34.5 MB)
5 -1 5 Logical Operators.mp4 (44.65 MB)
6 -1 6 Implicitly typed variables.mp4 (36.15 MB)
7 -1 7 User input.mp4 (46.81 MB)
8 -1 8 Variables and operators - Exercise.mp4 (30.83 MB)
9 -1 9 Quiz Variables and Operators.mp4 (30 MB)
1 -2 1 Conditional Statements.mp4 (41.74 MB)
10 -2 10 Loop exercise- 2.mp4 (43.28 MB)
11 -2 11 Loop exercise- 3.mp4 (27.17 MB)
12 -2 12 Quiz.mp4 (43.18 MB)
2 -2 2 If-else Conditional Statements.mp4 (30.4 MB)
3 -2 3 Loops - While loop, Do while loop,For loop.mp4 (37.42 MB)
4 -2 4 Loops - While loop.mp4 (25.88 MB)
5 -2 5 Loops - Do-while loop.mp4 (28.65 MB)
6 -2 6 Loops - Nested Loops.mp4 (42.49 MB)
7 -2 7 Loops- Break and Continue statements.mp4 (20.09 MB)
8 -2 8 Loops- Continue statements.mp4 (19.75 MB)
9 -2 9 Loop exercise- Conditional statements.mp4 (89.84 MB)
1 -3 1 Methods - void and non-void methods.mp4 (65.04 MB)
2 -3 2 Methods- Parameters and return types.mp4 (62.48 MB)
3 -3 3 Methods having no return types But Argument.mp4 (37.69 MB)
4 -3 4 Methods having Return types and Argument.mp4 (34.95 MB)
5 -3 5 Static typing in C#.mp4 (17.44 MB)
6 -3 6 Parsing Strings.mp4 (43.72 MB)
7 -3 7 Methods Exercise-1.mp4 (67.07 MB)
8 -3 8 Methods Exercise-2.mp4 (63.87 MB)
9 -3 9 Methods - Quiz.mp4 (46.64 MB)
1 -4 1 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).mp4 (24.75 MB)
10 -4 10 Encapsulation 2.mp4 (67.33 MB)
11 -4 11 Polymorphism.mp4 (18.49 MB)
12 -4 12 Polymorphism - MethodOverloading.mp4 (52.96 MB)
13 -4 13 Constructors.mp4 (67.68 MB)
14 -4 14 Constructor Overloading.mp4 (32.38 MB)
15 -4 15 Static Class.mp4 (25.97 MB)
16 -4 16 Static Methods.mp4 (40.85 MB)
17 -4 17 Extension methods.mp4 (85.06 MB)
18 -4 18 Exercise OOP.mp4 (107.99 MB)
19 -4 19 Quiz OOP.mp4 (39.92 MB)
2 -4 2 Classes and Objects - Practical.mp4 (40.68 MB)
3 -4 3 Abstraction - 1.mp4 (69.78 MB)
4 -4 4 Abstraction - 2.mp4 (40.79 MB)
5 -4 5 Inheritance - 1.mp4 (66.31 MB)
6 -4 6 Inheritance - 2.mp4 (38.92 MB)
7 -4 7 Inheritance - 3.mp4 (37.15 MB)
8 -4 8 Multiple Inheritances.mp4 (72.59 MB)
9 -4 9 Encapsulation 1.mp4 (37.22 MB)
1 -5 1 1 Collections- (Single-Dimension Array).mp4 (84.94 MB)
10 -5 2 1 LinkedList.mp4 (30.6 MB)
11 -5 2 2 LinkedList -Inserting Node in beginning.mp4 (94.94 MB)
12 -5 2 3 LinkedList-InsertNode in middle.mp4 (138.33 MB)
13 -5 2 4 LinkedList-Insert Node at the last.mp4 (101.81 MB)
14 -5 2 5 LinkedList- Implimentation of Deleting a Node.mp4 (103.09 MB)
15 -5 2 6 LinkedList-Delete a Node in Single Linked List.mp4 (18.26 MB)
16 -5 2 7 BinarySearch.mp4 (74.7 MB)
17 -5 2 8 Binary Search Implementation.mp4 (30.78 MB)
18 -5 2 9 Performance of collections.mp4 (43.9 MB)
19 -5 3 1 Exercise-1.mp4 (201.17 MB)
2 -5 1 2 Arrays (Multi-Dimension Array).mp4 (64.05 MB)
