Files Included :
016 Introduction to Docker Compose.mp4 (40.79 MB)
017 Running all microservice containers using Docker Compose command.mp4 (21.13 MB)
018 Demo of docker compose commands.mp4 (18.65 MB)
019 Deep dive on Docker commands.mp4 (61.33 MB)
020 Introduction to Docker extensions and LogsExplorer.mp4 (20.53 MB)
021 Funny memes of Docker.mp4 (16.69 MB)
001 Introduction to Cloud-native applications.mp4 (12.75 MB)
002 Important characteristics of cloud-native applications.mp4 (13.27 MB)
003 Differences between cloud-native Apps & Traditional enterprise Apps.mp4 (6.94 MB)
004 Introduction to 12-factor & 15-factor methodologies.mp4 (41.61 MB)
005 Deepdive on 15-factor methodology - Part 1.mp4 (49.77 MB)
006 Deepdive on 15-factor methodology - Part 2.mp4 (77.87 MB)
007 Deepdive on 15-factor methodology - Part 3.mp4 (75.78 MB)
001 Introduction to Configurations Management challenges inside microservices.mp4 (44.76 MB)
002 How Configurations work in Spring Boot.mp4 (30.87 MB)
003 Reading configurations using @Value annotation.mp4 (49.92 MB)
004 Reading configurations using Environment interface.mp4 (43.38 MB)
005 Reading configurations using @ConfigurationProperties.mp4 (72.53 MB)
006 Introduction to Spring Boot profiles.mp4 (17.66 MB)
007 Demo of Spring Boot profiles inside accounts microservice.mp4 (37.02 MB)
008 Externalizing configurations using command-line, JVM & environment options.mp4 (31.22 MB)
009 Activating the profile using command-line, JVM & environment options.mp4 (72.01 MB)
010 Assignment to make SpringBoot profile changes inside loans & cards microservices.mp4 (5.67 MB)
011 Demo of Spring Boot profile changes inside loans & cards microservices.mp4 (52.43 MB)
012 Drawbacks of externalized configurations using SpringBoot alone.mp4 (24.76 MB)
013 Introduction to Spring Cloud Config.mp4 (18.01 MB)
014 Building Config Server using Spring Cloud Config.mp4 (28.19 MB)
015 Reading configurations from the class path location of Config Server.mp4 (60.02 MB)
016 Updating Accounts Microservice to read properties from Config Server.mp4 (58.48 MB)
017 Updating Loans & Cards Microservice to read properties from Config Server.mp4 (32.77 MB)
018 Reading configurations from a file system location.mp4 (29.58 MB)
019 Reading configurations from a GitHub repository.mp4 (103.57 MB)
020 Encryption & Decryption of properties inside Config server.mp4 (59.63 MB)
021 Refresh configurations at runtime using refresh actuator path.mp4 (102.54 MB)
022 Refresh configurations at runtime using Spring Cloud Bus.mp4 (94.41 MB)
023 Refresh config at runtime using Spring Cloud Bus & Spring Cloud Config monitor.mp4 (125.67 MB)
024 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Config Server changes - Part 1.mp4 (65.74 MB)
025 Introduction to Liveness and Readiness probes.mp4 (65.51 MB)
026 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Config Server changes - Part 2.mp4 (29.25 MB)
027 Optimizing Docker Compose file.mp4 (28.17 MB)
028 Generating Docker images and pushing them into Docker Hub.mp4 (35.72 MB)
029 Testing Config Server changes end to end using Docker compose & default profile.mp4 (107.81 MB)
030 Preparing Docker Compose files for QA & prod profiles.mp4 (25.29 MB)
001 Create MySQL DB containers for microservices.mp4 (37.7 MB)
002 Update microservices code to replace H2 DB with MySQL DB.mp4 (84.67 MB)
003 Update docker compose file to create & use MySQL DB.mp4 (88.57 MB)
004 Running microservices & MySQL DB containers using docker compose file.mp4 (75.77 MB)
005 Demo of Docker network concept.mp4 (59.57 MB)
001 Brief introduction about microservices traffic.mp4 (8.27 MB)
002 Introduction to the Service Discovery & Registration inside microservices.mp4 (12.8 MB)
003 Why not traditional load balancers for Microservices.mp4 (74.52 MB)
004 Service Discovery & Registration inside microservices.mp4 (40.82 MB)
005 How Client side Service Discovery & Load-balancing works.mp4 (95.44 MB)
006 Spring Cloud support for Service Discovery & Registration.mp4 (20.75 MB)
007 Setup Service Discovery agent using Eureka server.mp4 (81.8 MB)
008 Make code changes in Accounts microservice to connect Eureka Server.mp4 (78.92 MB)
