Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Practitioner's Treatment Guide to Using Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Values-Based Behavior Change Strategies - [AUDIOBOOK] pdf, m4b | 434.19 MB | Author: Georg H. Eifert | Year: 2008
A Revolutionary Approach to Treating Anxiety Disorders This much-anticipated book is the first how-to guide to offer a detailed and practical application of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to the treatment of persons suffering from any of the broad class of anxiety disorders. In a lucid and readable style, the book brings to life the ACT approach to alleviating human suffering. The book provides clear and flexible, session-by-session guidelines for applying and integrating acceptance, mindfulness, and value-guided behavior change methods into a powerful and effective anxiety treatment approach. It offers strategies that work to remove barriers to change and foster meaningful movement forward. Theoretical information in the book is supported by detailed examples of individual therapy sessions, worksheets, and experiential exercises*as well as new assessment measures that make learning and teaching these techniques easy and engaging. The book comes with a CD-ROM that includes easily reproducible electronic versions of these materials. From this much-anticipated book, therapists will learn how to integrate acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) treatments for anxiety disorders into their practices. It is the first text to adapt ACT principles and techniques specifically for the treatment of anxiety disorders, presenting them in a clear and systematic step-by-step format.