Files Included :
1 Introduction (10.67 MB)
1 Introduction to NET Software Protection (18.88 MB)
1 Installing NET reversing tools (54.13 MB)
1 1 dotNet-cracking-tools (32.29 MB)
1 Protecting NET software with Confuser 1 9 (84.8 MB)
1 Deobfuscating Confuser 1 9 (92.24 MB)
1 Protecting NET software with ConfuserEx (79.24 MB)
1 Unpacking ConfuserEX (251.36 MB)
1 Bonus Lecture (10.61 MB)
1 Introduction to NET programs (20.94 MB)
1 Installing dnSpy (19.55 MB)
1 1 dnSpy-net472 (22.46 MB)
1 2 dnSpy-netcore-win64 (81.18 MB)
1 3 dnSpy-netcore-win32 (74.85 MB)
1 Introduction to crackme 18 (28.57 MB)
1 Patching with dnSpy (102.15 MB)
1 Serial Phising with dnSpy (67.84 MB)
1 Creating a C# Keygen (96.87 MB)
1 Installing Visual Studio to create a gui keygen (30.19 MB)
1 Creating a gui keygen in C# (141.76 MB)
1 3 GuiKeygen (1.02 MB)]