⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ BLOOD ORCHIDS, Book 1 in the series, available for zero pennies! Grab yours today! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Paradise hides a cascade of crime. What would you do if a drug cartel went after your child? Sergeant Lei Texeira teams up with a fellow detective to find out who is who's threatening her teenaged daughter Malia, a confidential informant for the Maui Police Department. Malia's fallen into hot water by trying to find out whoever is peddling drugs at her school—and she just might have crossed an organized crime gang with a reach that goes all the way to Hawaii from Mexico. Will the women find answers in time—or will Malia have to pay the ultimate price? "This is my favorite mystery series ever, and these Hawaii stories never get stale. How does Toby Neal do it?" ~P., Goodreads
Category:Police Procedurals, Women Sleuths, Women Sleuths