Android Open Source Project Development (AOSP) - Deep OS Analysis, Android Startup, AMS, PMS, System UI and more..
What you'll learn AOSP Development Android OS Android Internals Android Framework Development
Requirements Basic Programming Knowledge
Description Over the years, android has captured mobile Phones, tablets, TV, Wear devices, Automotive, and many embedded devices. It's running on 2.5 billion active devices. Even though AndroidOS has been in the market for a long time, it's still pretty hard to find structured courses or online resources for AOSP development. That's the reason we thought of making this course. This course is specially designed for Developers of any level who wants to learn about developing Android OS, focusing more on deep internals OS Startup, AMS, WMS, and SYSTEM UI.
This course is also helpful for Android Application developers. You can be a better programmer when you know more about the Android OS Internals. We have tried to make this course as compact as possible so that you can learn something new each minute of the tutorials.
On a high level, the course is structured as follows.
Development Environment Setup
Folder Structure and important modules
Building the source
Android Startup(Init, System Server, Zygote)
Activity Management
Window Management
and more...
The Course starts with the Basics of AOSP development like Architecture, Environment setup and it covers Advanced and deep analysis of System Startup, Activity Management, Window Management, and so on. This course will help you to build your confidence in Android as a Framework Developer or an App Developer. Kindly have a look at the latest course curriculum under the course contents.
This course is perfect for those new to the AOSP world or who want to learn more about different aspects of AOSP development. At the end of the course, you should gain enough knowledge to create your own Android version.
Please feel free to ask me questions if you need support while taking the course. Thank you and all the very best.
Who this course is for Android Developers curios to learn how Android OS works Android Framework Developers Android Platform Developers Android ROM Builders