Step into the twisted universe of The King of the Peso, a pioneering Original series that blends intense storytelling with unparalleled immersion into a world of corruption on both sides of the border. Picho, voiced by the sagacious Harvey Guillén, serves as our guide through the intricate tapestry of frauds woven by his intimidating con man of a father, Pietro La Greca, played with captivating charm by the one and only Peter Stormare. Pietro, our suave protagonist, moves from one con to another, finally running Mexico's biggest money-laundering scheme during the worst economic period in the country's history. From the beginning, Pietro is on a relentless quest for power, Marrying into a Mexican Dynasty in the pursuit of wealth beyond his wildest dreams. Maya, brought to life by the elegant Teresa Ruiz, is blissfully unaware she's the leading lady in the plot and becomes the unsuspecting heiress to both love and deception. Add in her social-butterfly brother Nando, and her powerful border-controlling father, Don Fernando, together with 30 other actors, and you have a sometimes humorous, often dark, odyssey through ambition, crime, deceit, and the unrelenting pursuit of the American dream.
As The King of the Peso unfolds like a Tarantino movie, this multigenerational story explores themes of loyalty, power, betrayal, and love based on the memoir Pesos: The Rise and Fall of a Border Family by Pietro La Greca Jr. (a.k.a. Picho)