What you'll learn Students will be able to do the following after this course Identify essential issues in network design, planning and management Do conversions between hexadecimal, decimal and binary numbers Define fundamental networking and communications technology, terminology and concepts. Develop insight into issues and problems that face telecommunications managers in today's business climate and to evaluate trends for the future. Apply learned concepts in order to read and understand newspaper and magazine articles discussing communications networks. Describe role of network layers in the 7 layer OSI model. Students will be able to understand how networks work and thereby be able to get a job and have the foundation for Cisco tests. Students will learn important practical algorithms in networks so that they understand the mathematical as well as computer science applications. Define standards and their importance in networking. Differentiate between digital and analog transmission of data. Explain error correction and detection algorithms, and routing methodology. Explain basic LAN and WAN network protocols such as TCP/ IP, Token Ring, Ethernet, ATM.
Requirements None
Description This is a networking course; the complete addendum to BCS 262, whose description lays below.
We cover binary, Huffman encoding, networks from a mathematical perspective and many other network algorithms, such as those that appear in CLRS.
Students will benefit from this course by learning about networks. There is no greater benefit than this! (Which alone is many times the price of admission.)
This course builds on foundations of networks such as Ford-Fulkerson, in which we learn the how, why and what of networks. We also address many burning questions on networks, such as "If networks were an animal... what type of animal would they be?" - well obviously an OCTOPUS! But why, you ask... I guess you'll just have to come and see!