20 -5 3 2 Exercise-2.mp4 (117.99 MB)
21 -5 3 3 DataStructures and Collections Quiz.mp4 (41.48 MB)
3 -5 1 3 Lists.mp4 (96.17 MB)
4 -5 1 4 Dictionaries.mp4 (45.21 MB)
5 -5 1 5 Dictionary Methods.mp4 (43.34 MB)
6 -5 1 6 HashSets.mp4 (20.58 MB)
7 -5 1 7 HashSets (Implmentation and Operations).mp4 (98.19 MB)
8 -5 1 8 Queues.mp4 (67.41 MB)
9 -5 1 9 Stacks.mp4 (38.38 MB)
1 -6 1 Handling Exceptions.mp4 (15.22 MB)
2 -6 2 Handling Exceptions Part-2.mp4 (40.85 MB)
3 -6 3 Handling Exceptions Part-3.mp4 (43.3 MB)
4 -6 4 Try-catch-finally blocks.mp4 (20.33 MB)
5 -6 5 Multiple catch blocks.mp4 (36.6 MB)
6 -6 6 Custom exceptions.mp4 (74.8 MB)
7 -6 7 Exception handling exercises.mp4 (26.05 MB)
8 -6 8 Exercise.mp4 (127.59 MB)
9 -6 9 Quiz.mp4 (42.98 MB)
1 -7 1 1 Generics Introduction and types.mp4 (32.72 MB)
10 -7 2 2 LINQ QuerySyntax.mp4 (49.25 MB)
11 -7 2 3 LINQ MethodSyntax.mp4 (29.86 MB)
12 -7 2 4 LINQ Operators.mp4 (31.48 MB)
13 -7 2 5 Linq Operators- ofType operator.mp4 (32.87 MB)
14 -7 2 6 Orderby operator.mp4 (43.91 MB)
15 -7 2 7 Groupby operator.mp4 (78.33 MB)
16 -7 2 8 Join operator.mp4 (95.66 MB)
17 -7 2 9 LINQ ElementOperator.mp4 (35.61 MB)
18 -7 2 10 Quantifier operator.mp4 (45.16 MB)
19 -7 2 11 Linq Aggregate Operators.mp4 (42.27 MB)
2 -7 1 2 Generic Class.mp4 (54.48 MB)
20 -7 3 1 Exercise-1.mp4 (35.65 MB)
21 -7 3 2 Exercise-2.mp4 (93.01 MB)
22 -7 3 3 LINQ and Generics Quiz.mp4 (51.74 MB)
3 -7 1 3 Generic Methods.mp4 (36.62 MB)
4 -7 1 4 Generic Methods having return type.mp4 (19.83 MB)
5 -7 1 5 Generic Interface.mp4 (124.32 MB)
6 -7 1 6 Generic Constraints intro and types.mp4 (28.17 MB)
7 -7 1 7 Generic class Constraint.mp4 (111.4 MB)
8 -7 1 8 Generic struct constraint.mp4 (32.85 MB)
9 -7 2 1 LINQ introduction.mp4 (37.23 MB)
1 -8 1 1 Introduction to Memory Management.mp4 (20.53 MB)
10 -8 2 6 Reading CSV file.mp4 (43.26 MB)
11 -8 2 7 Writing Data to CSV file.mp4 (110.85 MB)
12 -8 2 8 Reading JSON File.mp4 (72.45 MB)
13 -8 2 9 Writing to Json File.mp4 (41.23 MB)
14 -8 3 1 Reflection-1.mp4 (58.1 MB)
15 -8 3 2 Reflection-2.mp4 (95.24 MB)
16 -8 3 3 Absolete Attributes.mp4 (46.65 MB)
17 -8 3 4 Custom Attributes.mp4 (136.36 MB)
18 -8 4 Exercise-1.mp4 (66.57 MB)
19 -8 5 Quiz.mp4 (45.49 MB)
2 -8 1 2 Memory Leaks.mp4 (12.49 MB)
3 -8 1 3 Finalizer.mp4 (12.95 MB)
4 -8 1 4 Dispose Method.mp4 (14.55 MB)
5 -8 2 1 File Handling Introduction.mp4 (13.99 MB)
6 -8 2 2 File Stream(Writing to a file).mp4 (83.98 MB)
7 -8 2 3 FileStream(Reading from a file).mp4 (31.37 MB)
8 -8 2 4 StreamWriter(Writing to a file).mp4 (23.25 MB)
9 -8 2 5 StreamReader (Reading From a File).mp4 (35.07 MB)
1 -9 1 Project-1.mp4 (83.71 MB)
2 -9 2 Project-2.mp4 (46.01 MB)
3 -9 3 Project-3.mp4 (163.29 MB)]

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