Files Included :
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.75 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (513.19 KB)
5 Data and Metadata.mp4 (9.06 MB)
1 Recap - Ordinary Differential Equations.mp4 (3.23 MB)
3 Demo - Solving Differential Equations.mp4 (11.14 MB)
5 The 8 Queens Problem.mp4 (11.95 MB)
6 Local Search Optimization Techniques.mp4 (9.39 MB)
2 Understanding Hypothesis Testing.mp4 (9.01 MB)
3 The T-test and the Z-test.mp4 (8.73 MB)
4 Demo - Exploring the Automobile Dataset.mp4 (11.41 MB)
5 Demo - One Sample T-test.mp4 (11.07 MB)
6 Demo - One Sample Z-test.mp4 (7.12 MB)
7 Demo - Two Sample T-test.mp4 (11.99 MB)
8 Demo - Paired Sample T-test and Z-test.mp4 (9.56 MB)
9 Summary and Further Study.mp4 (2.13 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.54 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (490.75 KB)
2 Prerequisites and Course Outline.mp4 (4.46 MB)
3 Introducing Numerical Methods.mp4 (6.07 MB)
4 Direct and Iterative Numerical Methods.mp4 (8.19 MB)
5 Numerical Instability and Errors.mp4 (6.94 MB)
6 Interpolation and Extrapolation.mp4 (3.82 MB)
7 Constant, Linear, Polynomial, and Spline Interpolation.mp4 (8.33 MB)
8 System of Linear Equations.mp4 (5.32 MB)
9 Gaussian Elimination and Jacobi Method.mp4 (10.72 MB)
1 Demo - Linear and Constant Interpolation.mp4 (14.77 MB)
2 Demo - Linear and Polynomial Extrapolation.mp4 (11.81 MB)
6 Demo - Discretizing Continuous Data.mp4 (10.18 MB)
7 Demo - Rounding Errors and Approximation Errors.mp4 (9.01 MB)
8 Demo - Approximating Derivate Calculations.mp4 (9.9 MB)
9 Demo - Eulers Method and Numerical Instability.mp4 (18.57 MB)
01 Graphs and Graph Applications.mp4 (7.82 MB)
02 Directed and Undirected Graphs.mp4 (6.01 MB)
03 Connected and Unconnected Graphs.mp4 (3.57 MB)
04 Graph Representations.mp4 (9.95 MB)
05 Shortest Path Algorithms.mp4 (9.33 MB)
06 Demo - Defining and Configuring Graphs.mp4 (11.12 MB)
08 Demo - Exploring Different Kinds of Graphs.mp4 (8.61 MB)
09 Demo - Calculating Shortest Distances.mp4 (13.78 MB)
10 Demo - Calculating Shortest Paths.mp4 (5.92 MB)
01 Solutions Approaches to N-Queens.mp4 (12.37 MB)
02 Introducing Local Search Algorithms.mp4 (8.19 MB)
03 Simulated Annealing and Threshold Accepting.mp4 (5.78 MB)
04 Demo - 8 Queens - Calculating Number of Attacks.mp4 (19.12 MB)
07 Objective Constraints and Decision Variables.mp4 (11.43 MB)
08 Wyndor Glass - Framing the Optimization Problem.mp4 (7.32 MB)
01 Modeling Population Growth.mp4 (6.21 MB)
02 Interpreting Derivatives.mp4 (9.27 MB)
03 Verhulsts Equation for Population Growth.mp4 (10.94 MB)
04 Understanding Integration.mp4 (5.71 MB)
05 Demo - Calculating Derivatives.mp4 (9.3 MB)
07 Demo - Performing Integration.mp4 (10.33 MB)
09 Demo - Solving Verhulsts Equation.mp4 (11.36 MB)
10 Summary and Further Study.mp4 (2.02 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.76 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (502.51 KB)