009 Make code changes in Loans & Cards microservice to connect Eureka Server.mp4 (43.22 MB)
010 De-registration from Eureka server when microservices shutdown.mp4 (31.29 MB)
011 Demo of heartbeats mechanism to Eureka server from clients.mp4 (37.3 MB)
012 Feign Client code changes to invoke other microservices - Part 1.mp4 (104.4 MB)
013 Feign Client code changes to invoke other microservices - Part 2.mp4 (194.48 MB)
014 Eureka Self-Preservation mode to avoid network trap issues.mp4 (89.56 MB)
015 Generating Docker images with Service Discovery changes & push them into Dock.mp4 (41.9 MB)
016 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Service Discovery changes.mp4 (57.26 MB)
017 Starting all the microservices using docker compose file.mp4 (65.88 MB)
018 Demo of Client Side Service Discovery & Load balancing.mp4 (52.75 MB)
001 Challenges while dealing external communication in microservices.mp4 (12.04 MB)
002 Why we need a Edge Server or API Gateway inside microservices.mp4 (48.62 MB)
003 Introduction to Spring Cloud Gateway.mp4 (17.1 MB)
004 Deep dive on Spring Cloud Gateway internal architecture.mp4 (29.44 MB)
005 Building Edge Server using Spring Cloud Gateway.mp4 (62.23 MB)
006 Demo of Edge Server with default routing configs.mp4 (37.12 MB)
007 Make changes inside Gateway server to accept service names with lower case.mp4 (8.23 MB)
008 Implementing Custom Routing using Spring Cloud Gateway.mp4 (47.51 MB)
009 Demo of addResponseHeader filter.mp4 (49.17 MB)
010 Implementing Cross cutting concerns Tracing & Logging using Gateway - Part 1.mp4 (104.7 MB)
011 Implementing Cross cutting concerns Tracing & Logging using Gateway - Part 2.mp4 (140.29 MB)
012 Design patterns around API Gateway.mp4 (91.34 MB)
013 Generating and pushing Docker images with Spring Cloud Gateway changes.mp4 (43.23 MB)
014 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Spring Cloud Gateway changes.mp4 (84.04 MB)
001 Introduction to the need of Resiliency inside microservices.mp4 (47.61 MB)
002 Typical use case or scenario for the need of Resiliency.mp4 (8.01 MB)
003 Deepdive on Circuit Breaker pattern.mp4 (22.12 MB)
004 Three states of Circuit Breaker pattern.mp4 (23.51 MB)
005 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern in Gateway - Part 1.mp4 (140.74 MB)
006 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern in Gateway - Part 2.mp4 (39.27 MB)
007 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern with Feign Client - Part 1.mp4 (92.7 MB)
008 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern with Feign Client - Part 2.mp4 (28.62 MB)
009 Http timeout configurations.mp4 (57.27 MB)
010 Introduction to Retry pattern.mp4 (10.42 MB)
011 Implementing Retry pattern in Gateway.mp4 (84.56 MB)
012 Implementing Retry pattern in accounts - Part 1.mp4 (50.48 MB)
013 Implementing Retry pattern in accounts - Part 2.mp4 (58.85 MB)
014 Introduction to Rate Limitter pattern.mp4 (44.45 MB)
015 Introduction to Redis RateLimiter in Gateway Server.mp4 (90.43 MB)
016 Implementing Redis RateLimiter in Gateway Server.mp4 (61.37 MB)
017 Implementing RateLimiter pattern in accounts.mp4 (39.12 MB)
018 Introduction to Bulkhead pattern.mp4 (33.75 MB)
019 Aspect order of Resiliency patterns.mp4 (14.73 MB)
020 Demo of Resiliency patterns using Docker containers & Docker compose.mp4 (37.11 MB)
001 Introduction to Observability And Monitoring Of Microservices.mp4 (13.71 MB)
002 Observability vs Monitoring.mp4 (41.71 MB)
003 Introduction to centralized logging or Log Aggregation in microservices.mp4 (10.85 MB)
004 Introduction to managing logs with Grafana, Loki & Promtail.mp4 (63.73 MB)
006 Sample demo of logging using Grafana, Loki & promtail - Theory.mp4 (21.48 MB)
007 Implementing logging using Grafana, Loki & promtail - Part 1.mp4 (53.32 MB)
008 Implementing logging using Grafana, Loki & promtail - Part 2.mp4 (27.38 MB)
009 Implementing logging using Grafana, Loki & promtail - Part 3.mp4 (95.97 MB)
010 Managing metrics & monitoring with Actuator, Micrometer, Prometheus & Grafana.mp4 (48.62 MB)
011 Setup of micrometer inside microservices.mp4 (47.9 MB)
012 Setup of prometheus inside microservices.mp4 (29.77 MB)
013 Demo of Prometheus.mp4 (62.01 MB)
014 Demo of Prometheus & Grafana integration.mp4 (14.81 MB)
