What you'll learn Discrete Structures, Data Structures, and Algorithms. The mathematics required for computing and the structures behind it all. Students will learn the fundamentals of logic, proof, graph theory, number theory, data structures, and much more - all with application!
Requirements For the math section, no prerequisites are necessary. For the data structures and algorithms section, computing knowledge is a requirement. We will be discussing the concept of math, structures, and algorithms as applied to programming, wherein we are language agnostic.
Description This course is a full course in understanding all the mathematics and structures required to successfully do computing. It is a course in discrete structures, data structures, and algorithms. That means that we go through logic and proofs alongside the structures such as trees and graphs. This is the basis for understanding algorithms, recursion and much more. This course aims to give a clear and cogent understanding of the major parts to discrete structures. Anyone interested in computers should be learning this material well.
Data structures requires the understanding of certain mathematical concepts that are built here. It is imperative to understand computing from first principles. As such, we build and analyze different data structures with our firm mathematical foundation.
This course also discusses an introduction to algorithms. It develops many ideas related to speed and efficiency in algorithms. It has many deep ideas and approaches to be an effective, algorithmic computerista.
Who this course is for Anyone with a thirst to learn. The focus is on math for computer science majors - the target student is someone that is curious about the world and is interested in how things work