3 Fitting Robust Linear Models.mp4 (6.59 MB)
5 Demo - LDA Using All Column Values.mp4 (6.65 MB)
6 Demo - Quadratic Discriminant Analysis.mp4 (4.97 MB)
7 Demo - Fitting a Robust Linear Model.mp4 (15.18 MB)
01 Multi-state Models.mp4 (14.33 MB)
02 Survival Models.mp4 (9.18 MB)
03 Types of State Models.mp4 (5.62 MB)
05 Examples of Multi-state Models.mp4 (4.2 MB)
06 The Kaplan-Meier Estimator and the Log Rank Test.mp4 (3.52 MB)
07 Demo - Understanding the Multi-state Model Data.mp4 (15.2 MB)
10 Demo - Modeling Survival Analysis.mp4 (11.36 MB)
12 Summary and Further Study.mp4 (2.09 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.42 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (507.95 KB)
03 Introducing Differentiation.mp4 (5.8 MB)
04 Interpreting Derivatives.mp4 (7.77 MB)
5 The Diffusion Equation.mp4 (6.74 MB)
6 Delay Differential Equations.mp4 (6.04 MB)
7 Infectious Disease Modeling.mp4 (9.34 MB)
2 Demo - Solving ODEs - Van Der Pols Equation.mp4 (10.36 MB)
5 Demo - Solving DAEs - The Pendulum Equation.mp4 (4.44 MB)
04 Primal and Dual Problems.mp4 (6.95 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.65 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (487.26 KB)
02 Prerequisites and Course Outline.mp4 (3.97 MB)
03 The Curse of Dimensionality.mp4 (11.82 MB)
06 Techniques to Reduce Complexity.mp4 (7.28 MB)
07 Choosing the Right Technique.mp4 (7.67 MB)
1 Principal Components Analysis.mp4 (12.02 MB)
2 Partial Least Squares Regression.mp4 (8.22 MB)
5 Demo - Principal Components Regression.mp4 (11.07 MB)
6 Demo - Partial Least Squares Regression.mp4 (7.95 MB)
1 Manifold Learning.mp4 (14.73 MB)
5 Module Summary.mp4 (2.87 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (4.41 MB)
1 Working with Vectors and Matrices in R.mp4 (19.33 MB)
1 Understanding Operations on Matrices.mp4 (10.89 MB)
1 Getting Weird.mp4 (23.39 MB)
1 Solving Linear Equations.mp4 (16.37 MB)
1 Calculating the kth Item in a Series.mp4 (784.86 KB)
2 Difference Equations.mp4 (9.84 MB)
3 Demo - Calculating the kth Item in a Series.mp4 (20.07 MB)
1 Implementing Matrix Decomposition.mp4 (10.36 MB)
2 Demo - Implementing Matrix Decomposition.mp4 (30.85 MB)
1 Using Least Squares Calculations.mp4 (7.45 MB)
2 Demo - Using Least Squares Calculations.mp4 (16.09 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.59 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (487.91 KB)
02 Prerequisites and Course Outline.mp4 (2.63 MB)
03 The Role of Statistics in Understanding Data.mp4 (4.95 MB)
04 Hypothesis Testing.mp4 (11.95 MB)
05 P-values, Power, and Alpha of Statistical Tests.mp4 (3.76 MB)
06 Introducing the T-test.mp4 (5.23 MB)
07 The T-test for Different Use Cases.mp4 (7.64 MB)
08 The Z-test.mp4 (4 MB)
09 One-way ANOVA - Assumptions and Alternatives.mp4 (9.37 MB)
10 Two-way ANOVA and Assumptions.mp4 (3.33 MB)
11 Pearsons Chi2 Test.mp4 (5.91 MB)
1 Demo - Preprocessing Data.mp4 (9.73 MB)
2 Demo - One Sample T-test and Z-test.mp4 (11.42 MB)