015 Demo of Grafana inbuilt & custom Dashboards.mp4 (55.78 MB)
016 Create Alerts & Send notifications using Grafana - Approach 1.mp4 (60.57 MB)
017 Create Alerts & Send notifications using Grafana - Approach 2.mp4 (33.06 MB)
018 Introduction to Distributed Tracing in microservices.mp4 (48.38 MB)
019 Introduction to OpenTelemetry.mp4 (37.02 MB)
020 Implement OpenTelemetry changes inside microservices.mp4 (35.11 MB)
021 Implementing Tracing using Grafana, Tempo & OpenTelemetry - Part 1.mp4 (47.61 MB)
022 Implementing Tracing using Grafana, Tempo & OpenTelemetry - Part 2.mp4 (30.3 MB)
023 Implementing Tracing using Grafana, Tempo & OpenTelemetry - Part 3.mp4 (49.33 MB)
024 Navigating to Tempo from Loki logs.mp4 (12.7 MB)
025 Conclusion of Observability and Monitoring.mp4 (21.46 MB)
001 Introduction to Microservices Security.mp4 (20.48 MB)
002 Problems that OAuth2 solves.mp4 (28.48 MB)
003 Introduction to OAuth2.mp4 (19.41 MB)
004 OAuth2 jargons or terminologies or roles.mp4 (27.29 MB)
005 What is OpenID Connect & why it is important.mp4 (49.53 MB)
006 Introduction to IAM products & why KeyCloak.mp4 (20.06 MB)
007 Deep dive of Client Credentials grant type flow.mp4 (19.03 MB)
008 Securing Gateway server using Client Credentials grant type flow - Theory.mp4 (46.79 MB)
009 Setup Auth server using KeyCloak.mp4 (16.62 MB)
010 Register client details inside KeyCloak for Client credentials grant flow.mp4 (18.99 MB)
011 Getting Access token from Auth Server in Client credentials grant flow.mp4 (66.36 MB)
012 Securing Gateway server as a Resource server - Part 1.mp4 (87.92 MB)
013 Securing Gateway server as a Resource server - Part 2.mp4 (48.03 MB)
014 Implement Authorization inside Gateway server using Roles - Part 1.mp4 (32.03 MB)
015 Implement Authorization inside Gateway server using Roles - Part 2.mp4 (34.27 MB)
016 Deep dive of Authorization Code grant type flow.mp4 (55.56 MB)
017 Securing Gateway server using Authorization Code grant type flow - Theory.mp4 (31.97 MB)
018 Register client & end user inside KeyCloak for Authorization code grant flow.mp4 (16.92 MB)
019 Demo of Authorization code grant type flow.mp4 (57.59 MB)
020 Demo of Microservices Security using Docker containers & Docker compose - Part 1.mp4 (20.22 MB)
021 Demo of Microservices Security using Docker containers & Docker compose - Part 2.mp4 (76.8 MB)
001 Introduction to Event-driven microservices.mp4 (19.9 MB)
002 Introduction to Event-driven models.mp4 (8.15 MB)
003 What we are going to build using a pub sub model.mp4 (12.3 MB)
004 Introduction to RabbitMQ.mp4 (51.81 MB)
005 Why to use Spring Cloud Function.mp4 (46.07 MB)
006 Develop message microservice using Spring Cloud Functions - Part 1.mp4 (15.37 MB)
007 Develop message microservice using Spring Cloud Functions - Part 2.mp4 (29.48 MB)
008 Develop message microservice using Spring Cloud Functions - Part 3.mp4 (35.09 MB)
009 Why to use Spring Cloud Stream.mp4 (55.08 MB)
010 Update message & accounts microservices to stream & process the events - Part 1.mp4 (36.5 MB)
011 Demo of Async communication or event streaming using Rabbit MQ - Part 1.mp4 (62.73 MB)
012 Update message & accounts microservices to stream & process the events - Part 2.mp4 (85.42 MB)
013 Demo of Async communication or event streaming using Rabbit MQ - Part 2.mp4 (27.14 MB)
014 Demo of Async comm or event streaming using Docker containers & Docker compose.mp4 (46.54 MB)
001 Apache Kafka Vs RabbitMQ.mp4 (11.4 MB)
002 Introduction to Apache Kafka.mp4 (75.31 MB)
003 Producer and Consumer side stories.mp4 (37.05 MB)
004 Installation of Apache Kafka.mp4 (29.27 MB)
005 Implement & Demo of Async communication or event streaming using Kafka.mp4 (71.85 MB)
006 Demo of Async comm or event streaming using Docker containers & Docker Compose.mp4 (72.53 MB)
001 Introduction to the challenges related to container orchestration.mp4 (26.32 MB)
002 Introduction to Kubernetes.mp4 (12.78 MB)
003 Deep dive on Kubernetes internal architecture.mp4 (81.08 MB)
004 Setup a local Kubernetes cluster using Docker Desktop.mp4 (51.88 MB)
005 Deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard UI.mp4 (126.13 MB)
006 Deep dive on Kubernetes YAML configurations to deploy a microservice.mp4 (46.51 MB)
