Files Included :
01 Setting up scene and the basic cycle workflow (6.24 MB)
02 Posing the main extreme poses (3.68 MB)
03 Setting the group selection keys (14.09 MB)
04 Mirroring (16.74 MB)
05 Tips on posing (7.21 MB)
06 Passing position in the air (14.71 MB)
07 The contact pose (11.5 MB)
08 The low pose (29.52 MB)
09 Timing check and first playblast (26.93 MB)
10 Key all and clean up (14.68 MB)
11 The high pose or the up pose (27.96 MB)
12 The pass position in the ground or the back foot (34.12 MB)
13 Adding breakdowns and working trajectories (60.9 MB)
14 Breakdowns in all the parts of the body (54.76 MB)
15 Polishing trajectories, deformations and clean up shapes (57.33 MB)
16 Face (19.86 MB)
AW SkillsUp Run CLEANUP (2.69 MB)
Intro to the workshop (4.14 MB)]