3 Demo - Two Sample T-test.mp4 (14.45 MB)
4 Demo - Type I and Type II Errors.mp4 (12.56 MB)
5 Demo - Performing Chi2 Analysis.mp4 (10.88 MB)
6 Demo - Interpreting the Results of Chi2 Analysis.mp4 (11.22 MB)
7 Demo - One-way ANOVA.mp4 (12.98 MB)
9 Demo - Two-way ANOVA.mp4 (14.95 MB)
1 Continuous and Categorical Data.mp4 (3.98 MB)
2 Linear Regression.mp4 (7.95 MB)
3 Demo - Exploring Data for Regression Analysis.mp4 (9.05 MB)
4 Demo - Performing Linear Regression and Interpretings Results.mp4 (14.87 MB)
5 Logistic Regression.mp4 (8.13 MB)
6 Odds Ratio and the Forest Plot.mp4 (3.06 MB)
7 Demo - Performing Logistic Regression.mp4 (9.58 MB)
01 Introducing AB Testing.mp4 (8.28 MB)
02 Distributions and Statistical Tests.mp4 (12.13 MB)
03 Bayes Theorem Intuition.mp4 (5.27 MB)
04 Frequentist Approach vs Bayesian Approach.mp4 (6.84 MB)
05 The Conjugate Prior.mp4 (8.44 MB)
06 Understanding the Bayesian AB Test.mp4 (8.31 MB)
07 Demo - Modelling Outcomes and Priors for the Bayes AB Test.mp4 (15.06 MB)
10 Summary and Further Study.mp4 (2.29 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.61 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (486.93 KB)
02 Prerequisites and Course Outline.mp4 (3.98 MB)
03 Sample Statistics and Confidence Intervals.mp4 (8.83 MB)
04 Normally Distributed Data - Estimating Mean.mp4 (13.11 MB)
07 Implications of the Central Limit Theorem.mp4 (4.8 MB)
09 Demo - The Central Limit Theorem on Real Data.mp4 (10.01 MB)
10 Drawbacks of Conventional Approaches.mp4 (5.44 MB)
11 Introducing Bootstrapping.mp4 (12.3 MB)
12 Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals.mp4 (13.57 MB)
4 Demo - Bootstrapping Multiple Statistics.mp4 (13.95 MB)
5 Introducing the Bayesian Bootstrap.mp4 (8.92 MB)
6 Bayesian Bootstrap Algorithm.mp4 (5.18 MB)
7 Demo - Performing Bayesian Bootstrapping.mp4 (12.83 MB)
8 Introducing the Smoothed Bootstrap.mp4 (4.49 MB)
9 Demo - Smoothed Bootstrap.mp4 (7.54 MB)
1 Introducing Linear Regression.mp4 (2.73 MB)
2 Regression Metrics and Bootstrapping.mp4 (8.19 MB)
3 Case Resampling and Residual Resampling.mp4 (6.53 MB)
7 Summary and Further Study.mp4 (2.57 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.26 MB)
1 Introduction to Monte Carlo.mp4 (5.73 MB)
2 MC Basics in R.mp4 (12.87 MB)
3 Rolling the Dice.mp4 (11.62 MB)
4 Estimating Pi.mp4 (8.9 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (1.98 MB)
2 Random Walk.mp4 (10.28 MB)
3 Simulating Random Walk with MC.mp4 (18.71 MB)
4 Point Estimates and Confidence Intervals.mp4 (21.04 MB)
5 Predictions on Commodities Data.mp4 (22.91 MB)
6 Conclusion.mp4 (1.24 MB)
1 Introduction to Value at Risk.mp4 (5.27 MB)
2 Data Preparation.mp4 (11.25 MB)
3 Parametric and Historical VaR.mp4 (14.23 MB)
4 Monte Carlo VaR.mp4 (14.14 MB)
1 Introduction to AB Testing.mp4 (3.47 MB)
2 Two Sample t-test.mp4 (9.38 MB)
3 Chi-squared Test.mp4 (8.1 MB)
4 AB Testing with Monte Carlo.mp4 (13.14 MB)
5 Inserting a Prior into the Simulations.mp4 (7.3 MB)]