007 Deploying ConfigServer into Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (17.16 MB)
008 Create environment variables inside Kubernetes Cluster using ConfigMap.mp4 (30.03 MB)
009 Preparing Kubernetes manifest files for remaining microservices.mp4 (66.68 MB)
010 Deploying remaining microservices into Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (79.89 MB)
011 Automatic Self healing inside Kubernetes cluster.mp4 (45.58 MB)
012 Automatic Rollout & Rollback inside Kubernetes cluster.mp4 (86.77 MB)
013 Introduction to Kubernetes Service types.mp4 (98.07 MB)
014 Demo of Kubernetes Service types.mp4 (18.08 MB)
015 Problems with manually created Kubernetes manifest files.mp4 (14.89 MB)
001 Introduction to Helm & the problems that it solves.mp4 (22.41 MB)
002 Installing Helm.mp4 (32.9 MB)
003 Installing a sample Helm Chart.mp4 (69.94 MB)
004 Understanding Helm Chart structure.mp4 (39.75 MB)
005 Creating our own Helm chart & template files.mp4 (102.59 MB)
006 Creating Helm chart for Accounts microservice.mp4 (55.3 MB)
007 Creating Helm charts for other microservices.mp4 (15.83 MB)
008 Creating Helm charts for Dev, QA and Prod environment.mp4 (39.04 MB)
009 Demo of helm template command.mp4 (13.35 MB)
010 Install KeyCloak in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (37.22 MB)
011 Install Kafka in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (54.97 MB)
012 Install Prometheus in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (48.81 MB)
013 Install Grafana Loki & Tempo in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (31.85 MB)
014 Install Grafana in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (49.4 MB)
015 Install eazybank microservices in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm Chart.mp4 (78.75 MB)
016 Demo of helm upgrade command.mp4 (24.22 MB)
017 Demo of helm history and rollback commands.mp4 (18.38 MB)
018 Demo of helm uninstall command.mp4 (15.77 MB)
019 Quick revision of important helm commands.mp4 (10.75 MB)
001 Introduction to Server-side service discovery and load balancing.mp4 (52.78 MB)
002 How to setup discovery server in K8s cluster using spring cloud kubernetes.mp4 (62.2 MB)
003 Install spring cloud kubernetes discovery server in K8s cluster.mp4 (18.15 MB)
004 Making Kubernetes Discovery Client changes in microservices - Part 1.mp4 (47.75 MB)
005 Making Kubernetes Discovery Client changes in microservices - Part 2.mp4 (29.93 MB)
006 Updating Helm charts for Kubernetes Discovery Server changes.mp4 (76.24 MB)
007 Demo of Server-side service discovery and load balancing.mp4 (19.96 MB)
001 Kubernetes support by Cloud providers.mp4 (7.74 MB)
002 Set up Google Cloud account & install Google Cloud SDK.mp4 (28.28 MB)
003 Create a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud.mp4 (18.12 MB)
004 Installing all our microservices and supporting components in Google Cloud K8s.mp4 (24.46 MB)
005 Demo of eazybank microservices using Google Cloud Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (57.32 MB)
006 Validate Grafana components in Google Cloud Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (15.78 MB)
007 Deleting the Google Cloud Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (23.37 MB)
001 Quick introduction to Kubernetes Ingress.mp4 (25.1 MB)
002 Deep dive on Kubernetes Ingress & Ingress Controller.mp4 (30.72 MB)
003 Benefits of Kubernetes Ingress & the kind of traffic it handles.mp4 (18.35 MB)
004 Introduction to Service Mesh & it's capabilities.mp4 (64.37 MB)
005 Introduction to Service mesh components.mp4 (42.2 MB)
006 Introduction to mTLS & deep dive on how TLS works.mp4 (65.89 MB)
007 How does mTLS works.mp4 (61.88 MB)
001 Optimizing Microservices Development with Spring Boot BOM - Part 1.mp4 (31.64 MB)
002 Optimizing Microservices Development with Spring Boot BOM - Part 2.mp4 (71.77 MB)
003 Optimizing Microservices Development with Spring Boot BOM - Part 3.mp4 (119.37 MB)
004 Optimizing Microservices Development with Spring Boot BOM - Part 4.mp4 (58.54 MB)
005 Shared Libraries in Microservices - Part 1.mp4 (52.68 MB)
006 Shared Libraries in Microservices - Part 2.mp4 (76.03 MB)
001 Congratulations & Thank You.mp4 (5.01 MB)]